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RESEARCH ON THE HISTORY OF STUDYING ALLUVIAL TITANIUM DEPOSITS (using the example of the Volyn titanium-bearing region, the slope of the Ukrainian shield)

Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024 > 126–134

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024, 126–134


Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:


This article explores the historical progression of research into titanium-bearing alluvial deposits, focusing on the Volyn titanium-bearing region in Ukraine. The study highlights three primary stages of exploration: the early period, the Soviet era, and the contemporary period following Ukraine’s independence, each representing a unique phase in the understanding and utilization of titanium mineral resources.

During the early period, titanium minerals were occasionally mentioned in studies, mostly as incidental observations of titanium-bearing crystalline rocks, with limited systematic interest in their exploration. However, the Soviet era marked a transformative phase in the study of these resources. As demand for rare elements surged, comprehensive geological exploration efforts intensified. Geological expeditions and research groups were established, laying the groundwork for a more structured approach to titanium resource exploration. This era also saw the formation of the “Ukrainian Titanium School”, which brought together researchers and production teams for collaborative study and development of titanium deposits.

The contemporary period, beginning in 1991, is characterized by advancements in methodologies and technologies. Research on titan-zirconium placers in the Volyn region has continued, now emphasizing the role of modern techniques, including Geographic Information Systems. The ongoing collaboration between research institutions and production enterprises, exemplified by the Ukrainian Titanium School, has driven significant progress in the field, facilitating a foundation for further industry development.

Despite the considerable advancements in understanding titanium deposits, challenges persist, underscoring the need for continuous research and the integration of innovative methods. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of the rational utilization of titanium resources in driving Ukraine’s economic growth, creating new employment opportunities, and attracting investments in titanium extraction and processing.


titanium deposit, historical exploration, Volyn region, Ukraine, mineral resource


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024 > 100–125

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024, 100–125

Yurii KHOKHA1, Myroslava YAKOVENKO2

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:;


The article discusses theoretical and practical aspects of the use of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics for express analysis of peat. Near infrared spectroscopy provides a significant amount of information about complex organic systems, including irregular polymers such as peat. Compared to classical analytical methods, NIR spectrometry allows analysis without complex sample preparation with analysis time measured in minutes. Since the results represent the intensity of radiation reflection in the overtone range of fundamental frequencies, their processing requires the use of special mathematical and statistical methods. The use of the Chemoface software package modules (PLS method) for quantitative analysis of the technical and chemical properties of peat based on NIR spectroscopy data has demonstrated the possibility of obtaining calibration models that allow for the quick and reliable analysis of this raw material, including in field conditions. The conducted studies have shown that using a spectrometer that analyzes reflected (absorbed) radiation in the near-infrared spectrum and based on the averaged spectral characteristics of the reflected (absorbed) radiation and using chemometric software, it is possible to calculate the chemical and technological characteristics of peat. The analysis procedure consists of the following stages: selection of a sample representing the entire batch of raw materials; irradiation of the sample with radiation containing a significant proportion of energy in the near-infrared spectrum; analysis with a detector of reflected (absorbed) radiation and construction of an integral spectral characteristic of the sample; compilation of a calibration model using chemometric software; processing of the obtained spectrum using chemometric software with subsequent calculation of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the raw materials. The proposed method (express analysis) for rapid determination of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of fossil carbon raw materials of organic origin, namely lowland and highland peat of various degrees of decomposition, can be used to establish its compliance with current norms, standards and technical conditions for moisture content, ash (inorganic) residue content and acidity (pH).


near-infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy, peat analysis, predictive models, multivariate analysis, Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS), pre-treatments effect


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024 > 87–99

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024, 87–99


1 Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:
2 Ltd “NGSN”, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The implementation of the principle of ecological conversion during the extraction of hydrocarbons at the Dobrivliany gas condensate field consists in the return of highly mineralized and enriched with microcomponents and organic matter produced waters to depleted horizons.

From 2022 the volumes of produced water reach 275 m3/year. From the beginning of the development of the field to the end of 2023, 572.37 m3 of produced water were from the beginning of the development of the deposit to the end of 2023, 250 m were accumulated and utilized.

It has been established that the chemical parameters of produced waters are identical to those of the aquifers of the field. They have a calcium-sodium chloride, magnesium-sodium composition, with increased mineralization values. Total dissolved solids of waters, depending on the aquifer from which they came, is 28.5–100.3 g/dm3. Its lower values are characteristic of the Badenian-Sarmatian aquifer complex, while higher values are characteristic of the Mesozoic-Carpathian complex. The values of total dissolved solids of these waters almost do not change during 2017–2023.

Total dissolved solids of waste water mixtures in collection tanks (settling tanks) during the period of analytical research was 31.72–77.66 g/dm3. The waters were characterized by a slightly acidic reaction (pH 6.07–6.80). The content of total Ferrum does not exceed 16.8 mg/dm3, ammonium – 105.1 mg/dm3, Bromine – 193 mg/dm3, Iodine – 42.3 mg/dm3, petroleum products – no more than 7.3 mg/dm3, methanol – < 0.1 mg/dm3.

Injection of produced waters is carried out through well No. 4. The reservoir-collector ND-12a in this well is characterized by favourable conditions: average porosity – 19.5 %, permeability – 0.1–0.8 mD, thickness – up to 86 m. It is well isolated by waterproof rocks that provide hydrodynamic closure of the system. The acceptability of well No. 4 is 15 m3/h (360 m3/day). The geochemical compatibility of produced waters with waters of the horizon ND-12a was evaluated, which does not involve precipitation of salts and clogging of the pore space. The results of monitoring studies of the chemical composition of the waters of the Quaternary aquifer of the field site and nearby settlements indicate the absence of the impact of the utilization of produced waters.


ecological conversion, gas-condensate field, produced waters, utilization, monitoring


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024 > 73–86

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024, 73–86


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


All types of combustible minerals are located on the territory of Ukraine – oil, natural gas, gas condensate, coal, peat, oil shale, but the amounts of their extraction and methods of use in total do not ensure the necessary level of energy state security. The additional difficulties in the energy sector were created by long-term hostilities in the east and south parts of the country. The unavailability of most extraction capacities of primary energy resources and the loss of a significant part of electricity generation negatively affected the possibilities of socio-economic development. Against this background, increasing the efficiency of the use of unconventional fuels and energy resources, in particular in the western region, taking into consideration the global trend of renewed interest in the ecological use of fossil fuels, waste and biomass, is relevant and timely.

In the general case, unconventional combustible minerals can be included on-balance and off-balance reserves of primary types of energy materials and amounts of technogenic wastes from coal mining, coal beneficiation, oil refining etc., which by its energy or geological-spatial conditions, currently not meet the economic criteria for extraction and use by traditional methods.

The article provides a comparative overview of known methods of conversion (processing) of unconventional fuel, in particular pyrolysis, hydrogenation and gasification. It is shown that according to the types of processed raw materials, indicators of technological processes and characteristics of the obtained products, gasification methods are the most suitable for ecological conversion of unconventional fuels and wastes. The developed direct and combined methods of ecological conversion of unconventional solid combustible fossils and carbon-containing wastes to obtain gaseous, liquid and solid fuels are presented, as well as the prospects of their implementation in the western region of Ukraine are considered.


unconventional combustible minerals, carbon-containing wastes, ecological conversion, western region of Ukraine


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024 > 62–72

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024, 62–72


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:;


Methane deposits in coal beds are related to unconventional deposits of natural gas. The purpose of the work is to generalize data on the gas presence in the gas-coal fields of the Lviv-Volyn Coal Basin; to ascertain alterations of methane presence of the coal-bearing series across the area of the Lviv-Volyn Coal Basin.

We have analyzed gas-coal deposits of the Lviv-Volyn Coal Basin. General view of the change in methane presence across the area of the basin is the following:

– of the Volyn field seams of the Bashkirian stage have the least methane presence. Thus, for the seam b3 it doesn’t exceed 0.1–1. cu m/t. dry ash-free mass (cu m/t. a.-f. m.), and for the seam b1, it is equal to 0.2–3.0 cu m/t. a.-f. m.). The methane presence the Serpukhovian stage is higher and is changed within on a large scale from 0.01 to 3.0 cu m/t. a.-f. m. In the northern part of the basin, at the Volyn field the commercial coal seams have insignificant methane presence from 0.01 to 1.4 cu m/t. a.-f. m. Only is the far north-west it is increased up to 4–8 cu m/t. a.-f. m.;

– in the northern and north-eastern parts of the Zabuzhzhia field, the methane presence of coalbeds of the Serpukhovian stage is from 0.01 to 1. cu m/t. a.-f. m. With the increase in the depth of occurrence up to 500–650 m in the south-western part of the field, the methane presence increases to 2–10 cu m/t. a.-f. m. and at some plots it reaches 12–17 cu m/t. a.-f. m.;

– іn the Mezhyrichchia field the methane presence of the seams n11, n12, as well as of the main working seams of north-eastern part and along their outcrops into Carboniferous hardly reaches 3–5 cu m/t. a.-f. m. Characteristic of the field is that with increase of the depth of occurrence of beds from 380 to 450 m in the east and to 500–570 m in the west, the methane presence increases from 3–8 to 5–17 cu m/t. a.-f. m.;

– in the Tyagliv field, the methane presence of coalbeds reaches of its maximum and in the depth of 800–870 m it is from 8 to 31 cu m/t. a.-f. m. Тhe Tyagliv field is the most gas-bearing in the Lviv-Volyn Coal Basin;

– in the Lyubelya field, in its southern part, coal-bearing bearing series up to coal seam n7 is degassed, and the methane content in the gas mixture is from 0 to 0.8 cu m/t. a.-f. m. In the northern direction of the field the methane presence increases to 5–15 cu m/t. a.-f. m., and in the seam v6 up to 20 cu m/t. a.-f. m. at the mine fields No. 4 and No. 5.

To ascertain prospects of the areas for commercial extraction of coalbed methane it is necessary to take all geological factors, influencing the spreading and distribution of coal gases, into consideration. Complex approach to coal production with studying gas bearingness in the gas-bearing series is very important for the perspectiveness of the areas. The usage of such methods is one of the perspective directions of a stable development of coal-producing regions with gradual transfer from the monocentrified production to the multiprofile purposefulness.


gas bearingness, coal seam, gas-coal fields, complex approach, Lviv-Volyn coal basin


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024 > 48–61

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024, 48–61


1 State Institution “Scientific Center of Mining Geology, Geoecology and Infrastructure Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
2 An individual entrepreneur Finchuk Vitaly Vasyliovych, Kyiv, Ukraine


Geological exploration for oil and gas in the Dnipro-Donets Basin has shown that most fields have a complex structure, which significantly complicates the search for hydrocarbon deposits. The studies were conducted within the structural zone in the Narizhnyanska area to predict hydrocarbon deposits in the Lower Carboniferous Visean and Serpukhivian and Middle Carboniferous Bashkirian deposits, as well as to clarify the structure of the unconformable shielding dump. Fieldwork was carried out along 23 profiles crossing the Narizhnyanska, Rogivska, Shylivska and Burivska structures to identify and delineate electromagnetic anomalies. According to the interpretation of the obtained data, the zones of unconfined rocks are the channels of hydrocarbon migration, and the compression zones are the barriers in front of which they accumulate. The most promising areas for hydrocarbon accumulation are those where the anomalies of the maximum values of the nFisum.mean parameter are located in the southern part, and the anomalies of the minimum values of the parameter are located in the northern part of the area. According to the results of the study, the Point electromagnetic sounding method determined: Narizhnyanska, Rogivska and the northern part of Burivska structure are the most promising areas of the Narizhnyanska area in terms of hydrocarbon deposits.

The results of the work on the Narizhnyanska area showed that the Point electromagnetic sounding method can be used in a complex of exploration and prospecting works to study seismic or other anomalies, determine the depths of horizons of anomalous electromagnetic properties that are promising for hydrocarbon accumulation.


oil and gas content of the subsoil, PEMS method, electrical exploration, electromagnetic sounding, electromagnetic anomalies, vertical gradient of change in the secondary field strength, Narizhnyanska structure


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024 > 36–47

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024, 36–47


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


Increase in the production and stepping up the rate of hydrocarbon reserves is an important task for keeping Ukraine supplied with its own resources. Development of the missed upper horizons or those that are considered to be non-commercial is the cheapest way to increase production. Shallow lying horizons C-8 and C-9 of the Serpukhovian deposits of the Pryluky uplift belong to such objects. Unconventional reservoirs composed of layered, lithologically uneven layers of composite structure of porous space and considerable changeability of the composition are considered to be perspective. Relatively low natural radio-activity according to data of gamma-ray logging, the absence of spontaneous potential-anomalies, somewhat low values of specific resistance, insignificant increase in indices of potential sounding in comparison with gradient sounding, increased values of residual saturation factor are characteristic indications of these reservoir rocks.

According to data of geophysical well logging, the reliable ways and methods of predicting qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the main petrophysical parameters of the reservoirs of given type are absent up to the present because petrophysical properties of such reservoirs are studied not fully. Their development requires the execution of experimental complex investigations of the core samples selected from these horizons that allows us to study the interconnections and mutual stipulating of collecting and geophysical properties of reservoirs with controlled change in parameters in the course of the experiments and to determine the complex of informative parameters of the well logging.

As a result of conducted studies of the rock samples, the lithological type of reservoir was determined and its lithological-petrophysical characteristic was given. Matrix of the rock contains porous space of different type and genesis. Porosity of the interlayers of sandy aleurolites, that are the main oil-saturated reservoirs, reaches the value of 23 to 28 per cent, and with the aid of fractures along bedding of all another lithological varieties, including clayish, they are connected into a single hydrodynamic system bifurcated in the rocks with decreased solidity, and therefore very sensitive to stress redistribution and formation pressure.

There correlational ties between geophysical and capacity-filtration parameters of the reservoir rocks were determined, petrophysical models were constructed for normal and formational conditions and the main factors, sufficiently influencing their value, were determined.


Pryluky uplift, shallow lying horizons, composite reservoir rocks, laboratory studies, petrophysical model


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024 > 24–35

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024, 24–35

Kostyantyn HRIGORCHUK1, Volodymyr HNIDETS2, Oksana KOKHAN, Lina BALANDYUK

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:;


The paper presents the results of complex lithogenetic studies of the Middle Jurassic deposits of the Predobrogean depression. The nature of the lithological-lithmological space-age variability of the Callovian and Bath-Bajocian deposits was established, lithophysical models were built on this basis, and the peculiarities of the development of reservoir rocks of various types and aquitards were clarified. In the lithological structure of the Middle Jurassic, three types of section are distinguished according to the ratio of rock components. It was established that the lithological structure of the Callovian and Bath-Bajocian deposits is significantly different: clayey, as well as siltstone-sand litmites are characteristic of the Bath-Bajocian, and mixed and terrigenous litmites with a carbonate component are characteristic of the Callovian. The lateral lithological and lithological heterogeneity of the sediments indicates that the studied profiles cross several facies zones. Two clastogenic packs of regional distribution were identified in the section of the Bath-Bajocian in the lower and middle parts of the section, 55–60 m and 50–240 m thick, respectively, separated by a pack of clay formations. The Callovian deposits are characterized by the development of mixed litmites, to a certain extent enriched in carbonate rocks. Three oil and gas promising areas have been localized. First, this is the district of Well Suvorivska-4, where the development of a combined (anticlinal and lithologically limited) trap is predicted in the Callovian deposits. Secondly, the area between Well Chervonoarmiyska-2 and Suvorivska-4, where 10 horizons of both pore and fracture reservoirs are wedged in the Bath-Bajocian deposits. The third is the district of Well Starotroyanivska-1, where there is a anticlinal trap with the development in the Bath-Bajocian deposits of two horizons of pore collectors, which are shielded by rather powerful aquitards.


deposits of the Middle Jurassic, litho-lithmological features, reservoir rocks, Predobrogean depression


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A NEW MODEL OF THE FORMATION OF THE FOUNDATION OF THE TRANSCARPATHIAN FOREDEEP (in the context of prospects for oil and gas presence)

Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024 > 5–23

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024, 5–23

Volodymyr SHLAPINSKYI1, Myroslav PAVLYUK2, Olesya SAVCHAK3, Myroslav TERNAVSKYI4

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:;;;


In the Transcarpathian Foredeep, the foundation rocks are not exposed on the day surface. They are available for study only based on the results of drilling in the post-war period or geophysical research. Over the entire long period of time, two hundred and fifty wells were drilled in the Transcarpathian Foredeep on twenty-two structures, with a total area of more than two hundred thousand meters. The deep drilling of one hundred and seventy thousand meters (about seventy wells) was carried out on ten structures. Five gas fields have been discovered within the foredeep. Thanks to this, the existence of the Transcarpathian gas-bearing region was established, which entered the boundaries of the Carpathian oil and gas-bearing province. All gas fields known here are localized in the Neogene cover. Meanwhile, one should not ignore the prospects and the not yet sufficiently studied pre-Neogene foundation. Fissured and cavernous limestones and dolomites of the Triassic and Jurassic, as well as terrigenous sediments of the Cretaceous and Paleogene have satisfactory reservoir properties (open porosity 10 % and higher). Significant inflows of combustible gas were recorded in a number of wells. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of the structure of the foundation of the Transcarpathian Foredeep and due to insufficient coverage of it by drilling and geophysical research, ideas about its geological structure cannot be considered satisfactory, unlike the Neogene cover. Therefore, improving knowledge about the structure of the foundation is of great practical importance. Due to the fact that new drilling operations are not currently being conducted to open the foundation, we have tried to rethink the existing geological factual material available to us through its in-depth analysis. As a result, a fundamentally new scheme of tectonic zoning of the foundation of the Transcarpathian Foredeep was proposed. In its composition, we have identified cover units (covers, sub-covers and scales), which better reflects the real state of affairs than existing schemes and expands the possibilities of carrying out exploration work in order to discover industrial accumulations of combustible gas in it.


Transcarpathian Foredeep, foundation, tectonics, faults, cover units


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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024 > 141–153

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 141–153


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The drinking water supply of Lviv Region requires special water treatment, a large part of which does not meet the standards due to increased mineralization, hardness and pollution by industrial and domestic effluents. A study of changes in the quality of drinking water from wells of private houses from two streets of the southwestern part of the village of Bryukhovychi was conducted. It was established that for the period 2011–2023 in most of the sampling points, the quality of water has significantly deteriorated, in some – the water composition has changed, many indicators of macro components have exceeded the maximum permissible concentration (MPC). According to the hydrogen indicator, the water from the studied wells is neutral and does not exceed the MPC. According to the degree of mineralization, the investigated water samples from wells of private residences belonged to fresh water, with the exception of the household on the street. Ozhinova, 2, where the water was weakly mineralized. Over the course of 12 years, the situation worsened significantly — in two more wells, the mineralization increased and exceeded the MPC, and fresh water became weakly mineralized. The best situation regarding the mineralization indicator is observed in the well of the household on the Lisna, 8a: the water is fresh, the growth of mineralization is insignificant and the MPC is not exceeded.

As for water hardness, in all studied samples the water became hard and exceeded the MPC in two wells. The content of macrocomponents, which exceeds or approaches the maximum permissible concentrations, has also changed. The chemical composition of the studied water samples also changed over the course of 12 years, mainly due to the increase in the content of sulfate, chloride, and sodium ions. That is, in all the selected samples there is a tendency to deterioration of the quality of drinking water. Only from the well on the street in Lisna 8a, the macrocomponent composition of the sample almost did not change, and the water quality of this household remained the best.

The content of ammonium, nitrates and nitrites in the studied water samples decreased or increased insignificantly, which indicates a slight anthropogenic influence. Proximity to the Soluky mineral water deposit can probably be a factor in the change in the quality of drinking water. Since the water of the Soluky deposit is sulfate-chloride calcium-sodium, and the water from the wells of the Ozhinova 2, 6, and 7 buildings has changed its chemical composition, being enriched with sulfate, chloride, and sodium ions, similar to the composition of the Soluky, it can be assumed that in the sediments of cracked marls of the Upper Cretaceous, groundwater flows occur.


aquifer, hydrogen index, mineralisation, water hardness, drinking water, Bryukhovychi


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