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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024 > 130–140

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 130–140

Roman-Danyil KUCHER, Oksana SENIV

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The article examines methods of studying the capacity-filtration properties of reservoir rocks of hydrocarbon deposits and transformation processes and the state of kerogen depletion within the Boryslav-Pokuttia zone of the Pre-Сarpathian depression.

The complex stressed state of rocks, which arises because of the action of geodynamic stresses, and the processes of catagenetic changes cause the development of secondary pore-crack and crack-cavernous reservoirs. Crack formation is caused by deformation and depends on the mechanical properties of rocks. The development of traps, pore-crack and crack-cavernous reservoirs is associated with rock loosening zones, which tend to tectonic disturbances and to places of intrusion of fluids from great depths into the sedimentary layer. At the same time, two multidirectional processes – thermal degradation and consolidation under the influence of pressure – cause changes that occur in the structure of kerogen during its evolution.

Based on the results of the analysis of the actual and theoretical material, the optimal methodical set of studies of the most important characteristics of the reservoirs and the processes of kerogen evolution for the considered zone is substantiated. An analysis of the geological and petrophysical characteristics of the Oligocene deposits of the Inner Zone of the Pre-Carpathian Trough was carried out and database were formed.

It has been established that pore-crack and crack reservoirs have a complex structure, and their distribution and capacity are controlled by two factors of different nature – lithological-facies and structural-deformation. It was found that thermodynamic modelling models – maximization of entropy and constants of independent chemical reactions – provide reliable results of the distribution of elements between the components of complex heterogeneous and homogeneous geochemical systems. It is shown that the chosen method of calculating the Gibbs energy of individual components of geochemical systems has sufficient accuracy for use in the above models.


Boryslav-Pokuttia zone, complicated reservoir rocks, petrophysical and geochemical parameters


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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024 > 113–129

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 113–129

Myroslava YAKOVENKO1, Yurii KHOKHA2

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: 1; 2


The problems of peat analysis using near-infrared reflectance (NIR) and mid-infrared reflectance (MIR) spectroscopy methods are considered.

Infrared spectroscopic researches of selected peat samples in a vertical section (depth 0–140 cm) from the Honchary deposit of the Lviv Region were carried out using instrumental analytical methods of infrared spectroscopy (near-infrared reflectance, NIR and mid-infrared reflectance, MIR) in order to determine the characteristics of the chemical group composition, mineral and organic components of peat to assess the quality of peat and its further exploitation in various industries.

As a result, the spectra of chemical compounds were identified, among which the largest number are: hydroxyl, methylene, methyl and aromatic groups.

Direct analysis of infrared spectrogram sections of the studied peat showed significantly greater informativeness of IR spectroscopy in the mid-infrared range (400–4000 cm−1) in contrast to the mid-infrared frequency range (from 3900 to 7400 cm−1).

The possibility and effectiveness of using near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy methods to analyze the chemical composition of peat and obtain information on the structure of organic matter at the level of functional groups has been assessed.

The advantage of this method in comparison with other instrumental research methods is also its speed and expressivity – the total time required for the preparation and analysis of peat samples was less than 5 minutes compared to 10–16 hours required for determining the content of moisture, proteins, lipids and ash by reference standard methods.

Near-infrared reflectance (NIR) and mid-infrared reflectance (MIR) spectroscopy methods can be used and effectively applied in combination with other methods as an analytical tool for peat quality monitoring, simultaneous measurement of several quality parameters and its further use in various industries and development of environmentally friendly technologies.


peat, mineral and organic composition, infrared spectroscopy, near-infrared spectroscopy, mid-infrared spectroscopy, functional groups, peat quality


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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024 > 95–112

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 95–112


Institute of Geological Sciences of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The spread of the Oxfordian-Valanginian facial belts of the carbonate shelf is traced on the territory of the eastern segment of Tethyan Upper Jurassic reef barrier by the results of own research and analysis of the published data. It is based on the scheme of distribution of the standard facial belts (D. Wilson, 1980). Complex correlation of the reefogenic and related deposits is done on the basis of comparison of the litofacial and micropaleontological composition. Standard biozonal scheme by Tintinnida and correlative associations of the Foraminifera are used.

Most complete reefogenic deposits are presented in the West Ukrainian (Stryi Jurassic deep), where reefal, reef-front and back-reef facies are distributed. They are overlap by the deposits of the open shelf. This carbonate complex is significantly eroded to the East and represented only by Oxfordian back-reef facies on the Kovel ledge and by biohermic belt in the Belarus Brest cavity. In the Pieniny Klippen Belt in the Ukrainian Carpathians, the fragments of the Oxfordian-Valanginian pelagic facies of carbonate shelf are distributed. In the deep basement of the Ukrainian Transcarpathians, the Upper Tithonian, Berriassian and Valanginian deposits of open shelf are presented.

To the West, the similar Oxfordian-Valanginian facies of the carbonate shelf are spread out on the adjacent territory of Poland, but they are mostly eroded. Reef belt is represented only by Oxfordian bioherms on the Polish Lowland. Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian back-reef facies and Tithonian-Berriassian deposits are more widespread. Reef-front facies are represented only by the Oxfordian. These deposits are overlaped by the Berriassian–Valanginian open shelf sedimens. In the Polish Carpathian Pieniny Klippen Belt and Tatra Mts, the fragments of the Oxfordian–Valanginian pelagic deposits of carbonate shelf are presented. In the Flysch Carpathians, Tithonian-Berriassian reefal limestone and Oxfordian and Tithonian reef-front facies also are presented.

Upper Jurassic reefogenic belt spread on the south-east in Predobrogian deep, where it is very eroded and overlaped by Lower Cretaceous rocks. Reefal facies is represented only by Middle Oxfordian – Lower Kimmeridgian biohermes. Back-reef facies of the Middle Oxfordian – Lower Kimmeridgian and Upper Tithonian – Lower Berriassian are present. Kimmeridgian and Tithonian lagoone-evaporite facies are the most spread. Reef-front facies are represented by the Oxfordian – Lower Kimmeridgian and Upper Tithonian.

In the Crimean Orogen, Upper Jurassic reef barrier is represented by destroyed and insufficiently studied sections, because of that the complete regularity of facial directions is not found. Oxfordian – Lower Kimmeridgian and Upper Tithonian – Lower Berriassian reefal facies, as well as Lower Oxfordian, Upper Kimmeridgian – Lower Berriassian facies are presented.

In Greater Caucasus, the Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous carbonate complex is completed with the Oxfordian and Tithonian reefal facies and Oxfordian-Tithonian back-reef facies and evaporates, as well as by the Oxfordian-Valanginian pelagic deposits. These sections are fragmental, and the complete regularity of facial directions is not found.

So, the eastern segment of Tethyan Upper Jurassic reefogenic complex is spread trough the regions of Carpathian Foredeep, Predobrogean deep, orogens of Carpathians, Crimea and Greater Caucasus. In the orogene structures, this complex is presented fragmentarily, and in the Polish Lowland and Predobrugean deep, it is very eroded. In the Stryi Jurassic deep, the complete complex of reef barrier is presented, and regularity of facial directions are determined. All specified facial belts in these regions are characterized by the similar lithologic composition, as well as by the same associations of Foraminifera and Tintinnida. This made it possible to implement the stratigraphic correlation of the lithofacies formations of the carbonate complex.


Upper Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, reef barrier, Carpathians and Precarpathians, Predobrogean deep, Mountainous Crimea, Greater Caucasus, facial belt, Foraminifera, Tintinnida, stratigraphic correlation


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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024 > 81–94

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 81–94


1 Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:
2 Lviv National Ivan Franko University, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


In presented article, on the basis of foraminiferal analysis and using the sedimentological data, the stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Pieniny Klippen Belt and the Marmarosh Klippen Zone is summarized and clarified, and the features of paleoceanography, in particular the paleobathymetry of sedimentatary basins, were reconstructed. An analysis of the taxonomic composition and morphological features of foraminifera were carried out, as well as of the planktonic/benthic ratio was calculated, on the basis of which the paleoenvironment for foraminifera were reconstructed.

Three types of deep-sea foraminiferal assemblages were identified in the studied sediments based on a comparison of the foraminiferal assemblages with the Upper Cretaceous biofacies of the Western Mediterranian and adjacent areas. The assemblages (1) of agglutinated foraminifera belonging to the deep-water agglutinated foraminifera (DWAF) are indicating a bathyal–abyssal below the calcite compensation depth (CCD). These assemblages were found only in the Marmarosh Klippen Zone in low-thickness (25 m) Turonian–Santonian red argillites in the lower part of the Puchov Formation, as well as in the flysch deposits of the Jarmuta Formation. Small-sized foraminifera with a fine-grained wall texture, which belong to the genera Ammodiscus, Haplophragmoides, Labrospira, Pseudobolivina, Plectorecurvoides, Praecystammina, Uvigerinammina, Gerochammina suggesting pelagic sedimentation below CCD are common in the lower part of the Puchov Formation in the Marmarosh Klippen Zone. The assemblages (2) are characteristic for the basin slope with depths above the CCD, and represented by mixed agglutinated, calcareous benthic and planktonic foraminifera. They are characterized by the predominance of the benthic specimens, which make up 70-80% of foraminiferal remains. Assemblages (2) were also found in sediments of the Marmarosh Klippen Zone, such as the upper part of the Santonian and Campanian sediments of the Puchov Formation. They contain siliceous or calcareous-siliceous DWAF (mainly genera Kalamopsis, Caudammina, Karrerulina, Spiroplectammina, Tritaxia, Dorothia, Marssonella), calcareous benthic foraminifera (mainly genera Pleurostomella, Eponides, Globorotalites, Anomalina, Reussella). Planktonic foraminifera have mainly large keeled shells typical for deep sea areas and belong to the genera Globotruncana, Globotruncanita, and Abathomphalus. The assemblages (3) are plankton-dominated with admixture of the DWAF and calcareous benthic foraminifera. The assemblages are characteristic of marls accumulated at depths above the CCD on continental slopes in the bathyal conditions of the open ocean. They are common in the Upper Cretaceous of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, where were found in the tops of the Tyssalo Formation (Cenomanian), Puchov Formation (Turonian–Maastrichtian), and Jarmuta Formation (Maastrichtian). Planktonic foraminifera have mainly large keeled shells, high species and genera diversity and belong to the family Rotaliporidae (Cenomanian), families Globotruncanidae, Globotruncanellidae (Turonian–Maastrichtian). Benthic foraminifera belong mainly to genera Caudammina, Tritaxia, Dorothia, Marssonella Eponides, Reussella.

The Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Ukrainian segment of the Pieniny Klippen Belt correspond to the sediments of the Czorsztyn sequence of its Polish segment, and were accumulated in the Czorsztyn submerged ridge (probably on its slope) located in the Alpine Tethys Ocean. The Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Marmarosh Klippen Zone were accumulated on the foot (Turonian – Santonian) and slope (uppermost Santonian – Campanian) of the another uplift such as the edge of the ancient Tisza-Dacia microcontinent, of which the Marmarosh Crystalline Massif is a part. Maastrichnian clastic sediments of the Jarmuta Formation were formed in the orogenic environments.


Ukrainian Carpathians, Pieniny Klippen Belt, Marmarosh Klippen Zone, Late Cretaceous, foraminifera, paleoceanography


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PROSPECTS OF THE OIL AND GAS POTENTIAL OF THE NORTHERN YAVORIV AREA OF THE BILCHE-VOLYTSIA AREA OF THE FORECARPATHIAN (according to the results of comprehensive geophysical and geochemical research)

Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024 > 69–80

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 69–80

Stepan DUCHUK1, Sofiia MAKSYMUK2, Anatoliy GALAMAY3

1 Western-Ukrainian Geophysical Exploration Expedition, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: zugre@lviv.farlep.netInstitute of 2, 3 Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: 2; 3


A complex of geophysical and geochemical studies was carried out in the Bilche-Volytsia zone on the Northern Yavoriv area with the aim of detailing the geological structure of Mesozoic and Neogene deposits in the context of identifying oil and gas promising traps of various types and preparing them for deep drilling.

To solve the problem, the following studies were applied: seismic surveying by the common depth point method, electrical surveying by the method of sounding the formation of the field in the near zone, geochemical surveying by the method of gas discharge surveying.

The main resulting material of the performed geophysical and geochemical studies on the Northern Yavoriv area is a structural-tectonic model, seismic and seismogeological sections, maps of longitudinal resistances and geoelectrical sections, maps of geochemical parameters, mapping maps by types of research.

As a result of conducting seismic, electrical, and geochemical studies, the geological structure of the Northern Yavoriv area was detailed. Structural plans by stratigraphic levels are presented: Pre-Neogene surface, Tyrassian of the Badenian age suite, the top of the Lower Dashava subsuite of Sarmatian age, the top of Upper Dashava subsuites of Sarmatian age.

The Pre-Neogene surface is represented by deposits of the Upper Cretaceous and the Upper and Middle Jurassic ages. Along this horizon, there is a dip from the northeast to the southwest. The structural-tectonic model is complicated by thrusts, longitudinal shifts, normal and strike-slip faults, which divide the research area into separate blocks.

According to the structural constructions on the roof of the Tyrassian suite, against the background of the general rise of the horizon to the northeast in this part, a structural nose can be observed, which has a southeast extension.

A syncline can be traced along the Horodok flexure in the southwest along the horizons of the Lower Dashava subsuite and the roof of the Upper Dashava subsuite, within which there is a general coincidence of the structural plans of the mentioned horizons.

The difference in structural plans is observed in the area where the horizons adjoin the plane of the Horodok flexure.

The Northern Yavoriv structure of the semi-anticlinal type is mapped on the reflection seismic horizon of the roof of the Upper Dashava subsuite (VD-10). The structural and tectonic model of this horizon of the Northern Yavoriv area borders the Svydnytsia gas field through a syncline bend. According to the completed structural constructions along this horizon, as well as a complex comparison of methods, this area may represent a certain interest in terms of gas. It is recommended to drill well No. 1 on the Northern Yavoriv structure in order to search for Upper Dashava deposits.


structure, geoelectric section, geochemical anomaly, hydrocarbons, geological exploration works, Northern Yavoriv area


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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024 > 50–68

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 50–68

Svitlana HARASYM, Yaroslav LAZARUK

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The Berezhany-Buchach zone of local uplifts belongs to the Podillia promising district, located in the southern part of the Volyn-Podillia oil and gas region. Most of the local structures of the district are genetically related to tectonic disturbances. The structuring factor of the Berezhany-Buchach zone of tectonic dislocations is a fault of subregional extension, probably of a reverse-thrust character. Organogenic structures of the Silurian age are spatially connected with it. According to the results of lithologic-facies studies, they were deposited in lagoon-shelf conditions in a narrow strip 15–40 km wide, which stretches from the border with Romania in the southeast to the border with Poland in the northwest. According to the predominance of the remains of organisms, coral, stromatopore, crinoid, ostracod, brachiopod and algal species are distinguished among carbonates. They are recrystallized as a result of epigenetic processes. The reservoir rocks are composed of silty-detrital limestones, dolomitized limestones, and dolomites. There are both porous and cavernous, as well as fissure-pore and fissure-cavern collectors. Primary porosity is caused by voids inside and between organisms, and secondary capacity is caused by recrystallization, dolomitization, leaching, cavernous and fissure formation. The open porosity of carbonates varies on average from 4 to 16 %, permeability – from 0.01 to 2 mD. In the southeastern direction, the collector properties of carbonates deteriorate. Industrial deposits of hydrocarbons in the Silurian carbonates of Volyn-Podillia have not been established, however, numerous oil and gas occurrences were recorded during drilling. Based on the materials of lithologic and facies studies, the results of studying the reservoir properties of reservoir rocks, seismological and magnetometric constructions, and data from surface geochemical studies, the probable Berezhany, Dobrovoda, and Buchach objects were identified, their resource base was estimated at 48.6 million tons of oil and 1.3 billion m3 of dissolved gas, and the tasks for 3D seismic exploration were substantiated for the purpose of preparing the mentioned objects for exploratory drilling for oil and gas.


oil, deposit, oil traps, carbonate reservoir, hydrocarbon reserves


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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024 > 32–49

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 32–49


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


On the basis of the analysis of the occurrence of the main Paleocene lithological complexes of the Berehova and Oriv units of the Ukrainian Carpathians, four areas with different distribution of sandstones, siltstones and mudstones were distinguished. The selected areas are promising for the planning of oil and gas prospecting and for the increase of oil and gas reserves. Areas of distribution of lithologically sealed hydrocarbon traps are situated where sandstone formations occur. It is established that sandstones and siltstones of the Yamna suite are represented by both densely and poorly cemented varieties, which differ in cement composition, degree of cementation and porosity. The reservoir properties of the oil and gas bearing Paleocene sediments of the northwestern part of the study area were largely controlled by the factors that contributed to the preservation of high filtration and reservoir properties of the rocks at great depths – the thickness of the layers and the type of cementation of the clastic material. At the same time, the formation of the secondary pore space occurred due to the lithogenetic and tectonic fractures, as well as the decarbonization of sandstone and siltstone cement. The varying degrees of catagenetic changes in the rocks of the northwestern and southeastern parts of the study area indicate that tectonic processes had a significant impact on the lithogenesis of oil and gas bearing deposits and the formation of their reservoir properties.

It is revealed that the most prospective from the point of view of potential reservoir rocks occurrence in the sequence of the Yamna suite, which is represented mainly by sandstones, is the northwestern part of the study area, where the high reservoir properties of the oil- and gas-bearing Paleocene sediments are largely determined by the factors that facilitated their preservation in the rocks at great depths. These factors are the thickness of the layers and the type of cementation of the clastic material.

The complex of obtained results of investigations allowed allocation of the areas of potential reservoir rocks occurrence in the Paleocene sequence prospective for hydrocarbons accumulations.


Paleocene, Berehova and Oriv units, lithological complexes, petrographic composition of rocks, reservoir properties


Havryshkiv, H. (2008). Petrohrafiia paleotsenovykh vidkladiv “ekzotychnykh skel” Skybovoi zony Ukrainskykh Karpat. In Suchasni problemy litolohii ta minerahenii osadovykh baseiniv Ukrainy ta sumizhnykh terytorii (pp. 67–70). Kyiv. [in Ukrainian]

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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024 > 22–31

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 22–31

Natalia RADKOVETS1, Yuriy KOLTUN1, Andrii LOKTIEV2

1 Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:
2 LLC “Institute of Geology R and D”, Kyiv, Ukraine


The Volyn-Podillia plate is one of the main oil and gas-bearing regions of Ukraine. Despite numerous geological and geophysical studies of these territories, they still remain underexplored, and their oil and gas potential is underestimated. To date, two gas fields, Lokachynske and Velykomostivske, have been discovered within the boundaries of the Volyn-Podillia plate in the Middle Devonian sequence. Despite the established commercial gas bearing, the Devonian strata within the Volyn-Podillia plate are currently not sufficiently studied from the point of view of the occurrence of the organic-rich rocks in the section, which could generate hydrocarbons.

A significant amount of collected core material and geological-geophysical data from numerous wells within the research area made it possible to study the features of distribution and conduct a mineralogical-petrographic and geochemical study of Lower, Middle and Upper Devonian organic-rich rocks.

In the sediments of the Lochkovian stage of the Lower, Eifelian and Givetian stages of the Middle and Frasnian stage of the Upper Devonian, the organic-rich rocks have been established. They are represented by terrigenous, clayey and carbonate strata.

In the section of the Lower Devonian, they are represented by clay-carbonate and carbonate rocks within the Lochkovian stage. The organic carbon content in these rocks reaches 0.45 %. In the Middle Devonian, organic-rich rocks occur in sections of both the Eifelian and Givetian stages, being represented by terrigenous, clayey, and carbonate rocks. The organic carbon content in the rocks of the Eifelian stage reaches 0.65 %, and in the rocks of the Givetian stage – 2.34 %. In the sections of the Frasnian stage of the Upper Devonian, organic-rich rocks are represented by terrigenous, clayey and carbonate layers with organic carbon content of up to 1.43 %.

Given the occurrence of organic-rich rocks in the sections of the Lower (Lochkovian stage), Middle (Eifelian, Givetian stages) and Upper Devonian (Frasnian stage), these deposits can be considered as potentially oil and gas generating, which could have been a component of the Paleozoic petroleum system of the Volyn-Podillia plate.


Volyn-Podillia plate, Devonian, organic-rich rocks, mineralogical and petrographic composition of rocks, organic carbon content in rocks


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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024 > 5–21

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 5–21

Volodymyr SHLAPINSKY, Myroslav PAVLYUK, Olesya SAVCHAK, Myroslav TERNAVSKY

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


In spite of a number of preliminary investigations, the Ukrainian portion of the Outer Carpathians continues to be the object for scientific discussions of the modern geologists. Studied area is located in the Rakhiv district of the Transcarpathian Region in the upper stream of the right tributaries of the Tysa River: Mala Shopurka, Middle River and Kosiv. The following covers and subcovers of the Outer Carpathians participate in the geological feature (from souht-west to north-east): Burkut, Duklya, Duklya-Chornohora (Hoverla-Krasnoshora subcover) and Krosno (Bitlya-Svydovets subcover). This area was the study subject for geologists from different organizations. Its geological feature is restorated at modern maps of the Ukrainian Carpathians published relatively not long ago. One of them is geological map at a scale of 1 : 200,000 published at the Polish Geological Institute, Warsaw, in 2 stages in 2004 and 2007. The second group of maps at a scale of 1 : 200,000 of the Carpathian series was published under the aegis of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine. It was fulfilled by the workers of NAC “Nadra Ukrainy” of the SE “Zakhidukrgeologia” of the Lviv and Transcarpathian Geological Research Expedition.

The object of our studying is located on the Nadvirna sheet of map, prepared for publication by the group of geologists under the leadership of B. V. Matskiv (2009). Both published maps contain insufficient information on the geological feature of the given plot of the Carpathians. Thus, the necessity has arisen to present the variant of geological map at a scale of 1 : 50,000 of our development. Such geological map was compiled mainly with usage of materials of geological surveying at a scale of 1 : 50,000 executed in 1981–1985 under the leadership of V. O. Vashchenko. Materials of over 1,000 exposures were analyzed. This has enabled us to reconstruct the geological feature of this region more precisely. Covering tectonics of the given area that was represented at the maps of precursors too, was verified and supplemented with the existence of a number of arterial fractures of strike-slip type, the existence of olistostrom horizons in the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Hoverla-Krasnoshora subcover and Lower Cretaceous Burkut subcover.


covers, subcovers, fractures, flysch, tectonic, remnants, olistostrom, diabases


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023 > 135–142

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023, 135–142


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The fundamental importance of studies of the processes of synthesis and genesis of hydrocarbons in the Earth’s lithosphere has been confirmed and the prospects of the chosen direction for advanced research have been demonstrated, as well as for the thorough development of genetic principles of physical and chemical conditions of the formation of hydrocarbons deposits in various geological minds, focusing on the role of natural carbonate formation in this process. It is shown in this connection that one of the most striking natural phenomena of the Earth’s lithosphere is the obvious manifestations of veinlet-impregnated carbonate mineralization. This has been discussed in detail in the case of some areas of the Ukrainian Carpathians and Pre-Сarpathians, where the original carbonate veinlets of hydrothermal origin with traces of hydrocarbons migration are often happened, but industrial research works is rarely carried out because of their low (as expected) prospects for gas and oil deposits. We pay attention to the areas of development of the calcite veinlets with rare, perfectly faceted crystals of quartz – “Marmarosh diamonds” among the Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits of the South-Western slope of the Carpathians.

As a result, supporting materials on the importance of natural carbonates in the processes of synthesis and genesis of hydrocarbons in the Earth’s lithosphere are given. It consists in the revealed previously unknown property of natural carbonates, mainly calcium carbonate, under the action of abiogenic high-thermobaric deep fluid to decompose and be an additional source of carbon with different isotopic compositions in the processes of synthesis and genesis of hydrocarbons: gas, oil, bitumen as well as a carrier of these compounds in time of their migration and conservation in new creations in the deposits of oil and gas-bearing areas and metallogenic provinces: deposits-fields, veins, fluid inclusions, veinlet-impregnated mineralization.


fluid inclusions, carbonates, veins, hydrocarbons, deposits, gas and oil, mass spectrometric studies, supposed scientific discovery


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