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PROSPECTS OF THE OIL AND GAS POTENTIAL OF THE NORTHERN YAVORIV AREA OF THE BILCHE-VOLYTSIA AREA OF THE FORECARPATHIAN (according to the results of comprehensive geophysical and geochemical research)

Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024 > 69–80

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 69–80

Stepan DUCHUK1, Sofiia MAKSYMUK2, Anatoliy GALAMAY3

1 Western-Ukrainian Geophysical Exploration Expedition, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: zugre@lviv.farlep.netInstitute of 2, 3 Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: 2; 3


A complex of geophysical and geochemical studies was carried out in the Bilche-Volytsia zone on the Northern Yavoriv area with the aim of detailing the geological structure of Mesozoic and Neogene deposits in the context of identifying oil and gas promising traps of various types and preparing them for deep drilling.

To solve the problem, the following studies were applied: seismic surveying by the common depth point method, electrical surveying by the method of sounding the formation of the field in the near zone, geochemical surveying by the method of gas discharge surveying.

The main resulting material of the performed geophysical and geochemical studies on the Northern Yavoriv area is a structural-tectonic model, seismic and seismogeological sections, maps of longitudinal resistances and geoelectrical sections, maps of geochemical parameters, mapping maps by types of research.

As a result of conducting seismic, electrical, and geochemical studies, the geological structure of the Northern Yavoriv area was detailed. Structural plans by stratigraphic levels are presented: Pre-Neogene surface, Tyrassian of the Badenian age suite, the top of the Lower Dashava subsuite of Sarmatian age, the top of Upper Dashava subsuites of Sarmatian age.

The Pre-Neogene surface is represented by deposits of the Upper Cretaceous and the Upper and Middle Jurassic ages. Along this horizon, there is a dip from the northeast to the southwest. The structural-tectonic model is complicated by thrusts, longitudinal shifts, normal and strike-slip faults, which divide the research area into separate blocks.

According to the structural constructions on the roof of the Tyrassian suite, against the background of the general rise of the horizon to the northeast in this part, a structural nose can be observed, which has a southeast extension.

A syncline can be traced along the Horodok flexure in the southwest along the horizons of the Lower Dashava subsuite and the roof of the Upper Dashava subsuite, within which there is a general coincidence of the structural plans of the mentioned horizons.

The difference in structural plans is observed in the area where the horizons adjoin the plane of the Horodok flexure.

The Northern Yavoriv structure of the semi-anticlinal type is mapped on the reflection seismic horizon of the roof of the Upper Dashava subsuite (VD-10). The structural and tectonic model of this horizon of the Northern Yavoriv area borders the Svydnytsia gas field through a syncline bend. According to the completed structural constructions along this horizon, as well as a complex comparison of methods, this area may represent a certain interest in terms of gas. It is recommended to drill well No. 1 on the Northern Yavoriv structure in order to search for Upper Dashava deposits.


structure, geoelectric section, geochemical anomaly, hydrocarbons, geological exploration works, Northern Yavoriv area


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