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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024 > 48–61

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024, 48–61


1 State Institution “Scientific Center of Mining Geology, Geoecology and Infrastructure Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
2 An individual entrepreneur Finchuk Vitaly Vasyliovych, Kyiv, Ukraine


Geological exploration for oil and gas in the Dnipro-Donets Basin has shown that most fields have a complex structure, which significantly complicates the search for hydrocarbon deposits. The studies were conducted within the structural zone in the Narizhnyanska area to predict hydrocarbon deposits in the Lower Carboniferous Visean and Serpukhivian and Middle Carboniferous Bashkirian deposits, as well as to clarify the structure of the unconformable shielding dump. Fieldwork was carried out along 23 profiles crossing the Narizhnyanska, Rogivska, Shylivska and Burivska structures to identify and delineate electromagnetic anomalies. According to the interpretation of the obtained data, the zones of unconfined rocks are the channels of hydrocarbon migration, and the compression zones are the barriers in front of which they accumulate. The most promising areas for hydrocarbon accumulation are those where the anomalies of the maximum values of the nFisum.mean parameter are located in the southern part, and the anomalies of the minimum values of the parameter are located in the northern part of the area. According to the results of the study, the Point electromagnetic sounding method determined: Narizhnyanska, Rogivska and the northern part of Burivska structure are the most promising areas of the Narizhnyanska area in terms of hydrocarbon deposits.

The results of the work on the Narizhnyanska area showed that the Point electromagnetic sounding method can be used in a complex of exploration and prospecting works to study seismic or other anomalies, determine the depths of horizons of anomalous electromagnetic properties that are promising for hydrocarbon accumulation.


oil and gas content of the subsoil, PEMS method, electrical exploration, electromagnetic sounding, electromagnetic anomalies, vertical gradient of change in the secondary field strength, Narizhnyanska structure


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