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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024 > 22–31

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 22–31

Natalia RADKOVETS1, Yuriy KOLTUN1, Andrii LOKTIEV2

1 Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:
2 LLC “Institute of Geology R and D”, Kyiv, Ukraine


The Volyn-Podillia plate is one of the main oil and gas-bearing regions of Ukraine. Despite numerous geological and geophysical studies of these territories, they still remain underexplored, and their oil and gas potential is underestimated. To date, two gas fields, Lokachynske and Velykomostivske, have been discovered within the boundaries of the Volyn-Podillia plate in the Middle Devonian sequence. Despite the established commercial gas bearing, the Devonian strata within the Volyn-Podillia plate are currently not sufficiently studied from the point of view of the occurrence of the organic-rich rocks in the section, which could generate hydrocarbons.

A significant amount of collected core material and geological-geophysical data from numerous wells within the research area made it possible to study the features of distribution and conduct a mineralogical-petrographic and geochemical study of Lower, Middle and Upper Devonian organic-rich rocks.

In the sediments of the Lochkovian stage of the Lower, Eifelian and Givetian stages of the Middle and Frasnian stage of the Upper Devonian, the organic-rich rocks have been established. They are represented by terrigenous, clayey and carbonate strata.

In the section of the Lower Devonian, they are represented by clay-carbonate and carbonate rocks within the Lochkovian stage. The organic carbon content in these rocks reaches 0.45 %. In the Middle Devonian, organic-rich rocks occur in sections of both the Eifelian and Givetian stages, being represented by terrigenous, clayey, and carbonate rocks. The organic carbon content in the rocks of the Eifelian stage reaches 0.65 %, and in the rocks of the Givetian stage – 2.34 %. In the sections of the Frasnian stage of the Upper Devonian, organic-rich rocks are represented by terrigenous, clayey and carbonate layers with organic carbon content of up to 1.43 %.

Given the occurrence of organic-rich rocks in the sections of the Lower (Lochkovian stage), Middle (Eifelian, Givetian stages) and Upper Devonian (Frasnian stage), these deposits can be considered as potentially oil and gas generating, which could have been a component of the Paleozoic petroleum system of the Volyn-Podillia plate.


Volyn-Podillia plate, Devonian, organic-rich rocks, mineralogical and petrographic composition of rocks, organic carbon content in rocks


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Home > Archive > No. 3-4 (172-173) 2017 > 41-55

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3-4 (172-173) 2017, 41-55.


State Museum of Natural History of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail:


The Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone (TTZ) in the southwestern (Volyn-Podolian) margin of the East European Platform is an graben feature up to 75 km-wide. It is distinguished by most deepened (about 3200-4000 m) base of Paleozoic succession and by maximal increased thickness of the Silurian deposits. The graben is formed by marine sediments of Cambrian (520 m), Ordovician (about 150 m), Silurian (900-1500 m) and Devonian (about 1900 m thick) in age. Silurian sections are represented by monotonous sequence of dark graptolite shales (boreholes Rava-Ruska-1, Lishchynska-1, Zahaypil-1) or by claystones interbedded within the nodular limestone layers (bor. Krekhiv-1). Devonian deposits in TTZ, as elsewere in southwestern margin of the Platform, conformably overlay Silurian strata and form with them an uninterrupted succession of the marine deposition (however, boundary between systems is not well-expressed by change of lithology in sections).

Lithologically less changeable (of glimpse) successions of Lower Devonian, ranging in age from the Lochkovian to the Emsian, are divisible into two units named as series: Tyver (lower 530 m) and Dniester (upper 485 m). Sections of the first of them unlike, in contrast to typical outcrops in Podolia, are mainly represented by shales (bor. Rava-Ruska-1, 1342-1872 m), shales and siltstones (bor. Lishchyny-1, 2046-2576 m) or by alternating of dark- and red-colored sandstones, siltstones also claystones (bor. Krekhiv-1, 2472-3002 m), rarely occur limestones and marls (bor. Davydeny-1, 1664-2194 m). Deposits identified as belonging to Dniester Series and compound by dark and red colored sandstone, siltstone and claystone rocks, are discovered in borholes Krekhiv-1 (1986-2472 m), Nesteriv-1 (1620-2056 m), Lishchyny-1 (1560-2046 m).

Middle–Upper Devonian deposits (nearly 895 m thick) in TTZ form with underlying strata a continuous succession of marine sediments (without any interruption in sedimentation in passing from Lower Devonian into Eifelian also in passing from Famennian into Carboniferous). Deposits in lower part of interval, redefined as Middle and Upper Devonian in age, consist of multicoloured hemipelagic sandstones, siltstones and claystones (bor. Krekhiv-1, Vel. Mosty-30). sections in the northeastern part of the Volyn-Podolian (eastward of the Ustyluh-Rohatyn displacement zone) are formed mainly by limestones and dolostones (bor. Lytovezh-1, Sokal’-1 and oth.). The stratigraphic gap between Eifelian and oldest deposits gradual increases to eastern margin of Middle Paleozoic sedimentary basin.

Regional investigation of the geophysical logs and discovered rocks in boreholes showed that the Devonian as well the oldest Paleozoic deposits in TTZ are continuous, unfolded and unfaulted also with steady thickness of synchronogenetic stratigraphic unites in different sections.


Devonian, Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone, Volyn-Podillya, East European Platform.


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