Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (183–184) 2021 > 76–88
Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (183–184) 2021, 76–88.
Myroslava YAKOVENKO1, Yury KHOKHA2, Oleksandr LYUBCHAK3
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail: 1myroslavakoshil@ukr.net, 2khoha_yury@ukr.net, 3lubchak1973@ukr.net
The paper briefly considers the problems of the Ukraine’s peat industry and identifies the reasons for its decline, including the low quality of peat as an energy source. We assume that the use of peat for briquetting will be stopped in the near future due to economic and political factors. On the other hand, peat can be a source of chemicals and their mixtures that have found application in agriculture and industry. It is known that the addition of sodium humates to the drilling mud improves its rheological properties and makes them environmentally safe, especially when passing through aquifers. We set a goal to determine the geological, technological and geochemical characteristics of peat in the Lviv Region, to establish its suitability for the humic acids extraction and to identify promising deposits for future processing. The study of the peats microelement composition of the Radekhiv district (Lviv Region) showed that the studied peats are not contaminated with heavy metals, as evidenced by the values of pollution indices. It is shown that the content of chemical elements in peats of Lviv Region is less than clarke in the lithosphere, soils and terrestrial plants. There is a tendency to scatter chalcophilic and most siderophilic elements, to a lesser extent lithophilic. Determining the yield of total and free humic acids testified to the possibility of using peat in the Lviv Region to extract humates. The studied samples were characterized by a high content of humic acids in terms of dry weight. Preliminary assessment of deposits suitability for peat extraction was performed according to the following parameters: field reserves, degree of decomposition, humus content and ash content. After constructing maps of these geochemical characteristic’s distribution, we have identified several of the most promising deposits in the Lviv Region: in the Kamyanka-Buzka district – Didylivske and Yarychivske deposits; in the Mykolayiv district – Verbizke, Saikivske, Demnyanske and Trostyanetske.
peat, humic substances, microelements, geochemical analysis, ash content, degree of decomposition.
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