Home > Archive > No. 3-4 (172-173) 2017 > 106-111
Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3-4 (172-173) 2017, 106-111.
Yosyp M. SVOREN’
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, е-mail: igggk@mail.lviv.ua
Results obtained in the course of the study of inclusions (defects) in minerals have made it possible to establish that the mantle carbon dioxide (CO2) with P = 6,1 MРa and δ13C = (-6,1±0,5) ‰ is an initial source of carbon in the natural processes of synthesis of perfect diamond crystals.
A new mechanism of synthesis of the natural crystals of diamond, pyrope, magnetite, quartz and so on has been developed.
It was shown that under the influence of the powerful impulse of the tectonogenous energy deep faults appear in some sectors of the lithosphere that is to say, tubes through which fusion is rooted and migrates in the direction of the earth’s crust. In the course of migration in the contact zone of «fusion of lithosphere’s rock» due to their interaction-friction a high-voltage electric field of composite form arises in which CO2 is transferred into an energy-excited state, its molecules decay into separate radicals and atoms. In the fused electrolyte, under the influence of the electric field ions-cations are dislocated in definite directions depending upon the field configuration, caused by the magma, contact rocks of the lithosphere and the velocity of the magma movement in the fracture-tube. Being dislocated, these ions ungergo a number of collisions with available molecules, that is to say, CO2 and its atoms and radicals, temporarily forming unstable compounds, get into the zone with available ferrous compounds and so on. Oxygen of CO2 atom-by-atom comes off the molecule and forms FeO·Fe2O3 (magnetite), and for the chemically active atoms of CO2 it is energetically the most favourably to be combined in such medium-fusion, forming a crystal of diamond. Escaped molecules of SiO2 of chemically form a group of garnets, quartz and so on.
bowels of the Earth – natural physical-chemical reactor, fusion, asthenospheric carbon dioxide, perfect diamond crystals, physicochemical reactions.
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