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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024 > 141–153

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 141–153


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The drinking water supply of Lviv Region requires special water treatment, a large part of which does not meet the standards due to increased mineralization, hardness and pollution by industrial and domestic effluents. A study of changes in the quality of drinking water from wells of private houses from two streets of the southwestern part of the village of Bryukhovychi was conducted. It was established that for the period 2011–2023 in most of the sampling points, the quality of water has significantly deteriorated, in some – the water composition has changed, many indicators of macro components have exceeded the maximum permissible concentration (MPC). According to the hydrogen indicator, the water from the studied wells is neutral and does not exceed the MPC. According to the degree of mineralization, the investigated water samples from wells of private residences belonged to fresh water, with the exception of the household on the street. Ozhinova, 2, where the water was weakly mineralized. Over the course of 12 years, the situation worsened significantly — in two more wells, the mineralization increased and exceeded the MPC, and fresh water became weakly mineralized. The best situation regarding the mineralization indicator is observed in the well of the household on the Lisna, 8a: the water is fresh, the growth of mineralization is insignificant and the MPC is not exceeded.

As for water hardness, in all studied samples the water became hard and exceeded the MPC in two wells. The content of macrocomponents, which exceeds or approaches the maximum permissible concentrations, has also changed. The chemical composition of the studied water samples also changed over the course of 12 years, mainly due to the increase in the content of sulfate, chloride, and sodium ions. That is, in all the selected samples there is a tendency to deterioration of the quality of drinking water. Only from the well on the street in Lisna 8a, the macrocomponent composition of the sample almost did not change, and the water quality of this household remained the best.

The content of ammonium, nitrates and nitrites in the studied water samples decreased or increased insignificantly, which indicates a slight anthropogenic influence. Proximity to the Soluky mineral water deposit can probably be a factor in the change in the quality of drinking water. Since the water of the Soluky deposit is sulfate-chloride calcium-sodium, and the water from the wells of the Ozhinova 2, 6, and 7 buildings has changed its chemical composition, being enriched with sulfate, chloride, and sodium ions, similar to the composition of the Soluky, it can be assumed that in the sediments of cracked marls of the Upper Cretaceous, groundwater flows occur.


aquifer, hydrogen index, mineralisation, water hardness, drinking water, Bryukhovychi


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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (189–190) 2023 > 81–91

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (189–190) 2023, 81–91


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


It is shown that the problem of the nature of water in oil and gas fields must be solved in an inextricable connection with the genesis and synthesis of natural hydrocarbons in the Earth’s bowels. The work offers an original solution, based on a new theory of the synthesis and genesis of hydrocarbons (oil, gas, etc.): abiogenic-biogenic dualism, which asserts that giant and supergiant oil and gas fields were formed from inorganic and organic original hydrocarbon-containing substances under the influence of abiogenic high-thermobaric deep fluid in harsh physical, physicochemical and geological conditions of the earth’s crust. Since the abiogenic high-thermobaric deep fluid contains hydrogen H+ and OH-containing anions, the described mechanism for the interaction of positively charged ions: C+, H+, CnHm+-radicals with the formation-synthesis of a complex hydrocarbon mixture such as gas, oil, bitumen, etc. must be logically supplemented by a reaction: Н2О → Н+ + ОН. As a result of this complex physical and chemical process, the maximum concentration of (OH) anions accumulated in the oxidation zone, which after the disappearance of the electric field become neutral and interact with each other according to the scheme: ОН + ОН = Н2О2 – hydrogen peroxide, which is an unstable compound, which decomposes into Н2О + О. Oxygen atoms became the starting substances for the formation of macro- and microcracks in these cavities under harsh conditions of rocks of the carbonate or quartz-carbonate type, etc., much less often – perfect mineral crystals, which with their defects in the process of growth (synthesis) captivate and preserve substances in the system (proper hydrocarbons and water). Тherefore, it was established for the first time that the natural water of oil and gas fields has a dual lithospheric-asthenospheric nature, while the lithospheric part is dominant, the isotopic composition is a mixture of these waters, and the deuterium isotope is more chemically active in complex physical and chemical processes, which run through the bowels of the planet. The obtained original data will contribute to the solution of Ukraine’s serious problem with energy carriers: natural gas, oil, coal and drinking water.


fluid inclusions, hydrocarbons, drinking water, energy carriers, oil and gas industry, fundamental science, scientific discoveries


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Home > Archive > No. 1 (178) 2019 > 74-82

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1 (178) 2019, 74-82.


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv,


The geochemical features of natural waters of the SE “Sanatorium-resort medical center “Shklo” are established by researches of their ecological-geochemical composition and anthropogenic influence.
The mineral water “Naftusya-Shklo” from the pump room in the territory of the sanatorium is selected and analyzed, which is recognized as an analogous to water “Naftusya” by the biological action. The composition of water is hydrocarbonate sodium, having mine-ralization of 0.76 g/dm3, the total hardness of 0.55 mg-eq/dm3, sulfate content of 0.64 g/dm3, and Eh – −79 mV.
The sample of water from baths, which is fed from a depth of 129.0 m, is investigated. Therapeutic hydrogen sulfide water is classified as sodium salt-calcium sulfate with mineralization of 2.97 g/dm3 and high sulfate content (1.76 g/dm3). The balneological active component of the therapeutic water is hydrogen sulfide, the content of which is set at 101.75 mg/dm3. The common feature of these waters is the negative values of the oxidation-reduction potential, which is due to the presence of relatively high content of H2S and HS−.
In addition to the mineral, a sample of water from the water pipe (drinking water from the Opillia suite of the Lower Neogene) was studied. According to the salt composition, it refers to sulfate-hydrocarbonate sodium-calcium with mineralization of 0.53 g/dm3. The content of the determined macro- and microcomponents do not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations for drinking water, which indicates the absence of influence of the lower horizons.
The water sample was also selected from the largest lake of the park, the sanatorium “Shklo”, which is not related to reservoirs with a special regime of protection, therefore access to it is free. The salinity of water refers to chloride-sulfate-hydro carbonate sodium-calcium with mineralization of 0.35 g/dm3.
Two samples of water from the Shklo River after its leak from Yavoriv lake showed that these waters are weakly mineralized, weakly alkaline, calcium hydro carbonate sulfate or sulfate calcium. Quantitatively, sulfate ions are 2–3 times more than hydrocarbons. The content of sulfates, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium is also high, indicating their contamination. Further down the salt content decreases as a result of mixing with the water of droplets. Several sources of supply of sulfate-ion can be named: karst waters formed on gypsum anhydrite; reservoir waters of the Upper Badenian limestones, hydrogen sulfur of the formation waters of the Badenian horizon; hydrogensulfur, formed as a result of reduction of sulfate at the bottom of Yavoriv lake. Ecological and geochemical parameters of water of surface water reservoirs and watercourses generally also correspond to state standards for their use as recreational.


drinking water, ecological-geochemical parameters, anthropogen influence.


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