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Home > Archive > No. 1 (182) 2020 > 52-61

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1 (182) 2020, 52-61.

Yurii KHOKHA, Oleksandr LYUBCHAK, Myroslava YAKOVENKO, Dmytro BRYK

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv


This paper considers the issue of determining the maximum hydrocarbons amount that can be generated by kerogen using thermodynamic methods. It is shown that the chemical composition of natural gas or gas condensate contains information about the generative capacity of kerogen from which it was formed. Based on experiments of type II and I kerogen pyrolysis and thermodynamic calculations by entropy maximization method, we propose a new method for determining the amount of kerogen from which gas was formed, which contains 1 dm3 of methane at a given ratio of butane isomers. The obtained data are interpreted as an indicator of kerogen maturity in the context of the depth of its destruction.

This method is applied to theWestern oil and gas region of Ukraine hydrocarbon deposits. The analysis of kerogen transformations in the region sedimentary strata, using criteria of the GASTAR diagram, is carried out. We assessed the trends of kerogen conversion in the region in the areas of “maturity” and “biodegradation” in the ratio of ethane/propane (C2/C3) to ethane/isobutane (C2/i-C4). It is shown that the majority of deposits in the Western oil and gas region developed in the direction of maturation and only a small group of gas deposits – biodegradation.

To establish the gases genesis in the region, we built a graph of the two geochemical indicators dependence – the methane/ethane ratio (C1/C2) and ethane/propane ratio (C2/C3). It is shown that some of the gas fields is formed due to the conversion of organic material of oil deposits. At the same time, gas condensate fields in the region, with few exceptions, are formed due to the primary destruction of kerogen.

Based on the results of the calculations, maps of the methane (generated by type II kerogen) amount distribution were constructed. It is established that kerogen, which was the source material for hydrocarbon deposits of Boryslav-Pokuts oil and gas region, has practically exhausted its gas generation potential. Instead, kerogen from gas and gas condensate fields in the Bilche-Volytska oil and gas district still retains the potential to generate hydrocarbons.


kerogen, butane isomers, thermodynamic modelling, gas-generating potential.


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COLLISION DEFORMATIONS OF THE DNIEPER-DONETS DEPRESSION Article 3. Geodynamic model of tectonic inversion

Home > Archive > No. 1 (182) 2020 > 40-51

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1 (182) 2020, 40-51.


Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gases, Kharkiv, e-mail: alekseybart@gmail.соm


The article concludes the trilogy on post-strip deformations of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. The results of tectonophysical analysis of collision deformations of the platform cover of the south-eastern part of the Dnieper-Donets Basin are summarized. Using the original method of reconstruction of stress and strain fields and tectonophysical analysis of geostructures, the system organization of inversion structural deformations of the Dnieper-Donets Basin and Donbass was studied.

The tectonic inversion of the Dnieper-Donets Basin began in the Late Hercynian epoch in the situation of a general-plate collision under the influence of the inversion rise of the Donbas. Structural and kinematic analysis of deformations shows that the folds in the depression and linear anti- and synforms of the Donets Foldbelt were formed by the natural mechanism of longitudinal bending as a result of collisional warping of horizons in the geodynamic mode of transformation. In the late Mesozoic–­­Cenozoic inversion continued in the field of right-hand horizontal-shear deformations with a variable compressive component. This mode caused the advancing and pushing of sedimentary geomass from the Donets Foldbelt to the Hercynian neo-autochthonous and syneclise autochthonous of the South-Eastern Dnieper-Donets Basin. Due to the influence of the tectonic stamp of the Donets Foldbelt, the West Donets wedge-shaped segment was formed – the orocline of geomass tectonic wedging. Geodynamic bands of injection and displacement of sedimentary geomass were formed in the front of the invasion and in the axial zone of the orocline, where the main folded zones were formed. In Forland, at the ends of the main thrusts – “tectonic rails” of the wedging, an advanced scaly compression fan was formed. In the hinterland of the orocline, folded suture zones are formed by the roots of the covers of thrusting.

The original geodynamic model of tectonic inversion provides for the destruction of the riftogenic structure in the Southeast of the Dnieper-Donets Basin by thrusting echelons of scaly covers and coulisses-articulated upliftt-folding. They compose a segment of the insertion of the geomasses of the Paleozoic cover into the territory of the West Donets Graben from the side of the Donets Foldbelt. The intrusion of the tectonic segment led to the formation of an inversion structure of a regional scale – the West Donets Cover-Folded Region.


geodynamic model, tectonic inversion, waves of longitudinal deformations, West-Donets Cover-Folded Region.


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Home > Archive > No. 1 (182) 2020 > 5-39

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1 (182) 2020, 5-39.

Volodymyr SHLAPINSKY, Myroslav PAVLYUK, Myroslav TERNAVSKY

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail:


The paper gives a critical appreciation of a number of principles containing in materials of the State geological map at a scale of 1 : 200 000 (Carpathian series of sheets) published in 2003–2009. Its scientific and practical value is recognized as a source of knowledge of the structure and natural resources of the Carpathians. At the same time, numerous inaccuracies are noted in the sphere of stratigraphy and tectonics, but revealed in the reviewed work. This was negatively depicted on the quality of geological and tectonical maps of the Folded Carpathians, presented in it, that in its turn may have an influence on the appreciation of the prospects of oil and gas presence in the region, may be not for the best. On the basis of the analysis of considerable amount of factual material, including that one received after the publication of State geological map – 200, the authors have corrected revealed defects. The attention was paid to the possibility to create the latest, more perfect map of the Outer Carpathians at a scale of 1 : 100 000. Its base version is already existent.


Folded Outer Carpathians, stratigraphy and tectonics, legend of the State geological map – 200, tectonics regioning, nappes, subnappes.


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Home > Archive > No. 4 (181) 2019 > 66-77

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 4 (181) 2019, 66-77.

Dmytro Bryk, Oleg Gvozdevych, Lesya Kulchytska-Zhyhaylo, Myroslav Podolskyy

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv,


The article reviews the question of interpretation of natural gases component composition from the aspect of their evolution. The parameters available for study, which show a strong correlation with the conditions of formation, migration and accumulation of natural hydrocarbon gases, are selected.

Among these parameters, the ratio of the butanes isomeric form (i-C4/n-C4) was selected for thermodynamic analysis as a dependable indicator of the kerogen degradations temperature regime. It is shown that the dependence of the i-C4/n-C4 ratio on the normalized methane content shows the trend of increasing kerogen maturity, and deviations from this trend indicate a distant migration of hydrocarbon fluid from the formation zone to the current deposit.

Analysis of the residence and thermodynamic conditions of hydrocarbons in the deposits of the Western oil and gas region showed that kerogen/gas systems are in a state close to equilibrium, in terms of thermodynamics.

The composition of the gas/kerogen equilibrium system in the conditions of sedimentary thickness for two heat fluxes – 75 and 100 mW/m2 was calculated by the method based on Jaynes’s formalism. Among hydrocarbons in gases, the content of isomeric forms of butane and pentane, as well as methane, ethane and propane was calculated. The results of the calculations revealed a monotonic dependence of the equilibrium temperature and depth of formation on the ratio of isobutane to n-butane. It was found that the results of thermodynamic calculations coincide with experiments on kerosene pyrolysis and correlate with studies of the composition and residence of natural gases.

Equilibrium formation temperatures were determined for 59 gas, oil and gas condensate fields of the Western oil and gas region, the information on which contained data on the i-C4/n-C4 ratio. Based on the results of calculations, maps of these temperatures distribution within the region were constructed.

The analysis of the maps showed the presence of two distinct temperature maxima, which are concentrated in the Boryslav-Pokuttya oil and gas region and are located at the intersection of regional faults. It has been suggested that the hydrocarbon source is significantly distant from modern deposits for the study region. The results of the calculation are compared with the data obtained using the model of fossil hydrocarbons inorganic origin.


butane isomers, gas evolution, formation temperature, Jaynes’s formalism.


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Home > Archive > No. 4 (181) 2019 > 45-65

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 4 (181) 2019, 45-65.

Dmytro Bryk, Oleg Gvozdevych, Lesya Kulchytska-Zhyhaylo, Myroslav Podolskyy

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv,


Ukraine has significant coal resources. Chervonohrad Mining and Industrial District is the main coal complex in the west of Ukraine. In recent years, the average annual coal production in the mines of Chervonohrad Mining and Industrial District has amounted to 1.5 bn t, coal ash varies over a wide range of 25 to 53 %, average coal ash content of about 40 %. Coal mining has produced millions of tons of coal waste every year. Concentration of technogeneous coal objects (mines, mining infrastructure, coal-mining waste dumps and wastes of coal enrichment) in a relatively small area has caused environmental degradation. Therefore, technological and environmental aspects of carbon-containing technogenic objects are particularly important and actual.

Coal-waste dumps in the territory of Chervonohrad Mining and Industrial District are characterized in detail. The dumps cover different areas – from 9–10 to 29–30 ha, the height of the dumps reaches 62 m at the mostly heights of 25–40 m. The total waste deposit in the dumps of existing mines has a volume of more than 20 million m3.

The coal wastes from Mezhyrichanskaya mine coal-waste dump was investigated to determine the suitability for thermochemical processing. Technical characteristics of taken coal-waster samples is presented.

The technogenic carbonaceous objects and the impact to the environment are evaluated.

The developed and patented technical and technological solutions for the technogenic carbonaceous objects using are considered. It is shown that the concept of industrial development of coal wastes dumps is based on two aspects – extraction of valuable mineral components and energy utilization of carbonaceous wastes of coal production. Its patented as Patents of Ukraine technological schemes for terrestrial process in of solid carbonaceous raw material from dumps and sludges with the production of coal tar and synthesis gas CO + H2 are presented, as well as the scheme of a system for utilization of heat from coal dump.

Recommendations for the implementation of innovative technologies are based on the results of the laboratory research. The purpose of the resolution is to obtain valuable components and energy from coal wasters while improving the environment.


coal, Chervonohrad Mining and Industrial District, coal-waste dumps, carbonaceous wastes, technological solutions, coal tar, synthesis gas.


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COLLISION DEFORMATIONS OF THE DNIEPER-DONETS DEPRESSION Article 2. Kinematic mechanisms of tectonic inversion

Home > Archive > No. 4 (181) 2019 > 32-44

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 4 (181) 2019, 32-44.


Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gases, Kharkov,
e-mail: alekseybart@gmail.сom


The second article is devoted to the investigation of the natural mechanisms of tectonic inversion of the Dnieper-Donets depression. Using the materials of geological mapping of the territory of the West-Donetsk graben, structural proofs of the destruction of the riftogenic structure by collision tectonic movements of Hercinian and Alpic tectogenesis were obtained. The consequence of the inversion deformations is the formation of the West Donets cover-folding tectonic region within the Lugansk-Komyshuvasky tectonic area of the uplift-folding and the Kalmius-Toretsky region of the scalloped thrust covers, which are divided by the Main anticline.

For the diagnosis of kinematic mechanisms of tectonic inversion, the data of reconstruction of tectonic stress fields and quantitative modeling of deformations of the southern outskirts of the Eastern European Platform were used. It is assumed that the tectonic inversion of the Dnieper-Donets basin began in the Zaal and Pfalz phases of orogenesis due to the collision motions of the compression orogen at the outskirts of Paleotetis. The formation of linear folding occurred in the uplifting-thrust mode in the field of stresses of the oblique left-hand compression of the sub-meridional directions. The kinematic mechanism of the folded deformations determined the longitudinal bending of the layers due to the extrusion of sedimentary geomas from the zone of maximum compression in the axial part to the zones of “geodynamic shadow” – in the direction of the sides of the depression.

In the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic, uplifting-thrust and strike-slip stresses formed echeloned cover-thrust and coulisse-jointed uplift-folded structural paragenesis. According to the results of tectonophysical diagnostics of deformation structures, it was found that under geodynamic conditions of clustering of compression axes in the central part of the West-Donets graben against the reduction of the geological space horizontally and extension of the section due to the formation of the cover-folded allochthon, there were flexural deformations of the primary linear Hercinian folded forms.

Such data can be considered as a kinematic mechanism of tectonic inversion of the invasion of the “tectonic stamp” by the Donets folded structure. Under its influence, the wedge-shaped segment of the tectonic thrust, which was diagnosed by the orcline of the transverse extension of the shallow type, was formed by the repeatedly deposited folds of sedimentary geomas in the articulation zone between the depression and the folded structure. In the front of the thrusted were formed folded zones of extrusion of geomas, which consist of coulisse-jointed uplift-anticlines and folded plates-coverings of tectonic thrusted. At the apex of the orocline, at the end of the dynamically coupled main thrusts, an advanced tectonic fan of compression is formed. In the rearward of the oraclline formed sutures – the roots of folded cover.


tectonic inversion, kinematic mechanism of deformation, plates-coverings of thethrusted, uplift-folds, orocline of lateral extension.


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Home > Archive > No. 4 (181) 2019 > 17-31

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 4, (181) 2019, 17-31.

lIhor Kurovets, Yulia Lysak, Pavlo Chepusenko, Stepan Mykhalchuk, Roman-Danylo Kucher

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv,


Taking into consideration well logging of the Silurian deposits of the Volyn-Podillya plate, the materials of laboratory investigations of petrophysical parameters of reservoir rocks were analyzed and systematized.

Studied were capacity-filtration properties of reservoir rocks as well as their lithological-petrographical and structural-textural features. An analysis of the distribution of petrophysical parameters of the Silurian deposits of the Volyn-Podillya plate was executed by the methods of mathematic statistics. Main statistics and correlation coefficients between individual parameters were calculated, histograms of the distribution of the porosity factor Kpor and the permeability factor Kper, volumetric weight δ and carbonation C in rocks were compiled, regression equations between parameters and their alteration with depth were formed. Petrophysical parameters of the samples available for carbonate and terrigenous rocks of Silurian were analyzed separately.

Executed investigations of petrophysical properties of rocks testify that in the Silurian deposits the carbonate reservoirs with the complex structure of the porous space were distributed. A visible alteration of capacity-filtration parameters of rocks of Silurian deposits is observed with depth. Porosity of rocks decreases with depth, but permeability increases that is a confirmation of the formation of the secondary fractured-covernous porosity. Increase in the permeability factor with depth is characteristic of carbonate rocks.

According to geological-geophysical data available, the reservoir rocks with better capacity-filtration properties are distributed in the zone of the barrier reef. The best reservoir parameters are characteristic of cavernous dolomites and limestones at the Lokachy area and in the region of Lutsk. Reservoir rocks of porous type are practically absent at depths over 2500 m. Here a significant role in improving of collecting properties of rocks belongs to their fracturing. Microfractures are observed in clayed limestones, marls and clay rocks. Under favourable geodynamic conditions the subvertical zones of disconsolidation occur in which composite reservoir rocks with  fracture porosity may be formed.


reservoir parameters, Silurian deposits, Volyn-Podillya plate, lithological-petrophysical parameters.


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Home > Archive > No. 4 (181) 2019 > 5-16

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 4 (181) 2019, 5-16.

Myroslav Pavlyuk, Volodymyr Shlapinsky, Olesya Savchak, Myroslav Ternavsky, Lyubov Huzarska, Nazar Triska, Nataliia Ohrenda

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv,


We have studied the Cretaceous and Paleogene flysch of the Duklya-Chornohora, Burkut, Rakhiv, Marmarosh and Pieniny covers that in the south-eastern sector of the Ukrainian Carpathians near the Romanian border (Hutsulian segment) distinguish themselves by very inclined overthrust. Spatially the given tectonic units are in so-called hydrothermal fluid, unfavourable on the whole as to the presence of hydrocarbons in it on a large scale. But, within its limits the plots, small in area, with hydrocarbon prevalence in the gas composition are distinguished. Prospects for gas presence in the region should be connected with those of them that spatially are drown to the Transcarpathian trough. One such section is the Velikobychkovk sector of the Monastyretsky sub-cover, where it is proposed to lay a parametric well 1-Velikiy Bychkov, in order to reveal the possible para-autochthon of the Vezhany sub-cover and the Paleogene of the Dilovetsky sub-cover. In addition, according to seismic data, a significant rise in the pre-flysch base is forecast in this section of the Carpathians under the Marmarosh cover. The roof of this foundation at the location of the recommended well 1-Velikiy Bychkov may be at a depth of 5000–5500 m. It may be represented by the youngest deposits of the pre-Alpine complex – the Triassic strata, industrially oil and gas saturated in the neighboring countries.


inner flysch covers, hydrothermal fluid, composition of free gases, oil and gas presence, perspective plots, Transcarpathian trough


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COLLISION DEFORMATIONS OF THE DNIEPER-DONETS DEPRESSION. Article 1. Tectonics of the articulation zone with the Donets folding structure

Home > Archive > No. 3 (180) 2019 > 76-89

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3 (180) 2019, 76-89.

Оleksiy Bartashchuk

Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gases, Kharkov,
e-mail: alekseybart@gmail.сom


The article is the first part of a trilogy devoted to the study of post-rift deformations of the riftogenic structure of the Dnieper-Donets paleorift. The mechanisms of collision warping of the horizons of the sedimentary cover of the southeastern part of the Dnieper-Donets depression are considered.

According to the previous mapping data, the tectonic deformations of the sedimentary cover were controlled by systems of faults of the north, north-west, and south-east vergence. The lattices of tectonites of the Hercynian, Lamaric, and Attic generations determine the specific “cross-thrust” structure of pushing. Overthrusts and linear folding of three generations permeate the sedimentary sequence of the transition zone from east to west for hundreds of kilometers within the eastern part of Izyumsky paleorift segment.

The analytical base of the research was the materials of geological mapping of the zone of the junction of the depression with the Donets fold structure. Using field definitions of the tectonite vergency of the Hercynian, Laramide and Attic phases of tectogenesis, the original method of reconstruction of tectonic deformation fields and tectonophysics analysis of structures, collision deformations of the sedimentary cover of the south-eastern part of the Dnieper-Donets paleorift are studied.

The tectonophysical analysis of tectonites of different ages indicates that together they control the cover-thrust and folded deformations of the riftogenic structure. Overthrusts and linear reverse-folding of three generations form the West-Donetsk integumentary-folding region, within which a segment of the same name tectonic thrust is distinguished. By pushing the system of repeatedly deformed, crushed into folds of geomass sedimentary rocks on weakly deployed syneclise deposits, the riftogenic structure of the south-eastern part of the basin is completely destroyed. The structural-tectonic framework of the allochthone, pushed from the side of the Donets structure, is composed of dynamically conjugated lattices of Hercynian, Laramide, and Attic tectonites. They control the echelon backstage of linear reverse-folds, tectonic plate-covers of transverse extrusion of sedimentary geomass from axial to airborne zones and folded covers of longitudinal thrust from the south-east.

The riftogenic structure of the transition zone between the Dnieper-Donets basin and the Donets folded structure was completely destroyed by deformations of three generations of platform activation. The dynamically coupled tectonite lattice, the overlays, and the folded zones of the Hercynian, Laramide, and Attic generations jointly form the West-Donets fold-fold region within its boundaries. The main tectonic element of the area is the eponymous subregional tectonic thrust segment. The central structural zone is Veliko-Kamyshevakhskaya, Novotroitskaya, Druzhkovsko-Konstantinovskaya and Main anticlines. The central zone divides the body of the segment into two tectonic regions according to the tectonic style and intensity of deformation of the sedimentary sequence. The northern part is occupied by the Luhansk-Kamyshevakhsky region of the rocky-layered linear folding of the thrust, and the southern part is the Kalmius-Toretsky region of scaly tectonic covers.


tectonite frame, thrust cover, uplift folded zones, tectonic wedging segment, cover-folded region.


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Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3 (180) 2019, 60-75.


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv,


For the predictive appraisal of the perspective exploratory territories as well as prediction of separate producing horizons of prospecting and exploration areas for oil and gas it is necessary to establish the regularities of distribution of already explored deposits of hydrocarbons with structural-tectonic construction, lithological-stratigraphic features, hydrogeological and geothermobaric conditions of oil- and gas-bearing region taken into account.
Interconnection between geothermobaric parameters and the phase state of hydrocarbons in the vertical section should be an important factor for the solution of the posed task.
Within the limits of the Eastern oil- and gas-bearing area of Ukraine, the spatial zoning is established in the location of gas, oil and gas-condensate deposits. As a whole, the distribution of temperatures and pressures at different depths, average geothermal gradients, gradients of the lithological-stratigraphical horizons of the same name (sustained both as to the area and thickness) are closely connected with the deep geological structure of the studied region (area) and confirm the existing notions of the role of tectonic, lithological-stratigraphic and hydrogeological factors in the formation of the thermal regime of sedimentary basins.
Vertical zoning of the distribution of hydrocarbon deposits of oil- and gas-bearing horizons was developed according to geothermobaric parameters of the north-western part of the Dnieper-Donets Depression and 8 areas from 15 ones of the Eastern oil- and gas-bearing region, namely: Monastyryshche-Sofiivka and Talalaivka-Rybalske oil- and gas-bearing areas, Glynsk-Solokha gas- and oil-bearing area, Ryabukhyne-Northern Golubivka and Mashivka-Shebelynka gas-bearing areas, Rudenky-Proletarske oil- and gas-bearing region, Krasna Rika gas-bearing area and also oil- and gas-bearing area of the Northern edge.
Revealed regularities of the distribution of formation temperatures, pressures, geothermal and thermobaric coefficients with peculiarities of the tectonic structure of the Dnieper-Donets graben taken into account will make it possible to solve theoretical problems connected with hydrocarbon migration, the formation and preservation of deposits in more well-founded way that will make it possible to conduct prospecting for new fields at great depths within the studied territory more effectively,


thermobaric parameters, initial formation temperatures, initial formation pressures, thermobaric coefficient, hydrostatic pressure, hydrostatics coefficient, producing horizon, oil- and gas-bearing complex, phase state of hydrocarbons, exploratory-prospecting works, oil, gas and gas-condensate deposits.


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