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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (183–184) 2021 > 110–129

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (183–184) 2021, 110–129.


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail:


Studies of evaporites provide new data to characterize the seawater chemistry in the Early Paleozoic and Middle Mesozoic. In particular, we studied the fluid inclusions in halite from Ordovician (China) and Cretaceous (Laos) evaporites. The corresponding sections on the plot of Ca/SO4 oscillations curve in the Phanerozoic seawater are updated. The calcium content in seawater concentrated to halite precipitation stage was 45.6 mol %, 485 million years ago and 24.3 mol % 112.2–93.5 million years ago.

By analyzing the previously published and new factual material, it is established that in Permian evaporites the sulfur isotopic composition is inversely correlated with the sulfate ion content in evaporite basin brines. Thus, the evolution of seawater chemistry in Permian is confirmed by the evolution of the isotopic composition of dissolved seawater sulfate.

According to the generalization of 38 Phanerozoic marine evaporite formations, it was found that the peculiarities of the clay minerals associations correlate with the change of the seawater chemical type. Clay minerals associations precipitated from the SO4-rich seawater are characterized by a larger set of minerals, among which smectite and mixed- layered minerals often occur; Mg-rich clay minerals (corensite, paligorskite, sepiolite, talc) also occur. Instead, in the associations of evaporite clay minerals formed from the Ca-rich seawater are represented by the smaller amount of minerals, and Mg-rich minerals are extremely rare. The increased content of magnesium in seawater of SO4-rich type is the main factor in the formation of Mg-rich silicates in evaporites.

The composition of clay minerals associations depends on the evaporate basin brine concentration; with its increase, unstable minerals are transformed, which theoretically leads to a decrease in the number of minerals in the associations. However, it was found that evaporite deposits of higher stages of brine concentration often still contain unstable clay minerals – products of incomplete transformation of a significant amount of pyroclastic material from coeval volcanic activity.

The main factor determining the composition of clay minerals associations of Phanerozoic evaporites was the seawater (and basin brines) chemical type.

Geochemical studies of scattered organic matter and fluid inclusions with hydrocarbon phase in evaporites of the Upper Pechora Basin (overlying oil and gas deposits) indicate the presence of allochthonous bitumoids and allow to use this method to predict oil and gas potential of other areas. Analysis of the results of oil and gas exploration in a number of areas of the Transcarpathian Trough indicates the presence of fluid-saturated reservoirs and the prospects for the discovery of new accumulations of hydrocarbons. Geochemical studies proved the effectiveness of gas-flow survey method for oil and gas exploration, assessing the prospects for fluid saturation of seismic structures.


fluid inclusions, halit, salt Basin, seawater.


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PECULIARITIES OF CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF EARLY PALEOZOIC SEAWATER (study of fluid inclusions in halite of Ordovician Ordos salt basin, China)

Home > Archive > No. 4 (181) 2019 > 78-95

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 4 (181) 2019, 78-95.

Anatoliy GALAMAY, Daria SYDOR

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine,

Fanwei MENG

State Key Laboratory of Paleobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China,

Yongsheng ZHANG

Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China


The fluid inclusions in the marine Middle Ordovician halite of the Majiagou Salt Formation of the Ordos Basin (China) have been investigated. In addition to the primary inclusions the secondary ones of several generations were also detected. The fluid inclusions brine chemistry of halite was studied using an ultramicrochemical (UMCA) method, and the homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions was determined in a special thermal chamber designed by V. A. Kalyuzhny

At the post-sedimentation stage, the studied salt strata were exposed to high temperature (58–72 °C) and high (up to several tens of MPa) pressure. Although there are opinions of the inability of primary inclusions in such halite to determine the physical and chemical conditions of sedimentation, however, the informative value of primary inclusions in halite of the Majiagou Formation has remained. The preservation of the integrity (and thus the informative value) of primary inclusions in halite is evidenced by the same chemistry of their brines, which differs from that of secondary inclusions The sedimentation brines of the basin were concentrated to the middle of halite stage and points to the Na-K-Mg-Ca-Cl seawater.

The physical and chemical conditions of evaporites formation are not known enough. Currently, the results of the brine chemistry of primary fluid inclusions in marine halite are the best indicators of seawater composition in the Phanerozoic. It is established that the magnesium content in the brines of the Lower Paleozoic basins is lower comparing to modern seawater of the corresponding concentration, and the potassium ion concentration is higher. The chemical composition of the concentrated seawater from which the halite was crystallized in the Ordovician salt basin of Ordos, with the exception of the calcium ion content, is similar to the seawater chemistry of the Cambrian and Silurian basins, which indicates the relative constancy of Early Paleozoic seawater chemistry.

Age-related changes in the chemical composition of seawater are always consistent with many quantitatively or qualitatively characterized processes of the Earth’s crust evolution. So we believe that the causes that led to more than twice the potassium content of Riphean-Devonian clays, unlike the younger ones, it were also the reason for the increase in potassium content in the Lower Paleozoic marine brines.

The studies conducted also clarify the limits of oscillation of calcium ion content, which determines the type of seawater. Its content in the sedimentary brines of the Ordos basin of the Middle Ordovician reaches 66 g/l at the middle of halite stage. Therefore, at the beginning of the stage of halite precipitation, its content should be approximately 20 g/l (considering its theoretical content of 10 g/l with the modern composition of the atmosphere). Apparently, the cause of the abnormally high calcium content in the early Paleozoic Ocean was the direct flow of it with hydrothermal solutions into the ocean during the activation of global tectonics of the Earth and the increase of solubility of carbonates of continents and ocean floor due to high carbon dioxide atmospheric content.


halite, primary inclusions, homogenization temperature, seawater.


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