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MARMAROSH KLIPPEN BELT IN STRUCTURE OF UKRAINIAN CARPATHIANS Article 2. Tectonic-magmatic position and views of the zone structure

Home > Archive > No. 2 (179) 2019 > 55-67

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 2 (179) 2019, 55-67.


ТзОВ «Геол-тех», Львів, e-mail:


The paper describes the tectonic position of Marmarosh zone of rocks and determine its place in the structure of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Shown is the history of the study of igneous rocks. The comparative analysis of the views on the structure and position of the Marmarosh klippen belt in the structure of the Carpathians processed by the literature was carried out. At the end of the article the researchers compared views on the structure of Foreign Affairs, highlighted the main features of the geological structure and tectonic zoning area.

Some similar features of  rocks composed of Marmarosh klippen belt, namely formational, to a lesser extent, the morphology of the folded and dislocations with a break of continuity history of even-aged species of complexes the Marmarosh zone of rocks is considered as NW continuation of Marmarosh massif that was torn from its substratum in the tectonic evolution of the region. These tectonic elements of different times and different phases of folding, but the final phase of tectonogenesis was manifested are almost simultaneously during the Miocene. MKB is a special category of tectonic structures associated with faults, of considerable length and long stage of development, is so-called near-fracture or suture structures and delineates two different areas with sharply different geological development history, geodynamic conditions of formation, stratified formations, independent tectonic regime. The structure is characteristed by the set of formations – sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic.

As a result of structural and tectonic studies the Marmarosh klippen belt is a consequence of Albian movements where appeared blocky dislocation and Post-Oligocene folding and formation of small intrusive bodies. Modern look of the band was formed in Oligocene time at neotectonic stage of development of the Carpathians. MKB is not correlated with any of the Carpathians area, although it has similarities with some elements, such as Marmarosh massif, but it different by a character of section and especially by peculiarity of the section of the Lower Cretaceous.

One of the conditions for further study of Marmarosh klippen belt is integrated research, including the study of facies changes of the nature of the thickness, more mapping of folded and discontinuous structures, further development of stratigraphic scheme of the area, the analogy of even-aged sediments and similar genesis formations of adjorning the territories both on the – territory and abroad of Ukraine. In this comprehensive analysis the Marmarosh klippen belt may get a proper understanding of its nature and place in the structure of folded Carpathians.


Marmarosh klippen belt, tectonics, overthrust, landslide, nappe, olistostrome, horst-anticlinorium, magmatism, ophiolite complexes.


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