Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024 > 36–47
Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024, 36–47
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: i.kurovets@gmail.com
Increase in the production and stepping up the rate of hydrocarbon reserves is an important task for keeping Ukraine supplied with its own resources. Development of the missed upper horizons or those that are considered to be non-commercial is the cheapest way to increase production. Shallow lying horizons C-8 and C-9 of the Serpukhovian deposits of the Pryluky uplift belong to such objects. Unconventional reservoirs composed of layered, lithologically uneven layers of composite structure of porous space and considerable changeability of the composition are considered to be perspective. Relatively low natural radio-activity according to data of gamma-ray logging, the absence of spontaneous potential-anomalies, somewhat low values of specific resistance, insignificant increase in indices of potential sounding in comparison with gradient sounding, increased values of residual saturation factor are characteristic indications of these reservoir rocks.
According to data of geophysical well logging, the reliable ways and methods of predicting qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the main petrophysical parameters of the reservoirs of given type are absent up to the present because petrophysical properties of such reservoirs are studied not fully. Their development requires the execution of experimental complex investigations of the core samples selected from these horizons that allows us to study the interconnections and mutual stipulating of collecting and geophysical properties of reservoirs with controlled change in parameters in the course of the experiments and to determine the complex of informative parameters of the well logging.
As a result of conducted studies of the rock samples, the lithological type of reservoir was determined and its lithological-petrophysical characteristic was given. Matrix of the rock contains porous space of different type and genesis. Porosity of the interlayers of sandy aleurolites, that are the main oil-saturated reservoirs, reaches the value of 23 to 28 per cent, and with the aid of fractures along bedding of all another lithological varieties, including clayish, they are connected into a single hydrodynamic system bifurcated in the rocks with decreased solidity, and therefore very sensitive to stress redistribution and formation pressure.
There correlational ties between geophysical and capacity-filtration parameters of the reservoir rocks were determined, petrophysical models were constructed for normal and formational conditions and the main factors, sufficiently influencing their value, were determined.
Pryluky uplift, shallow lying horizons, composite reservoir rocks, laboratory studies, petrophysical model
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