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Home > Archive > No. 3 (180) 2019 > 52-59

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3 (180) 2019, 52-59.


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv,


The influence of exploitation and abandonment of coal mines of the mining complex of Lviv-Volyn coal basin on the ecosystem of the region is considered. The main ecological problems of the territory are analyzed. It is established that the high technogenic pollution of the Chervonograd geological and industrial region is facilitated by the inflow of highly polluted drainage waters from the mine heaps and rock waste heaps of the Chervonograd Central Mining Plant into soils, surface, ground and underground waters. The negative impact of the heaps is caused by the high level of fault tectonics and fracturing of the bedrocks, the flat surface of the area. The influence of technogenic objects on the atmospheric air quality is analyzed. The main causes of the atmospheric air pollution are stationary sources of pollution.

Technogenic objects have a significant impact on the quality of the the atmospheric air. The main role in the structure of pollutants belongs to sulphur anhydrite, carbon and nitrogen oxides, dust and soot. The amount of pollutant emissions into the atmospheric air from stationary sources of pollution for Chervonograd and Sokal districts has been analyzed according to the data of the Main Statistics Office in Lviv region.

To prevent further deterioration of the ecological situation, it is recommended to form flat heaps, their reclamation and landscaping with the obligatory covering of the surface with a layer of neutral rocks, to keep measures to prevent burning of heaps. To stabilize the situation and to prevent further contamination of soil, surface and underground waters, the stable network of observations on the state of the geological environment, systematic geological and environmental monitoring should be carried out.


Lviv-Volyn basin, mining complex, waste heaps, soils, underground waters, atmosphere.


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Home > Archive > No. 3 (180) 2019 > 41-51

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3 (180) 2019, 41-51.

Viacheslav LUKINOV, Kostiantyn BEZRUCHKO, Liubov KUZNETSOVA

Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro,


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv,


Sudden coal and gas outbursts in coal mines are one of the most harmful and at the same time, dangerous gas-dynamic phenomena faced when coal producting. The sudden coal and gas outbursts is the evanescent destruction of the bottom-hole area in the coal bed, which develops from the bottom into the depth of a massif, and the crushed coal with gas is thrown to a long distance from the bottom into the mine, destroying everything in its way, creating the conditions for explosion and fire breaking-out. Sudden outbursts lead to significant material losses for the recovery from an accident and in some cases injuries and human losses. The problem of reliable prediction, prevention, and control of sudden coal and gas outbursts at coal mines remains extremely urgent, due to the constant increase in the depth of mining operations. The analysis of the experience of predicting and preventing the outburst hazard in coal beds of Donets and Lviv-Volyn coal basins is analyzed. At Donbas mines since 1906, there have been more than 7.5 thousand sudden outbursts. Although mining had now reached considerable depths (from 300 to 600 m), the emergence of coal and gas outbursts have not been recorded. The purpose of the research is to determine the depth of the possible emergence of sudden coal and gas outbursts in the LVB, with regard to the peculiarities of the geological structure of the coal-bearing strata in the Lviv-Volyn coal basin.

The comparative possible depth estimation in the manifestation of the outburst hazard of the coal beds in the LVB is given. It is calculated according to the normative technique and performed according to the formulas obtained by the statistical analysis for the actual position of the minimum depth of coal and gas outbursts at the Donbas mines. The absence of sudden coal and gas outbursts at LVB mines on the coal beds, which are hazardous according to the prediction data, is performed according to the methods regulated by the normative documents and compiled by the experience of studying the outbursts in Donbas, is explained by the differences in the geological structure of the LVB, the main of which is the presence of thick mass of covering deposits and a significantly greater depth of the methane gas zone. The application of the empirical formulas prediction, which includes the methane gas zone depth index, allows us to account for these differences and it is much more reliable to determine the possible depths of sudden outbursts for LVB, which, all other things being equal, should be greater than in the Donbas. In particular, according to the performed calculations, the outburst hazard situation at the “Stepova” mine is predicted at depths of more than 700 m. As prediction indices for the calculations, values of methane gas zone depths of 450 m were adopted, and the minimum value of volatile-matter yield was 33.3%.

This approach can be proposed for predicting the coal and gas outbursts hazard in other Lviv-Volyn basin mines. To determine the predicted depth of the possible emergence of sudden coal and gas outbursts, it is advisable to take into account the depth of the methane gas zone in the prediction calculations.


Lviv-Volyn coal basin, coal beds, sudden outburst, zone of methane gases, prediction of outburst hazard.


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Home > Archive > No. 3 (180) 2019 > 25-40

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3 (180) 2019, 25-40.

Yuri Khokha, Oleksandr Lyubchak, Myroslava Yakovenko

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv,


The article reviews the chemical structure of type II kerogen. The changes that occur with the structure of type II kerogen as it passes through the stages of catagenesis from immature to post-mature are evaluated. Structural models of type II kerogen at different stages of catagenesis are presented: both obtained empirically after studying the structure by physical and chemical methods and the results of modelling by molecular dynamics method.

Methods of equilibrium thermodynamics are used to calculate the composition of the kerogen–gas system for crust sections in the range of 1–20 km with a heat flux of 40 to 100 mW/m2. The composition of kerogen/fluid geochemical system is calculated using the E. T. Jaynes formalism. It boils down to determining the optimal distribution of 5 elements (C, H, O, N, S) among the 44 additive constituents of the solid phase (i. e., type II kerogen) and other individual components that are included in the system (CO2, H2O, H2S, NH3, CH4, C2H6, C3H8, i-C4H10, n-C4H10, i-C5H12, neo-C5H12, n-C5H12).

Comparison with the experiments showed that the results of the calculations do not contradict the experiments, with study the structure and changes in type II kerogen with increasing degree of catagenesis. In the analysis of changes in the concentrations of water, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, it is founded that kerogen could be not only a donor of atoms for gas components, but also their acceptor in contact with a high-energy fluid stream. It is shown that the determination of sulfur-containing atomic groups of kerogen by thermodynamic modelling yields gives more reliable results than molecular dynamics methods.

Established is that the concept of “methane-graphite death”, which takes place in the state of thermodynamic equilibrium in the transformation of organic matter, is erroneous. The calculation shows that the composition of the kerogen–gas system, in addition to methane and carbon, includes solid-phase heteroatom groups, various additive components of aromatic structures and gases, both organic and inorganic. The distribution of elements between the additive components of kerogen and gases in this system controls the pressure and temperature in a complex way. The nature of changes in hydrocarbon gas concentrations in equilibrium with type II kerogen indicates the presence of an “oil window” in low-warmed zones within 2–4 km depths.


type II kerogen, catagenesis, “oil window”, equilibrium thermodynamics, Jaynes formalism.


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Home > Archive > No. 3 (180) 2019 > 5-24

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3 (180) 2019, 5-24.

Myroslav Palyuk, Volodymyr Shlapinsky, Albert Medvedev, Bohdan Rizun, Myroslav Ternavsky

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Mineralsof National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv,


In the paper a model of the formation of the folded-covering-block structure of the Carpathians at a time interval that envelops Late-Hercynian and Alpine events is substantiated. Moreover, this concerns the Outer Carpathians, but the whole Carpathians arch was characterized without going into details, a critical estimate is expressed for application of such terms as terrains, accretion prism, suture, subduction and Transcarpathian fault. It is shown that formation of the Carpathians occurred through several stages under the influence of different-directed, manly horizontal, movements, as a result of which was destruction of early formed  Hercynian continental crust, laying of geosynclinals troughs, formation and further transformation of the basement of the Flysch Carpathians, its collision with Eurasian continental edge, underling of the latter under flysh complex. After completion of these processes mainly vertical movements took place that lineally formed the structure of the Carpathians as folded-covering-block one. As a result of the last event (Pliocene-Pleistocene), a differential development of intensive fracturing occurred with the influx of hydrocarbons and filling traps formed up.


formation of the Carpathians, terrains, accretion prism, Transcarpathian fault, crocodile tectonics, Other Carpathians, folded-covering-block structure.


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Home > Archive > No. 2 (179) 2019 > 47-54

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 2 (179) 2019, 47-54.


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail:


The formation of the temperature regime of the Dnieper-Donets depression is determined by the magnitude of the deep heat flux, the structural and tectonic features of the region, the lithology of the sedimentary complex, the occurrence of a thick complex of chemogenic and volcanic rocks in the region, as well as hydrogeological conditions.
Based on the analysis of factual geothermal material on wells, obtained during geophysical studies, measurements of temperatures and geothermal gradients, measurements of temperatures during testing of productive horizons, as well as from literary sources, the interpolation of factual geothermal material is carried out. The geothermal parameters characterizing the temperature state of rocks and fluids of different tectonic zones of the Eastern oil- and gas-bearing region have been determined. Schemes of temperature distribution at depths of 2000, 8000 m, average geothermal gradient, depths of isotherms 150 °C, 180 °C are given and regularities of distribution of geothermal parameters are analyzed. The lateral zoning of the geothermal parameters distribution of the region is established, the zones of their maximum, middle and low values are distinguished. Taking into account the peculiarities of the tectonic structure of the Dnieper-Donets graben, as the sedimentary complex is submerged, a gradual replacement of oil by oil and gas fields and then by the gas ones occurs from the northwest to the southeast. Geothermal parameters characterize the geothermal activity of the subsurface and allow to determine its zonation, as well as to predict the phase state of hydrocarbon systems at great depths.


geothermal parameters, thermobaric conditions, average geothermal gradient, “background” regional temperatures, isothermal surface, hydrocarbon phase state, Eastern oil- and gas-bearing region.


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Home > Archive > No. 2 (179) 2019 > 37-46

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 2 (179) 2019, 37-46.

Yuri KHOKHA, Oleksandr LYUBCHAK, Myroslava YAKOVENKO

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail:


The main methods of calculating the composition of geochemical systems in the thermodynamic equilibrium state were considered in the article. It was shown that the basis for such calculations was the determination of the Gibbs Free Energy of each system components at given temperatures and pressures. The methods of Gibbs Free Energy calculation at standard pressure and under conditions that are realized within the sedimentary strata were analyzed. The equations of state for natural gas individual components were selected and their Gibbs Free Energies for heat fluxes ranging from 40 to 100 mW/m2 and depths of 0–20 km were calculated. The results showed that the pressure significantly affects the value of Gibbs Free Energies formation of natural gas components within the sedimentary strata. Changes of the Gibbs Free Energies of natural gas components formation, as a function of depth, subordinated to the same laws for each compound. This regularity was better expressed in more heated areas.
It was shown that with depth increasing the Gibbs Free Energy of natural gas components formation first rapidly decreases and reaches its minimum ranging from 2 to 6 km. Moreover, as the value of the heat flux increases, the maximum value of the Gibbs Free Energy of formation of natural gas components, expressed in kilometers, decreases. With further immersion/deepening to depths greater than 6 km, the Gibbs Free Energy of the formation of natural gas components gradually increases, and in areas with greater heat flux, a sharp increase was characteristic, and with less, it was slow and weakly expressed. There is a stability area for hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon components of natural gas ranging from 2 to 6 km. With the increase of Carbon number in the hydrocarbon chain, the value of Gibbs Free Energy of the natural gas hydrocarbon components formation decreases, which indicates the presence of a stability zone for heavy natural gas components (it should be expected that oil also) within the depths of 2–6 km.


Gibbs Free Energy, heat flow, natural gas, sedimentary strata.


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Home > Archive > No. 2 (179) 2019 > 28-36

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 2 (179) 2019, 28-36.


ІInstitute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail:


The researcher’s approaches to the term “fluid systems” as a prototype of the fluid medium of crystallization of minerals, naturally preserved relics – inclusions of fluids reflect the features of the fluid regime of mineralogenesis of rock-ore complexes are analyzed. It is emphasized that the term “fluid” characterizes the main property of the substance of the medium of mineralogenesis, the most important substance of the Earth’s crust, its highest mobility, the maximum disorder of structure, fluidity, and covers the liquid or gas state of the lightweight components (gas, aqueous solution), as well as the melt of magmatic (silicate, salt, carbonate) substance. Under the fluid regime, the author understands the physical and chemical nature, the spatial-temporal sequence of manifestation and the variability of the parametric characteristics of the fluids, that is, the entire set of physico-chemical and geological phenomena and processes that determine the regular (discrete, periodic, evolutionary) changes in aggregate state, PT-parameters and the composition of the fluid medium of crystallization of minerals and their identified (certain, specific) parageneses. Our long-term studies show that the physico-chemical system of the fluid medium of mineral-ore-narhtidgenesis should cover lithoid (rocky), fluid (genetic) and thermodynamic (temperature, pressure, concentration) components that determine the mass, heat and the energy exchange between the fluid and of its host rock. In view of this, we define this physico-chemical system as a “lithofluid and thermodynamic system” and we believe that this definition takes into account all known phenomena of generation, migration, differentiation and accumulation of fluids, in particular hydrocarbons (hydrocarbon-containing), in the lithosphere of the Earth. An example of such a lithofluid and thermodynamic system in the Earth’s bowels – the natural high-energy physicochemical reactor is the hydrocarbon-generating and mineral-ore-forming system of the deep abiogenic high-termobaric fluid.


inclusion in minerals, fluid systems, fluids, fluid regime, lithofluid and thermodynamic system, lithosphere of the Earth.


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Home > Archive > No. 2 (179) 2019 > 5-27

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 2 (179) 2019, 5-27.

Myroslav PAVLYUK, Volodymyr SHLAPINSKY, Olesya SAVCHAK, Myroslav TERNAVSKY

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail:


Here the Cretaceous and Paleogene flysh of the Duklya-Chornohora, Burkut, Magura, Marmarosh and Pieniny covers was studied that in the north-western sector of the Ukrainian Carpathians near the border of Poland and Slovakia (Lemkivsky segment) distinguish themselves by very inclined thrusts. Spatially the given tectonic units are within the limits of so called hydrothermal field unfavourable as a whole, as to the presence of hydrocarbons on a large scale here. But there were distinguished small plots with prevalence of hydrocarbons in the gas composition. Prospects of the potential for gas presence in the region should be connected with the areas that spatially gravitate towards Transcarpathian deep. Studied area consists of several tectonic units of the first order. These are covers located farther south-west of Krosno cover: Duklya-Chornohora, Burkut (Porkulets), Magura, Marmarosh and Pieniny covers, in the south-west the studied terrane is limited by the Transcarpathian deep, and farther west – by the state border of Ukraine and Slovakia, in the south-east – by the Rika Rriver, in the north-east – by the zone of joining of Duklya-Chornohora and Krosno covers. Prospects of the potential for oil end gas presence in the given area, as in the Folded Carpathians on the whole, should be determined by the complex of all accompanying parameters: structural, collecting and covering, hadrochemical and geochemical. For the given area of the Carpathians the geochemical factor is the most important.


inner flysh covers, hydrothermal fluid, composition of free gases, oil and gas presence, perspective areas, Transcarpathian deep.


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Home > Archive > No. 1 (178) 2019 > 63-73

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1 (178) 2019, 63-73.

Yulia LYSAK, Yuriy SHPOT, Andriy SHYRA, Zoriana KUCHER, Ihor KUROVETS

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail:


The purpose of the work was to construct petrophysical models of reservoir rocks of different rank: typical and unified. Typical models describe connections between the parameters of individual rocks lithotypes occurring in definite geological conditions and serving as the basis for the development of petrophysical classification of reservoir rocks in the oil geology. The principle of unification provides for creation of the models structure for different reservoir lithotypes both in the geological section and in the area.

We have studied petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks of Carboniferous deposits in the central part of the Dnieper-Donets depression. Petrophysical properties of rocks in conditions close to the formational ones and relations between them were studied on a number of samples formed by the core samples of different age. Main geological factors that have an influence on reservoir properties of rocks were taken into consideration.

While constructing and analysing of petrophysical models we have used a probable-statistic approach with the use of the correlative-regressive analysis.

Result of the work is contained in typical petrophysical models for individual areas and in unified models obtained on consolidated samples for Lower Carboniferous deposits of this region. Characteristic features in variations of petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks of Carboniferous deposits and their models have been ascertained.

A conclusion has been made that multidimensional models, in which the depth of occurrence of deposits is one of the parameters that are necessary to consider while constructing petrophysical models, are the most informative for determination of petrophysical properties of the studied deposits, and the models obtained by us are known to be a petrophysical basis for quantitative interpretation of data from geophysical studies in the boreholes of the given region.


petrophysical models, Dnieper-Donets depression, catagenetic processes.


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Home > Archive > No. 1 (178) 2019 > 47-62

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1 (178) 2019, 47-62.

Yuri KHOKHA, Oleksandr LYUBCHAK, Myroslava YAKOVENKO

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv,


The analysis of literature was carried out and the main criteria for determining the gas generating potential of rocks were determined. These criteria are divided into two groups: the first one is geochemical, which includes the content of organic carbon and the thermal maturity of the rocks. The second group combines the geological and economic criteria that determine the suitability of rocks for the removal of hydrocarbon gases from them. In our opinion, the most important group of criteria should be considered a geochemical group.
Traditionally, to determine the ability of organic matter to form hydrocarbons, the Rock-Eval analysis was used. As a result, determined are the total organic carbon (TOC) and other parameters, such as hydrogen index (HI) or production index (PI).
In this paper, we are trying to expand the range of parameters that can be used to determine the gas generation potential of the rocks. The elemental composition of the organic matter dissipated in the rocks, in general terms, should affect on the composition and amount of hydrocarbons that they synthesize. To determine the influence of elemental composition on the gas-generating potential, equilibrium thermodynamics is used in conjunction with the Jaynes’ formalism.
Samples for investigation – bituminous argillites from Menilite suite of Oligocene, were taken from two fields of the Ukrainian Carpathians. For samples, the elemental composition of the organic matter and the mineral composition of the inorganic part (by X-ray crystallography) are determined. The data on the elemental composition came into the calculation, the result of which is the distribution of the additive components in the organic matter and the composition of gases.
The results of the calculations were compared with the results obtained by the Rock-Eval method. It was found that the calculation by the thermodynamic method gives understated results. On the other hand, it allows the establishment of a change in the chemical structure of organic matter of rocks. We are outlined ways to further improvement of the method.


gas-generating potential, Jaynes’ formalism, equilibrium thermodynamic, dissipated organic matter.


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