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COLLISION DEFORMATIONS OF THE DNIEPER-DONETS DEPRESSION Article 3. Geodynamic model of tectonic inversion

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Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1 (182) 2020, 40-51.


Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gases, Kharkiv, e-mail: alekseybart@gmail.соm


The article concludes the trilogy on post-strip deformations of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. The results of tectonophysical analysis of collision deformations of the platform cover of the south-eastern part of the Dnieper-Donets Basin are summarized. Using the original method of reconstruction of stress and strain fields and tectonophysical analysis of geostructures, the system organization of inversion structural deformations of the Dnieper-Donets Basin and Donbass was studied.

The tectonic inversion of the Dnieper-Donets Basin began in the Late Hercynian epoch in the situation of a general-plate collision under the influence of the inversion rise of the Donbas. Structural and kinematic analysis of deformations shows that the folds in the depression and linear anti- and synforms of the Donets Foldbelt were formed by the natural mechanism of longitudinal bending as a result of collisional warping of horizons in the geodynamic mode of transformation. In the late Mesozoic–­­Cenozoic inversion continued in the field of right-hand horizontal-shear deformations with a variable compressive component. This mode caused the advancing and pushing of sedimentary geomass from the Donets Foldbelt to the Hercynian neo-autochthonous and syneclise autochthonous of the South-Eastern Dnieper-Donets Basin. Due to the influence of the tectonic stamp of the Donets Foldbelt, the West Donets wedge-shaped segment was formed – the orocline of geomass tectonic wedging. Geodynamic bands of injection and displacement of sedimentary geomass were formed in the front of the invasion and in the axial zone of the orocline, where the main folded zones were formed. In Forland, at the ends of the main thrusts – “tectonic rails” of the wedging, an advanced scaly compression fan was formed. In the hinterland of the orocline, folded suture zones are formed by the roots of the covers of thrusting.

The original geodynamic model of tectonic inversion provides for the destruction of the riftogenic structure in the Southeast of the Dnieper-Donets Basin by thrusting echelons of scaly covers and coulisses-articulated upliftt-folding. They compose a segment of the insertion of the geomasses of the Paleozoic cover into the territory of the West Donets Graben from the side of the Donets Foldbelt. The intrusion of the tectonic segment led to the formation of an inversion structure of a regional scale – the West Donets Cover-Folded Region.


geodynamic model, tectonic inversion, waves of longitudinal deformations, West-Donets Cover-Folded Region.


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