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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023 > 45–60

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023, 45–60

Myroslava YAKOVENKO1, Yurii KHOKHA2

Institute of Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:;


This article discusses the features of peat analysis using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis in order to study its qualitative and quantitative elemental composition, including heavy metals. The distribution of chemical elements is an indicator of various processes in geochemical and biological systems, by using of which it is possible to reproduce the conditions of accumulation of mineral deposits. This analysis is an important component of a comprehensive study of peat formation features, the environmental friendliness of peat extraction, and also for determining the suitability of peat for industrial use.

We analyzed the content of chemical elements in peat samples taken at different depths using a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The article considers the main characteristics of the spectrum of individual elements, depending on the atomic number.

In order to establish the general regularity of the distribution of 20 chemical elements in peat samples, we performed a mathematical and statistical analysis of the obtained data: calculation of the main statistical characteristics of chemical elements distribution (average, minimum and maximum values, median, variance, coefficient of variation, etc.), calculation of correlation matrices, selection of typomorphic geochemical associations of chemical elements using cluster and factor analyses. We singled out two types of factors that are decisive and influence the accumulation of chemical elements in the investigated peat: “organogenic” and “natural” (lithological), which are decisive, and a secondary factor –anthropogenic.

We compared the obtained results with the average values obtained from the results of spectral semi-quantitative analysis of peat ash samples taken at depths of 0.1–7 m in the same region. We evaluated the possibility and efficiency of using a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for the analysis of the macro- and microelement composition of peats with different ash content.

It has been established that portable X-ray fluorescence analysis is a powerful tool for fast and high-quality elemental analysis of peat, and the range of its application depends on specific research goals and tasks.


peat, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, XRF, microelement composition, spectrum interpretation


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Yakovenko, M. (2022). Heokhimichni osoblyvosti nahromadzhennia i mihratsii Strontsiiu v torfakh Lvivskoi oblasti. Heolohiia i heokhimiia horiuchykh kopalyn, 1–2(187–188), 58–70. [in Ukrainian]

Yakovenko, M., Khokha, Yu., & Liubchak, O. (2022). Heokhimichni osoblyvosti nakopychennia i mihratsii vazhkykh metaliv u torfakh Lvivskoi oblasti. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series “Geology. Geography. Ecology”, 56, 105–121. [in Ukrainian]

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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (187–188) 2022 > 58–70

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (187–188) 2022, 58–70.


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The article is devoted to the study of geochemical characteristics of the distribution, accumulation and migration of strontium in the lowland peats of the Lviv Region, both laterally and vertically, and to identify the main factors influencing the formation of its concentrations.

A significant uneven distribution of concentration, high dispersion and variability (coefficient of variation – 116.61, standard deviation – 564.11) of Sr in peats within deposits, districts and regions both with depth and area of distribution and high content indicators were established Sr relative to clarks of the lithosphere, soils, plant ash (CC relative to the lithosphere = 1.42; CC relative to soil clarks = 1.94; Сs relative to background values in the soils of Ukraine = 4.56; CK relative to clarks of terrestrial plants = 1.61).

The content of Sr in the peat of the Lviv Region ranges from 40–3190 mg/kg (average content 483.75 mg/kg, median content (background content) – 250 mg/kg), which is due to natural-climatic, geological, lithological, hydrogeochemical and anthropogenic factors.

The features of the distribution and the degree of concentration of Sr in the peatlands of the Lviv Region are mainly influenced by the chemical-mineralogical-petrographic composition of the bedrocks of the wear area during their weathering; terrain, climatic, geomorphological, tectonic and hydrogeological conditions of the area, which determine the of the weathering processes of the rocks in the wear areas, the degree of transformation of terrigenous material in the weathering processes, the rate of accumulation of biomass and the rate of its decomposition; features of water and mineral nutrition of the peatland.

High concentrations of strontium in the peat of the Lviv Region reflect the local regional processes of the concentration of the element in the mass of peat and may indicate the accumulation of Sr of both natural and anthropogenic origin in the upper layers of peat profiles. There is an enrichment of Sr in the upper intervals of deposits (0–1 m) of deposits in the northeastern part of the Lviv Region (Malopoliska peat region) is observed.


peat, peat deposit, strontium, microelement composition, concentration, Clark concentration, accumulation, migration


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (185–186) 2021 > 65–72

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (185–186) 2021, 65–72.

Myroslava YAKOVENKO1, Yury KHOKHA2, Oleksandr LYUBCHAK3

1, 2, 3 Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:;;


The article is devoted to the study and interpretation of the content of chemical elements in peats of Lviv Region. It is known that peat has a pronounced ability to physical sorption and chemisorption, as a result it is able to accumulate a significant amount of metals, including dangerous – heavy, toxic and radioactive. Peat is used as an energy raw material, in recent years – as a raw material for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Thus, this geochemical research have scientific and applied importance for a wide range of industries and for environmental monitoring. The range of peat applications directly depends on the concentration of trace elements. The basic geochemical characteristics of peat lowland type in Lviv Region was found out. In general, the content of elements in the studied peat has concentrations lower than сlarkes in comparison with the lithosphere, soils and terrestrial plants. Lithophilic Sr, Yb, Be, Ba, siderophilic Mo, Co, and chalcophilic Pb, Ag are actively concentrated in comparison with clarkes in the lithosphere, soils, plant ashes and relative to background values in the soils of Ukraine. According to the results of a comprehensive analysis of the content of microelements in lowland peats of Lviv Region, three elements with high concentration were identified – Molybdenum, Strontium and Lead.Significant uneven distribution of microelement concentration with depth and area of distribution and high indicators of Mo, Yb, Sr, Be, Co, Ag, Ba, Pb relative to clarkes of lithosphere, soils, plant ash, etc. have been established. Comparison of patterns of accumulation and scattering of elements in peat with lithosphere, soils and terrestrial plants shows that peat is characterized by its own specific set of storage elements, there are specific patterns of accumulation and scattering of elements. Thus, peat has a clear geochemical structure that distinguishes them from mineral soils and lithosphere.


peat, microelement composition, concentration, clark concentration, accumulation


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