Instructions for authors

Articles that meet the requirements of the SAC of Ukraine and have the following necessary elements are accepted for publication: problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of the latest research and publications in which the solution of this problem is initiated and on which the author relies, selection of previously unsolved parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted; formulation of the goals of the article (task statement); presentation of the main research material with a full justification of scientific results; conclusions from this study and prospects for further exploration in this direction.

In adhere to comply to the above- mentioned requirements of the scientific article, the following elements of the article should be highlighted in bold: problem statement, analysis of current research, purpose of the article, presentation of the main material, conclusions and prospects for further research. Articles that do not meet the requirements of professional articles are not accepted for publication. Articles are published in Ukrainian or English. The volume of the article is 10-12 pages (excluding annotations and the list of used sources). Field dimensions: left – 20 mm, right – 20 mm, upper – 20 mm, lower – 20 mm. Articles must be prepared using a Microsoft Word text editor. Article font – Times New Roman, with a single line spacing and font size – 14 pt.

The title of the article should be short (up to 10 words), adequately reflecting its content, corresponding to the essence of the research problem. Annotations (in Ukrainian and English) should be typed in 12 pt. The presentation of the material in the annotation should be concise and accurate. Abstract of the article in English (1800 characters) should be structured (shuld follow the logic of describing the results in the article), informative (do not contain general words), meaningful  ( should reflect the main content of the article and research results).

References in the text are given in parentheses with the name of the author (or editor) and the year of publication (if there are two authors, then indicate both authors, if three or more, the reference is given by the first name with the indication “et al.” (For example: Naumko et al., 2017; Pavlyuk, 2014; Pavlyuk & Medvedev, 2004)). Several references in parentheses are given in alphabetical order. References to specific pages should be given after the source through a comma (for example: Pavlyuk, 2014, p. 12).

Do not make page links, but put them in parentheses directly in the text.

Give references to all figures and tables in the text. All figures must be accompanied by captions, and tables must have headings.

Figyres are submitted in * .tif format (resolution not less than 300 dpi). The size of the font of the title of the figure – 10 pt, symbols – 9 pt).

Execute tables in the Microsoft Word editor using the “Add table” function. The font size of the table header is 9 pt, the table text is 10 pt. Tables should have thematic headings, mandatory vertical columns to be filled in, and column headings (so-called headers, or headers) should reflect their content. The size of the table and graphic material with the caption to it should not exceed the format of the working field of the journal page (126×220 mm). Formulas in articles should be set up throughout the text to type in the formula editor MS Equation – 3.0, font Times New Roman, 11 point. Physical values are indicated in SI units. Symbols marked with Latin letters (except for chemical elements) are typed in italics.

Authors must follow the correct industry terminology (see state standards).

Deadlines for all work should be uniform.

Put an inseparable space between numbers and names of units (monetary, metric, etc.).

Abbreviatur of monetary and metric units, as well as abbreviatur of million, billion, metric (UAH, t, c, m, km, etc.) write without full stop. You must distinguish between the characters “-“, “-” and “-“. The first of them is not used in manuscripts. If the test has an abbreviation, then submit it in parentheses while the first mentioning.

The list of sources used at the end of the publication should be in accordance with the requirements of the APA (American Psychological Association). The list of references is compiled in alphabetical order. If the article is submitted in Ukrainian then Cyrillic references are given first, then in Latin. The bibliographic description should indicate all authors, without reducing to three. The list of references is duplicated in a separate file, in which the bibliographic description of Cyrillic sources is transliterated into Latin (the litles are translated into English). In Cyrillic sources indicate at the end [in Ukrainian], [in Russian].

The list of references is provided with the DOI indices listed at Online converter from Ukrainian for transliteration: Online converter from Russian for transliteration: http: // The following is submitted to the editorial board: a file with the text of the article, named after the author (Article_Surname), a file with an extended English annotation (Annotation_Surname) and, if necessary, files with figures, graphs, tables, etc. Image captions are submitted as a separate file. Mandatory: review; information about the author (in Ukrainian and English). Before sending the file, make sure that all the requirements of the editorial board are met, all the components of the submission are available: article, annotations (Ukrainian, English), keywords (Ukrainian, English), information about the author (s)Surname/Name, Patronymic, academic degree, academic title, position, place of work (Ukrainian and English), ORCID ID / Researcher ID, e-mail, contact phone). The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the stated facts, quotations, biobibliographic references, spelling of geographical names, proper names.