Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (183–184) 2021 > 14–44
Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (183–184) 2021, 14–44.
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail: igggk@mail.lviv.ua
In the paper we have analysed hydrocarbon deposits of the Western region according to their belonging to the tectonic zones, stratigraphic complexes, types and depths of occurrence. The law-governed nature of alteration in physical-chemical properties of oil and gas, hydrogeological and geochemical peculiarities of productive thickness were studied, haloes of the distribution of gas of hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon composition outcrops of fluids were mapped. Problems of the formation of hydrocarbon accumulations were considered. According to the results of integrated analysis of different geological factors, besides the main factors of oil and gas presence – structure, reservoir, cover – additional criteria were proposed. In the direction to the deposit, the nitric-methane gases are changed into sufficiently methane and hydrocarbon-methane ones, and values of saturation pressure are comparable to the formation pressure. Indication of oil-gas presence are water-soluble organic matters of oil origin: bitumen, phenols, hydrocarbons, naphthenic acids as well as the presence of condensation waters or their mixture with formational waters. Probable indicators of hydrocarbon accumulations are sulfides of zinc, lead, copper in rocks. For the existence of the deposits the hydrogeological closing of the bowels is necessary: small velocities of the formational waters, their high mineralization, metamorphism intensity, chlorine-calcium type of waters. Natural oil-gas showings as a reflection of deposits that occur at a depth serve as criterion for estimation of prospects of the oil-gas presence in the open territories. The example of substation of prospecting objects is given according to criteria of the oil-gas presence in the platform autochthone under the overthrust of Pokuttia-Bukovyna Carpathians.
oil, gas, criteria of oil-gas presence, formation of fields, indications of oil-gas presence
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