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Home > Archive > No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018 > 110-125

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018, 110-125.


Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


Heol-Tekh LLC, Lviv


Individual Entrepreneur

Marianna IVANSKA

Heol-Tekh LLC, Lviv


In the press, Internet space and other mass media of the Transcarpathian region, the question of the expediency or the inexpediency of the harmful environmental impact on the construction of wind power plants in the Borzhava Valley has been widely debated recently. First of all, it should be noted that the intention of constructing such objects follows from the highest wind power potential of the Carpathian mountain regions in Ukraine, the high specific power of wind energy at a particular time and its total amount at different times (month, season, year), in particular average speed wind and boundary characteristics of wind power plants (the minimum and maximum speed at which the generator of wind turbines can work). This is that which determines the choice of investors for the construction of wind power plants in the Borzhava Valley.

Of course, the construction of any objects leads to one or another impact on the environment in general, and on hydrogeological and geoecological conditions in particular. However, how high is this influence, or does it lead to risks of violations of groundwater formation conditions and the negative changes in the chemical composition of underground and surface waters, is the purpose of this article.


Borzhava Valley, wind power plants, hydrogeological and geoecological conditions, environment.


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Home > Archive > No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018 > 105-109

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018, 105-109.


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail:


The ability of deep-seated abiogenic high-thermobaric fluid to form coal deposits is determined.


abiogenic methane-rich high-thermobaric fluid, coal deposits, organic remains, mass spectrometric method of research.


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Home > Archive > No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018 > 85-104

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018, 85-104.


Institute of Geological Sciences of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, e-mail:

Dmytro GUNYA

SS “Volodarske” PJSC “Mine named after O. F. Zasiadko”, Kharkiv, e-mail:


Long-term results of research on mapping oil and gas bearing sites at traditional and non-traditional sites (mine fields, shelf zones, astroblems) have made it possible to create a database of systemic criteria for search technology of structural thermo-atmo-hydrological and geochemical research, where for the first time in the search practice hydrogen was used as the main component of the hydrocarbons. Analysis of the results of the data on the distribution of hydrogen concentrations made it possible to isolate abnormal values both in areas and in productive wells (in the absence of background) and conduct detailed large-scale area studies for the purpose of area mapping for prospecting.


cycle; hydro-geosynergetic biogenic-mantle theory, hydrocarbons, structural thermo-atmo-hydrological and geochemical research.


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Home > Archive > No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018 > 73-84

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018, 73-84.


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail:


The paleohydrogeological conditions of accumulation and lithification of the Miocene strata of the north-western part of the Outer zone of the Precarpathian deep are studied and the intensity of the hydrodynamic processes taking place in this case is estimated.

Seven hydrogeological cycles have been identified in the paleohydrogeological development of the north-western part of the Outer zone. The total duration of infiltration stages in the north-west and central part of the Outer zone of the six hydrogeological cycles from Cambrian to Carpathian is 347.4 million years. The duration of the exfiltration stages of the same period is 184.2 million years. The ratio of the duration of the infiltration stages to the elimination is 1.89. Such signs indicate a significant “wash-off” of the geological structures of the region. The subject of our detailed study was the last, seventh hydrogeological cycle, which began with Carpathian and continues up to the present.

Using the method of paleohydrodynamic reconstructions, the calculation of water exchange intensity indices at the exfiltration and infiltration stages of the Baden-Sarmatian hydrogeological cycle was carried out. The predominance of the intensity of the exfiltration water exchange over the infiltration is established, which is considered favourable conditions for the preservation of hydrocarbon deposits.

The water balance of the Baden-Sarmatian hydrogeological cycle is calculated. Using the calculations carried out earlier for paleohydrodynamic reconstruction, the water exchange indices for the exfiltration phase of the Baden-Sarmatian hydrogeological cycle were calculated, and for the deposits of the Kosiv suite, the Lower and Upper Dashava undersuite.

On the basis of the analysis of the values of water exchange indices, it was concluded that with the immersion of sedimentary layers at a depth, the water pressure system of the Miocene deposits of the north-western part of the Outer zone of the Precarpathian deep passes from the zone of intensive water exchange to the zones of difficult and very difficult one. This indicates the difficulty of the hydrodynamic connection of surface and shallow circulating groundwater with the deep waters of water pressure oil and gas bearing systems and, as a consequence, the insignificant influence of the modern infiltration water pressure system on the processes of destruction of hydrocarbon deposits. The existence of the difficult and very difficult water exchange zones at the large depths of the water pressure system of the north-western part of the Outer zone of the Precarpathian deep with the presence of reservoir layers and structural and tectonic traps together creates the necessary conditions for the formation and conservation of hydrocarbon deposits.


paleohydrogeology, hydrogeological cycle, value of water exchange, water exchange intensity, sedimentary layers, groundwater.


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Home > Archive > No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018 > 63-72

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018, 63-72.


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail:


West Ukrainian Geophysical Prospecting Expedition, Lviv, e-mail:


West Ukrainian Geophysical Prospecting Expedition, Lviv, e-mail:


A complex of geophysical and geochemical studies was conducted in the Krosno zone on Lazeshchina area. Three layers of the anticlinal structures of the Carpathian Stretch – Yasinia, Lazeshchina and Stebnyk were traced in the structural plane. According to the seismic horizon P3c they have the form of brachiaticlinal folds, limited from the south and the north by the deep thrusts of the amplitude from 200 to 220 m. The presence of a significant number of tectonic elements resulted in a strong fracturing of the allochton, making it fluid-permeable for gaseous migrants.

According to the results of electrical survey the boundaries of Dovzhynets, Vyhoda, Bystrytsia and Manyava suites are clearly traced. The zones of increased resistance in Dovzhynets, Vyhoda suites (profile 1285904) and in the Golovetsko suite (profile 1295904) may be associated with oil and gas saturation of rocks.

Geochemical studies have established the composition of hydrocarbon mixtures of near-surface sediments, maps of the distribution of geochemical parameters with the allocation of zones of manifestation of their abnormal concentrations have been constructed.

Geochemical anomalies are well connected with structural buildups in the Yasinia, and Stebnyk folds. In addition, in the eastern and southeastern parts of the area, two more fields of abnormal concentrations of hydrocarbon components not covered by seismic exploration are identified. An important argument of its possible fluid saturation is the complexity of the geochemical anomaly, so this part of the area may have an important search value in the future.

Priority for conducting exploration works should be Yasynia fold, with localization of which are coincided with geochemical anomalies and increased resistance in geoelectrical profiles. The obtained results testify to oil and gas prospects of this area and the possibility of discovering new hydrocarbon deposits in the Krosno zone.


structure, geoelectrical profile, geochemical anomaly, hydrocarbons, флюїдонасиченість, exploration works, Lazeshchina area.


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Home > Archive > No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018 > 49-62

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018, 49-62.

Yuri KHOKHA, Oleksandr LYUBCHAK, Myroslava YAKOVENKO

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail:


Experiments on artificial “maturation” of humic acids, kerogen, model compounds of organic compounds and individual hydrocarbons up to 4000 hours carried out in a wide range of pressures and temperatures were considered. An analysis of trends in the change in the composition of gases over time, which was formed during experiments, was carried out. It is concluded that in the considered experiments the state of thermodynamic equilibrium is not achieved; they only show tendencies in the changes of the solid, liquid and gas phase. A method for simulating artificial maturation of organic compounds in the process of catagenesis, based on the Jaynes formalism, was developed. An equilibrium concentration of gases in contact with a humic substance depending on temperature is calculated. The results of the calculation are in good correspondence with the trends shown by experimental studies.


gas-generation, humic acids, catagenesis, Jaynes formalism, equilibrium thermodynamics.


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Home > Archive > No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018 > 21-48

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018, 21-48.


Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, е-mail:


Here the results of the determination of the intensity of compression of coaly rocks and coal-forming phytomass based on macroscopic geological comparative methods for different conditions of occurrence of remnants of organs of coal-forming plants as well as based on studies of the thin sections of different coal-forming tissues of phytoleims and petrifications by macropaleobotanic comparative and micropaleobotanic anatomical-morphological methods are described. The influence of the mineral composition of inorganic rocks, that compose the cores of the plant fragments or fill the hollowness of the cells of the plant tissues, and the intensity of their decomposition while peat- and coal-forming upon the intensity of phytomass compression is revealed.


Carboniferous, plant, peat, coal, vitrain, phytomass, anatomy, peat and coal formation, compression, decomposition.


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Home > Archive > No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018 > 5-20

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018, 5-20.


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail:


The Western oil-gas region of Ukraine is the most important oil- and gas-producing region of Ukraine and is the oldest one as to the time of discovery of commercial deposits of hydrocarbons. In all 94 fields were discovered in the region. Six of them belong to great, eight – to middle and eighty – to small. The greatest amount of fields is in the Bilche-Volytsa (47) and the Boryslav-Pokuttya (39) oil-gas regions. In the Transcarpathian gas-bearing region five gas fields are known, in the Carpathian – two oil fields and within the limits of the Volyn-Podillya area – two gas fields. We have analysed the geochemical composition of oil and condensate for 3 structural-tectonic elements of the region: outer, inner zone of the Carpathian Foredeep and Folded Carpathians and the comparative analysis of the composition of natural hydrocarbons within the limits of the region was carried out. The analysis of peculiarities of the geological structure and oil and gas presence in the totality with available geochemical data has allowed us to come to a conclusion that formation of oil and gas deposits in the Western oil- and gas-bearing region is caused both lateral and vertical migration of hydrocarbons.


geochemical features, migration, hydrocarbons, Western oil and gas region of Ukraine.


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