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Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 95–112


Institute of Geological Sciences of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The spread of the Oxfordian-Valanginian facial belts of the carbonate shelf is traced on the territory of the eastern segment of Tethyan Upper Jurassic reef barrier by the results of own research and analysis of the published data. It is based on the scheme of distribution of the standard facial belts (D. Wilson, 1980). Complex correlation of the reefogenic and related deposits is done on the basis of comparison of the litofacial and micropaleontological composition. Standard biozonal scheme by Tintinnida and correlative associations of the Foraminifera are used.

Most complete reefogenic deposits are presented in the West Ukrainian (Stryi Jurassic deep), where reefal, reef-front and back-reef facies are distributed. They are overlap by the deposits of the open shelf. This carbonate complex is significantly eroded to the East and represented only by Oxfordian back-reef facies on the Kovel ledge and by biohermic belt in the Belarus Brest cavity. In the Pieniny Klippen Belt in the Ukrainian Carpathians, the fragments of the Oxfordian-Valanginian pelagic facies of carbonate shelf are distributed. In the deep basement of the Ukrainian Transcarpathians, the Upper Tithonian, Berriassian and Valanginian deposits of open shelf are presented.

To the West, the similar Oxfordian-Valanginian facies of the carbonate shelf are spread out on the adjacent territory of Poland, but they are mostly eroded. Reef belt is represented only by Oxfordian bioherms on the Polish Lowland. Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian back-reef facies and Tithonian-Berriassian deposits are more widespread. Reef-front facies are represented only by the Oxfordian. These deposits are overlaped by the Berriassian–Valanginian open shelf sedimens. In the Polish Carpathian Pieniny Klippen Belt and Tatra Mts, the fragments of the Oxfordian–Valanginian pelagic deposits of carbonate shelf are presented. In the Flysch Carpathians, Tithonian-Berriassian reefal limestone and Oxfordian and Tithonian reef-front facies also are presented.

Upper Jurassic reefogenic belt spread on the south-east in Predobrogian deep, where it is very eroded and overlaped by Lower Cretaceous rocks. Reefal facies is represented only by Middle Oxfordian – Lower Kimmeridgian biohermes. Back-reef facies of the Middle Oxfordian – Lower Kimmeridgian and Upper Tithonian – Lower Berriassian are present. Kimmeridgian and Tithonian lagoone-evaporite facies are the most spread. Reef-front facies are represented by the Oxfordian – Lower Kimmeridgian and Upper Tithonian.

In the Crimean Orogen, Upper Jurassic reef barrier is represented by destroyed and insufficiently studied sections, because of that the complete regularity of facial directions is not found. Oxfordian – Lower Kimmeridgian and Upper Tithonian – Lower Berriassian reefal facies, as well as Lower Oxfordian, Upper Kimmeridgian – Lower Berriassian facies are presented.

In Greater Caucasus, the Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous carbonate complex is completed with the Oxfordian and Tithonian reefal facies and Oxfordian-Tithonian back-reef facies and evaporates, as well as by the Oxfordian-Valanginian pelagic deposits. These sections are fragmental, and the complete regularity of facial directions is not found.

So, the eastern segment of Tethyan Upper Jurassic reefogenic complex is spread trough the regions of Carpathian Foredeep, Predobrogean deep, orogens of Carpathians, Crimea and Greater Caucasus. In the orogene structures, this complex is presented fragmentarily, and in the Polish Lowland and Predobrugean deep, it is very eroded. In the Stryi Jurassic deep, the complete complex of reef barrier is presented, and regularity of facial directions are determined. All specified facial belts in these regions are characterized by the similar lithologic composition, as well as by the same associations of Foraminifera and Tintinnida. This made it possible to implement the stratigraphic correlation of the lithofacies formations of the carbonate complex.


Upper Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, reef barrier, Carpathians and Precarpathians, Predobrogean deep, Mountainous Crimea, Greater Caucasus, facial belt, Foraminifera, Tintinnida, stratigraphic correlation


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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024 > 81–94

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 81–94


1 Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:
2 Lviv National Ivan Franko University, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


In presented article, on the basis of foraminiferal analysis and using the sedimentological data, the stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Pieniny Klippen Belt and the Marmarosh Klippen Zone is summarized and clarified, and the features of paleoceanography, in particular the paleobathymetry of sedimentatary basins, were reconstructed. An analysis of the taxonomic composition and morphological features of foraminifera were carried out, as well as of the planktonic/benthic ratio was calculated, on the basis of which the paleoenvironment for foraminifera were reconstructed.

Three types of deep-sea foraminiferal assemblages were identified in the studied sediments based on a comparison of the foraminiferal assemblages with the Upper Cretaceous biofacies of the Western Mediterranian and adjacent areas. The assemblages (1) of agglutinated foraminifera belonging to the deep-water agglutinated foraminifera (DWAF) are indicating a bathyal–abyssal below the calcite compensation depth (CCD). These assemblages were found only in the Marmarosh Klippen Zone in low-thickness (25 m) Turonian–Santonian red argillites in the lower part of the Puchov Formation, as well as in the flysch deposits of the Jarmuta Formation. Small-sized foraminifera with a fine-grained wall texture, which belong to the genera Ammodiscus, Haplophragmoides, Labrospira, Pseudobolivina, Plectorecurvoides, Praecystammina, Uvigerinammina, Gerochammina suggesting pelagic sedimentation below CCD are common in the lower part of the Puchov Formation in the Marmarosh Klippen Zone. The assemblages (2) are characteristic for the basin slope with depths above the CCD, and represented by mixed agglutinated, calcareous benthic and planktonic foraminifera. They are characterized by the predominance of the benthic specimens, which make up 70-80% of foraminiferal remains. Assemblages (2) were also found in sediments of the Marmarosh Klippen Zone, such as the upper part of the Santonian and Campanian sediments of the Puchov Formation. They contain siliceous or calcareous-siliceous DWAF (mainly genera Kalamopsis, Caudammina, Karrerulina, Spiroplectammina, Tritaxia, Dorothia, Marssonella), calcareous benthic foraminifera (mainly genera Pleurostomella, Eponides, Globorotalites, Anomalina, Reussella). Planktonic foraminifera have mainly large keeled shells typical for deep sea areas and belong to the genera Globotruncana, Globotruncanita, and Abathomphalus. The assemblages (3) are plankton-dominated with admixture of the DWAF and calcareous benthic foraminifera. The assemblages are characteristic of marls accumulated at depths above the CCD on continental slopes in the bathyal conditions of the open ocean. They are common in the Upper Cretaceous of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, where were found in the tops of the Tyssalo Formation (Cenomanian), Puchov Formation (Turonian–Maastrichtian), and Jarmuta Formation (Maastrichtian). Planktonic foraminifera have mainly large keeled shells, high species and genera diversity and belong to the family Rotaliporidae (Cenomanian), families Globotruncanidae, Globotruncanellidae (Turonian–Maastrichtian). Benthic foraminifera belong mainly to genera Caudammina, Tritaxia, Dorothia, Marssonella Eponides, Reussella.

The Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Ukrainian segment of the Pieniny Klippen Belt correspond to the sediments of the Czorsztyn sequence of its Polish segment, and were accumulated in the Czorsztyn submerged ridge (probably on its slope) located in the Alpine Tethys Ocean. The Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Marmarosh Klippen Zone were accumulated on the foot (Turonian – Santonian) and slope (uppermost Santonian – Campanian) of the another uplift such as the edge of the ancient Tisza-Dacia microcontinent, of which the Marmarosh Crystalline Massif is a part. Maastrichnian clastic sediments of the Jarmuta Formation were formed in the orogenic environments.


Ukrainian Carpathians, Pieniny Klippen Belt, Marmarosh Klippen Zone, Late Cretaceous, foraminifera, paleoceanography


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023 > 105–121

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023, 105–121


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


Geological- and biological-paleogeographical conditions of sedimentogenesis within the Carpathian segment of Tethys ocean during Tithonian were considered. The rock-forming organisms with calcic function (flora and fauna), which compose main lithological types of carbonate rocks were identified.

On the base of biological-paleoceanographical and lithological investigation of different genetic types of Upper Jurassic carbonate rocks of the Outer zone of the Carpathian Foredeep and analysis of literature data on modern carbonate sediments, the structural classification of Late Jurassis epipelagic sediments of the Carpathian segment of the Meso-Tethys was made. In that classification pelitic, aleuritic, psammitic and ruditic fractions of sediments were distingnished.

Geological-paleogeographical model of occurrence of the Tithonian sediments within the Carpathian segment of the Meso-Tethys (the Outer zone of the Carpathian Foredeep) was built by the author. That model presents areals of biogenic and abiogenic epipelagic sediments and depicts their facial variations.

Geological-paleogeographical study of Upper Jurassic sediment complexes of epipelagic part of the Meso-Tethys has shown that they were formed within widespread interior shelf, probably, with small inclination of the sea bottom. In Upper Jurassic there was abundant growth of the benthos with calcic function and avalanchecal sedimentation of their skeletal remains took place with forming of biogenic carbonate sediments. The coral-algae biocoenosis there were biological indicators of considered parts of Tethys region. In modern basins of the World ocean analogous processes take place at the depths of about 50 m, in temperature conditions about 23–25 °C and the salinity of the sea waters about 2.7–3.8 ‰.

The manifestations of diagenetic and katagenetic processes in the Upper Jurassic carbonate rocks of Outer zone of the Carpathian Foredeep have been investigated and their influence of the formation of the reservoir properties of rocks has been found out.

During the diagenesis, the rocks were recrystallized, micritizated and cemented. From the mineralogical point of view, the changes consisted in the transformation of primary aragonite and magnesium-calcite skeletal remains of organisms into calcite, as well as processes of dolomitization, ferruginization and silicification. At the stage of diagenesis, Fe-containing minerals ̶ glauconite and pyrite ̶ has been formed. The dolomitization of Jurassic organogenic limestones of Outer zone of the Carpathian Foredeep has been caused by the mixing of the fresh meteoric waters with buried marine pore waters in the underground phreatic zone adjacent to the ancient coastline. Silicification is a consequence of the metasomatic substitution of the carbonate substance by silicate, which has been caused by decrease of the pH occurred after dolomitization.

Katagenetic transformation of the rocks are manifested in the dissolution of the remains of organisms, grains of carbonate cement and the late cementation of pores and microfractures. Changes of carbonate rocks are associated with the bringing of certain substances in the sediment (sulphatization, celestinization) or their removal (dedolomitization, decementation). Neoplasm minerals of the katagenesis stages are represented by anhydrite and celestine.

The proceses of recrystallization of carbonate rocks at different stages of katagenesis contributed to the selective leaching of limestones and dolomites and led to formation of secondary cavities and caverns, different in shape and size. The predominance of cavities of certain types determines the type of reservoir, among which are distinguished pores, pore-caverns and joint caverns. The processes of diagenesis and katagenesis are associated with the dissolution of carbonate material, which differently affects the reservoir properties of sediments. Authigenous mineral formation, with the exception of dolomitization, impairs the reservoir properties of the Upper Jurassic carbonate rocks, and recrystallization improves.

Burial of carbonate rocks at depth contributes to the preservation and even improvement of their reservoir properties both due to dissolution and textural heterogeneity (jointing develops at the boundary of the elements of textural heterogeneity). Observations show that the most favourable in this respect are organogenic and detrital varieties of carbonate rocks. The presence of clay minerals in the composition of their cement increases the textural heterogeneity and, as a consequence, the ability to formation of joints.


carbonate rocks, sedimentogenesis, diagenesis, katagenesis, reservoir properties, Upper Jurassic, Carpathian Foredeep


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023 > 86–104

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023, 86–104


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, е-mail: itpopp


The aim of this work is to show the evolution of geological-paleoceanographic and geochemical conditions of sedimentation in the segment of Carpathians of the Tethys Ocean. And also, selection of the basic stages of sedimentogenesis, to which the formation of oil and gas parent and oil- and gas-bearing deposits is timed.

In the article, the authors showed the lithologic-genetic classification of the Cretaceous-Paleogene flysch of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Authors distinguished the lithologic-geochemical types of sedimentation son the basis of geochemical terms of sedimentation, and also lithologic-facies types of sedimentation on the basis of features of terrigenous sedimentation.

Four stages of sedimentogenesis in the history of geological and paleoceanographic development of the Carpathian sedimentary basinare described in the article: Early Cretaceous (stage I), Late Cretaceous (stage II), Paleocene-Eocene (stage III), Oligocene-Early Miocene (stage IV), each of which has specific geochemical conditions of sedimentogenesis and diagenesis.

It is shown that forming of Cretaceous-Paleogene flysch deposits of Ukrainian Carpathians took place under action of very changeable geological-paleoceanographic and geochemical factors the joint action of that stipulated oil and gas capacity of this sedimentary complex. The thick series of psamitolites were formed in periods of avalanche terrigenous sedimentation, that are the reservoirs of hydrocarbons. Formation of bituminous parent-rocks-of-oil siliceous-clayed sedimentation is related to deceleration of processes of terrigenous sedimentation and phases of ocean anoxic events of ОАЕ-1 (Barremian–Albian) and ОАЕ-4 (Oligocene).


Carpathian flysch basin, sedimentogenesis, flysch, geological-paleoceanographic and geochemical conditions, oil and gas potential


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023 > 74–85

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023, 74–85

Volodymyr HNIDETS1, Kostjantin HRIGORCHUK2, Lina BALANDIUK

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:;


The paper examines the features of the lithological-lithmological structure and the regime of catagenesis of the Silurian sediments of the Lishchynska and Rava-Ruska sections of Volyno-Podillya. It is shown that in the direction from the southwest to the northeast, the role of carbonate rocks in the composition of the stratum increases, which is connected with the established facies zonation. However, the structure of the section in these areas is different: in Rava-Ruska, it is more thinly layered. The sediments are also characterized by the spatial and age heterogeneity of the distribution of carbonate lithmites: in the first case, they tend to the boundary of the Upper and Lower and the middle of the Upper Silurian, and in the second case, they are developed in the tops of the Lower, in the lower, middle, and upper parts of the Upper Silurian. Attention is drawn to the significant role of clay and the absence of marl formations in the deposits of the Rava-Ruska-1 well, which testifies to the heterogeneity of sedimentation conditions in the mesopelagial of the Silurian basin. The cyclic nature of Silurian sedimentation is established. At the same time, four regressive episodes are recorded in the Lishchynska area, and five in Rava-Ruska, which may indicate a certain specificity of sedimentation conditions in different parts of the basin. The latter directly affects the peculiarity of the spatial-age distribution of reservoir rocks and aquifers. It is shown that the post-sedimentation transformations are mainly related to the development of authigenic silica and calcite, which is found in both clayey and carbonate rocks. A significant difference in the history of the formation of the oil and gas systems of the Lishchynska and Rava-Ruska areas has been established, which allows us to assess their prospects differently. Thus, in the first case, the generation potential of organic matter of Silurian sediments was largely exhausted by the end of the Mesozoic. In the second, large-scale processes of generation and migration of hydrocarbon fluids began only in Paleogene-Neogene time.


Volynо-Podillya, Silurian sediments, lithological structure, cyclicity, catagenesis


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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (187–188) 2022 > 71–81

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (187–188) 2022, 71–81.

Kostyantyn HRYGORCHUK1, Volodymyr HNIDETS2, Lina BALANDYUK

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:;


According to the results of lithological studies of the Paleocene sediments of the southern side of the Karkinite Depression, the lateral lithological-lithmological and facial variability of the sediments is characterized, which is manifested both in the whole section of the Paleocene and its individual epochs. It is shown that the role of limestone formations clearly decreases from the beginning to the end of the period with their maximum development in Zealand time. Sediments of the Tanetian epoch are characterized by dominance in the section of marl-clay formations and the development of siltstone-sand bodies in the area of the Odesa structure. Sediments are represented by three types of section: terrigenous (well Odeska-2), carbonate (wells Hamburtseva-2, Selskogo-40), carbonate-clay (wells Crimean-1, Shtormova-5, Centralna-1, Arkhangelskogo-1). In different areas, each type of section is characterized by a certain specificity of the internal structure. Lithological heterogeneity of sediments is associated with spatial and age variability of biofacial zones: biogerms, inland biogerm lagoons, plumes of destruction of bioherms, the outer shelf. In the sediments of the Danian age, small limestone bodies are localized in the Shtormova and Odesa structures. Zealand strata in the area from well Hamburtseva-2 to well Centralna-1 are characterized by significant development of bioherms, which are replaced in the direction of the Odesa structure by plumes of destruction and sediments of basin plains. The development of bioherm formations in the axial part of the depression is predicted, which is associated with the sedimentary manifestation of the Central Mikhailovsky uplift. This significantly expands the prospects for oil and gas in this part of the study area. During the Tanetian period, rising sea levels caused an increase in the area of distribution of the outer shelf in the axial zone of depression. At the same time, in the area of the structures of Hamburtseva, Selskogo, Centralna inheritedly (despite the transgression) were developed biohermic massifs, which was caused by upward movements within the Black Sea-Kalamitsky uplift.


lithology, facies, sedimentation conditions, Paleocene, Karkinite Depression


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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (187–188) 2022 > 82–102

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (187–188) 2022, 82–102.


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The purpose of this work is to compare the lithological, geochemical and mineralogical features of carbonaceous clayey and siliceous-clay rocks of Cretaceous-Paleogene flysch of the Ukrainian Carpathians and Lower Silurian of the Volyn-Podillya edge of the East European Platform and to determine the factors that contributed to the formation of zones of “unconventional reservoirs” in these sedimentary strata of cracked and mixed types.

Data from the lithology, geochemistry and mineralogy of bituminous siliceous-clay rocks and siliceous rocks of Lower Cretaceous and Oligocene of the Carpathians and black argillites of Lower Silurian of the Volyn-Podillya edge of the East European Platform are presented.

Sedimentogenesis of Lower Cretaceous and Oligocene bituminous deposits of the Carpathians and Lower Silurian deposits of Volyn-Podillya took place in anoxic conditions (phases of oceanic anoxic events: OAE-1 (Barrem–Albian), OAE-4 (Oligocene) and at the border of Ordovician and Silurian. Paleoceanographic conditions of their sedimentation differed significantly. The first are deep-sea formations at the foot of the continental slope of the Carpathian segment of the Tethys Ocean, the second were accumulated in the warm shallow sea on the eastern shelf of the West European Sea Basin.

The layered texture of carbonaceous deposits, as well as the catagenetic transformation of rock-forming clay and siliceous minerals and their hydrophobization, played a significant role in the formation of the filtration capacity properties of “unconventional reservoirs”. In Cretaceous-Paleogene flysch deposits of the Carpathians, “unconventional reservoirs” are usually terrigenous-clay or siliceous-clay rocks with shale and layered texture or compacted sandstones localized in conventional oil, gas or condensate deposits. Lower Silurian clay deposits of Volyn-Podillya are promising for the search for “shale gas”.


unconventional reservoirs, black shales, shale gas, clay minerals, organic carbon


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Home > Archive > No. 4 (181) 2019 > 116-133

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 4 (181) 2019, 116-133.

Ihor Popp, Petro Moroz, Mykhailo Shapovalov

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine,


The results of lithological, mineralogical and geochemical investigation of Cretaceous-Paleogene flysch deposits of the Ukrainian Carpathians are cited here. There are three main lithological-geochemical types of these deposits which differ in the composition of rock-forming ingredients of biogenic origin (SiO2 biog, CaCO3, Corg): grey limestone-clayey-terrigenous (type-I), non-carbonate or low-carbonate-clayey-terrigenous (type-II), and black carbonate-silica-terrigenous-clayey (type-III). The deposits of the first type are attributed to alkaline-oxic (oxic-calcitic), the second – to acid and low-alcaline oxic (oxic with redeposited glauconite), the third – to reducing (siderite, dolomite or ferrodolomite and low-reducing calcitic) and strong by reducing (primary-sulfidic or hydrogen sulfidic) mineralogical-geochemical facies. The forming of the Barremian-Albian (Shypot suite; Spas suite) and Oligocene (Menilite suite; Dusynska suite) organic-rich sediments in the Ukrainian Carpathians we associate with the phase of oceanic anoxic events OAE-1 and OAE-4 in the Carpathian segment of the Tethys, where anoxic reducing environments favoured to fossilization of huge amount of the dispersed organic matter. The structural-fabric features and composition of separate lithological types of silicites and diagenetic concretions of the Lower Cretaceous and Oligocene of the Ukrainian Carpathians show that their sedimentogenesis and diagenesis took place in conditions of strong oxygen deficit. The studied siliceous rocks can be considered as indicators of the anoxic events in the Carpathian segment of Tethys ocean. It is shown, that alcaline-reducting environments which was the most favourable for the diagenetic transformation of sedimentary organic matter in to petroleum hydrocarbons, prevailed in the organic-rich deposits of Oligocene age.


sedimentogenesis, diagenesis, silica, carbonate, sulfides, organic matter, mineralogical-geochemical facies, Cretaceous-Paleocene flysch, Ukrainian Carpathians.


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