Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (185–186) 2021 > 109–125
Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (185–186) 2021, 109–125.
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: cencon@ukr.net
An analysis of Ukraine’s sustainable development targets, in particular in the field of energy, resource management and environmental protection, are presented. It is shown that regional energetic is a determining factor for achieving the aims of sustainable development.
Changes in the natural environment in Ukraine due to external (global) and internal (local) factors that are intertwined and overlapped can cause threats to socio-economic development. It is proved that in the areas of mining and industrial activity a multiple increase in emissions of pollutants into the environment are observed.
The comparison confirmed the overall compliance of the structure of consumption of primary energy resources (solid fossil fuels, natural gas, nuclear fuel, oil and petroleum products, renewable energy sources) in Ukraine and in the European Union, shows a steaby trend to reduce the share of solid fuels and natural gas and increasing the shares of energy from renewable sources.
For example, in Ukraine the shares in the production and cost of electricity in 2018 was: the nuclear power plants – 54.33 % and in the cost – 26.60 %, the thermal power – 35.95 and 59.52 %, the renewable energy sources – 9.6 and 13.88 %.
The energy component must be given priority, as it is crucial for achieving of all other goals of sustainable development and harmonization of socio-economic progress.
The paper systematizes the indicators of regional energy efficiency and proposes a dynamic model for the transition to sustainable energy development of the region.
combustible minerals, goals of sustainable development, ecology, energy efficiency indicators
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