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Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 5–21

Volodymyr SHLAPINSKY, Myroslav PAVLYUK, Olesya SAVCHAK, Myroslav TERNAVSKY

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


In spite of a number of preliminary investigations, the Ukrainian portion of the Outer Carpathians continues to be the object for scientific discussions of the modern geologists. Studied area is located in the Rakhiv district of the Transcarpathian Region in the upper stream of the right tributaries of the Tysa River: Mala Shopurka, Middle River and Kosiv. The following covers and subcovers of the Outer Carpathians participate in the geological feature (from souht-west to north-east): Burkut, Duklya, Duklya-Chornohora (Hoverla-Krasnoshora subcover) and Krosno (Bitlya-Svydovets subcover). This area was the study subject for geologists from different organizations. Its geological feature is restorated at modern maps of the Ukrainian Carpathians published relatively not long ago. One of them is geological map at a scale of 1 : 200,000 published at the Polish Geological Institute, Warsaw, in 2 stages in 2004 and 2007. The second group of maps at a scale of 1 : 200,000 of the Carpathian series was published under the aegis of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine. It was fulfilled by the workers of NAC “Nadra Ukrainy” of the SE “Zakhidukrgeologia” of the Lviv and Transcarpathian Geological Research Expedition.

The object of our studying is located on the Nadvirna sheet of map, prepared for publication by the group of geologists under the leadership of B. V. Matskiv (2009). Both published maps contain insufficient information on the geological feature of the given plot of the Carpathians. Thus, the necessity has arisen to present the variant of geological map at a scale of 1 : 50,000 of our development. Such geological map was compiled mainly with usage of materials of geological surveying at a scale of 1 : 50,000 executed in 1981–1985 under the leadership of V. O. Vashchenko. Materials of over 1,000 exposures were analyzed. This has enabled us to reconstruct the geological feature of this region more precisely. Covering tectonics of the given area that was represented at the maps of precursors too, was verified and supplemented with the existence of a number of arterial fractures of strike-slip type, the existence of olistostrom horizons in the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Hoverla-Krasnoshora subcover and Lower Cretaceous Burkut subcover.


covers, subcovers, fractures, flysch, tectonic, remnants, olistostrom, diabases


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