Home > Archive > No. 1 (178) 2019 > 21-40
Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1 (178) 2019, 21-40.
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv,
e-mail: igggk@mail.lviv.ua
Geochemical composition of main components of natural gas has been analysed for three oil- and gas-bearing regions of the Ukraine, namely: Western (40 fields of the Precarpathian deep, 4 gas fields of the Transcarpathian deep and 2 gas fields located within the limits of the Lviv Paleozoic deep), Eastern (composition of natural gases at 12 fields) and Southern (analysis of data on chemical composition of natural gases from 8 fields in the water area of the deep and 13 fields on land).
Comparative analysis of the composition of natural hydrocarbons has been carried out within the limits of the Western region based on the main structural-tectonic elements of the region: outer and inner zones of the Precarpathian deep, the Transcarpathian deep and the Lviv Paleozoic deep; within the Eastern region – the Northern edge of the deep and the deep itself; within the Southern region – water area and land. On this basis the definite zonality of the distribution of hydrocarbon components of natural gases within the bounds of the oil-gas regions has been determined. Such different composition of gases testifies to independent sources of hydrocarbon supply and different duration of migration of the latter.
The analyses of the features of the distribution of the components of natural gas of main oil- and gas-bearing regions of the Ukraine and of the gas presence in the aggregate have enabled us to determine main aspects of the processes both of lateral and vertical migration of hydrocarbons.
geochemical features, migration, hydrocarbons, Western, Eastern and Southern oil-gas regions of Ukraine.
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