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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (187–188) 2022 > 5–26

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (187–188) 2022, 5–26.

Myroslav PAVLYUK, Volodymyr SHLAPINSKY, Myroslav TERNAVSKY

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


In the south-western part of the Krosno cover in the terrain of the Ukraine, that is called jednostka Szląska (Silesia Unit) in the adjoining Polish territory, two tectonic structures Tykhiy and Vetlina composed of flysh of the Cretaceous-Paleogene age, are correspondingly present. They are in the same scale and represent preserved anticlinal fold of the north-western strike. The Tykhiy and Vetlina structures were defined according to results of drilling. In consequence of executed drilling works the commercial gas presence of both structures was determined. Maximum gas discharges from the deposits of Oligocene at both structures are estimated to be approximately 60th m3/day. The production reserves of the Vetlina structure are estimated at 73 million m3 of gas. The deposit is not being developed due to localization in the area within the Beskydy National Park. The authors don’t recommend to carry out exploratory drilling within the limits of the structure, in located further north-east of the Tykhiy structure the Volosianka–Pidpolozzia and Husne–Bukovets scales as the ineffective drilling because of the absence of perspective objects in their composition. There are prerequisites to suppose the presence of just one more gas-saturated fold, Liuta, further south-west of the Tykhiy structure, under the Duklya–Chornohora cover. It is located within the hydrocarbon field, favourable for the search for hydrocarbons. The potential industrial gas potential of the forecasted promising structure is evidenced by the inflows of oil and gas in the mapping wells of Liuta Square. Significant manifestations of hydrocarbons were observed in well 18-Liuta. From a depth of 40 m, and then 190 m recorded oil manifestations – oil films on the surface of the clay solution (d 20 – 0.843 g/cm3; viscosity in 0E – 1.92; S – 0.22 %, the beginning of boiling – 97 °C, up to 350 °C – 56 %). Intense gas manifestations were noted from a depth of 167 m (CH4 – 95.36 %; CO2 – 1.01 %; N2 – 3.63 %). To check this supposition, it is expedient to conduct seismic survey.


Krosno cover, Tykhiy and Vetlina structures, geological structure, gas-bearingness


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (185–186) 2021 > 5–15

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (185–186) 2021, 5–15.

Volodymyr SHLAPINSKY, Myroslav PAVLYUK, Yaroslav LAZARUK, Olesya SAVCHAK, Myroslav TERNAVSKY

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The Pohar plot is situated in the Skole district of the Lviv Region, 30 km south-west of Skole town, between Pohar and Kryve villages. Tectonically it is located in of junction of the Skybian (Slavske Skyba) and the Krosno covers. At the end of XIX beginning of XX centuries in the region of the village the oil-extracting enterprise was existent. There deposits of Oligocen and Eocene of the Rozluch belt of the Krosno cover and Oligocene of the scale of the Slavske skyba of the Skybian cover were exploited. During two ten-years of exploitation by exploring shafts and shallow boreholes more than 3 thousand ton of oil was extracted. Prospects of the Pohar plot should be connected with sand horizons of the Holovets suite of Oligocen (Klivsky sandstones) that are characterized by satisfactory reservoir properties. They are localized in the immersed part of the Hrosivsky scale of the Krosno cover separated by the Rozluch fault (tectonically screened deposit) from its forkball part, drilled in 1973–1974 1-Pohar borehole (well bottom 1935 m), due to deflection of its hole to the south-east, didn’t expose the Klivsky sandstones and didn’t solve its task. For complete exposition of the Klivsky sandstones of the Holovets suite of Oligocene of the Hrosivsky scale it is necessary to design vertically oriented 2-Pohar borehole of 2300 m in depth. About probable commercial oil-gas saturation of the horizon of the Klivsky sandstones testifies not only to the existence of the oil-extracting enterprise in the past, but the intensive surface oil shows in the stretched area that is controlled by the Rozluch fault. Moreover, taking the prospect of the zone of junction of the given covers in consideration, the seismic survey should be conducted at the Pohar area for the estimation of the geological structure of the deeper horizons and parametric borehole of 4000–5000 m in depth should be designed.


Skybian and Krosno covers, Rozluch fault, oil extracting enterprise, prospects of oil-gas presence


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