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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024 > 141–153

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 141–153


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The drinking water supply of Lviv Region requires special water treatment, a large part of which does not meet the standards due to increased mineralization, hardness and pollution by industrial and domestic effluents. A study of changes in the quality of drinking water from wells of private houses from two streets of the southwestern part of the village of Bryukhovychi was conducted. It was established that for the period 2011–2023 in most of the sampling points, the quality of water has significantly deteriorated, in some – the water composition has changed, many indicators of macro components have exceeded the maximum permissible concentration (MPC). According to the hydrogen indicator, the water from the studied wells is neutral and does not exceed the MPC. According to the degree of mineralization, the investigated water samples from wells of private residences belonged to fresh water, with the exception of the household on the street. Ozhinova, 2, where the water was weakly mineralized. Over the course of 12 years, the situation worsened significantly — in two more wells, the mineralization increased and exceeded the MPC, and fresh water became weakly mineralized. The best situation regarding the mineralization indicator is observed in the well of the household on the Lisna, 8a: the water is fresh, the growth of mineralization is insignificant and the MPC is not exceeded.

As for water hardness, in all studied samples the water became hard and exceeded the MPC in two wells. The content of macrocomponents, which exceeds or approaches the maximum permissible concentrations, has also changed. The chemical composition of the studied water samples also changed over the course of 12 years, mainly due to the increase in the content of sulfate, chloride, and sodium ions. That is, in all the selected samples there is a tendency to deterioration of the quality of drinking water. Only from the well on the street in Lisna 8a, the macrocomponent composition of the sample almost did not change, and the water quality of this household remained the best.

The content of ammonium, nitrates and nitrites in the studied water samples decreased or increased insignificantly, which indicates a slight anthropogenic influence. Proximity to the Soluky mineral water deposit can probably be a factor in the change in the quality of drinking water. Since the water of the Soluky deposit is sulfate-chloride calcium-sodium, and the water from the wells of the Ozhinova 2, 6, and 7 buildings has changed its chemical composition, being enriched with sulfate, chloride, and sodium ions, similar to the composition of the Soluky, it can be assumed that in the sediments of cracked marls of the Upper Cretaceous, groundwater flows occur.


aquifer, hydrogen index, mineralisation, water hardness, drinking water, Bryukhovychi


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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (187–188) 2022 > 115–126

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (187–188) 2022, 115–126.

Halyna MEDVID1, Oleg СHEBAN2, Maria KOST’1, Olga TELEGUZ1, Vasyl HARASYMCHUK1, Iryna SAKHNYUK1, Orysia MAYKUT1, Solomia KALMUK1

1 Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:
2 LLC “Stryinaftogaz”, Stryi, Lviv Region, Ukraine, e-mail:


A study of natural waters within the influence of the Dobrivlyany gas condensate field, located in the Dobryany and Dobrivlyany area village councils of the Stryi district of the Lviv Region of Ukraine, was conducted.

The purpose of the work is to evaluate the geochemical indicators of natural waters based on our own research, to find out the role of natural and man-made factors in the formation of the chemical composition of waters.

The objects of the research are surface waters and groundwaters within the influence of the Dobrivlyany gas condensate field.

Research results. In the research area, as well as in the Bilche-Volytsia zone in general, there are unfavorable conditions for active water exchange and the formation of fresh infiltration waters, since the upper part of the geological section is characterized by clayey Neogene deposits. The depth of penetration of fresh hydrocarbonate-calcium waters here does not exceed 70 m. The small thickness of the zone of active water exchange is one of the indicators of difficult water exchange in the subsoil, therefore, favourable conditions for the preservation of hydrocarbon deposits.

As a result of exploratory work, the Dobrivlyany gas condensate field was opened in 2016. During 2016–2019, 7 boreholes were drilled, and industrial gas inflows were received from horizons LD-9, LD-12, and N1kr+K2. In tectonic terms, the deposit is confined to the northwestern part of the Kosiv-Ugersko subzone of the Bilche-Volytsia zone of the Carpathian Foredeep.

Observation of the macro component composition of groundwater from the wells of the Dobrivlyany gas condensate field indicates the stability of the hydrodynamic conditions of the deposit and, accordingly, the low variability of their geochemical characteristics. Direct hydrogeochemical zonation is clearly manifested in the increase in water mineralization with depth: for the LD-9 horizon at depths of 800–840 m, it varies within the range of 34.74–48.55 g/dm3, for LD-12 at depths of 995–1010 m – 33.82–73.70 g/dm3 and for N1kr+K2 at 1131–1158 m – 67.49–100.31 g/dm3. The content of Br and J doubles with depth. All waters are of the chloride-calcium type (according to Sulin), and genetic indicators vary within narrow limits (rNa/rCl – 0.82–0.91; Cl/Br – 216–315; rSO4 ∙ 100/rCl – 0.003–0.5) and indicate their thalassogenic sedimentogenic origin. The analysis of research results showed that underground waters belong to a single hydrodynamic system, and are characterized by the same type of water according to their chemical composition.

According to the qualitative characteristics of groundwater from an ecological borehole and a well in the Dobrivlyany village remain clean and meets regulatory requirements for drinking water. At the same time, water from a well in Vivnya village is characterized by a high content of nitrates (2.28 maximum permissible concentration), which is caused by the location of the pig complex “Halychyna-Zakhid” LLC on the outskirts. Increased content of organic substances in the waters of two wells of the Railiv village was also established, in which the permanganate oxidizability reaches 1.08–1.24 maximum permissible concentration, and, according to Hygienic requirements for drinking water intended for human consumption, is unfit for consumption. The waters of the Kolodnytsia River are chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium-calcium (calcium-sodium) in composition, while the waters of the Stryi River and the Zhizhava River are calcium bicarbonate.


surface waters, groundwaters, ecological and geochemical characteristic, Dobrivlyany gas condensate field


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Home > Archive > No. 3 (180) 2019 > 90-99

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3 (180) 2019, 90-99.


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv,


Distribution features of formation waters in Karkinit-Northern Crimean deep were studied; the conditions of chemical composition origin of formation waters have been studied as well.

The regional features for the distribution of formation waters and the conditions of their chemical composition forming of the Lower Cretaceous complex are established.

The formation waters are salty or saline and commonly have low metamorphism intensity.

The formation waters of the Lower Cretaceous complex are salt with often a low degree of metamorphosis.

The values of the variation coefficients of five principal components (mineralization, (Na + K), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), and the water sampling depths) are estimated to range from 28.73 to 57.14 %, which indicates insignificant variability each of these indicators; this characteristic does not depend on the type of water and place of sampling.

The seven objects of the correlation such as mineralization, chlorine, calcium, ammonium, bromine, sulfates and hydrocarbonates are closely associated with each other.

The land waters are commonly of calcium chloride (Cl.Ca) or hydrocarbonate natrium (Hyd.Car.Na) type, whereas in the water area all variety of formation waters has been recognized. Formation waters of Late Cretaceous shelf complex as well as formation waters at Tarkhankut peninsula have close relation between chemical components, low variations in the composition of macro- and microcomponents. Therefore, the formation waters of these regions could be formed in quite similar conditions.

The characteristic features of the shelf formation waters are high sulfate content, despite the fact that waters complex occurs at great depths.

At the same time, a decrease in the metamorphism intensity is observed as well as an increase in the Cl/Br ratio up to 1000 or more, caused by low bromine content. It is apparent that such characteristic can be the result of extrusion of water at the late stages of clay rocks dehydration. Paleoinfiltration processes in Lower Cretaceous complex may be considered as an alternative explanation.

High gas saturation in the waters of the folded basin bed has been recognized at Golytsyno area and at the Tarkhankut peninsula (Melova, Oktyabrska, Berezivska and Western Oktyabrska areas). This allows us to predict the prospects of the Lower Cretaceous sediments of the Karkinit-Northern Crimean deep.


Karkinit-Northern Crimean deep, Lower Cretaceous aquiferous complex, hydrogeochemical conditions, sedimentary waters, dissolved gases.


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Home > Archive > No. 2 (179) 2019 > 68-83

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 2 (179) 2019, 68-83.


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail:


On the basis of paleo- and modern hydrogeological sings it was possible to establish a space-time mechanism of formation and reservation of gas and oil deposits in the Bilche-Volytsa zone of the Carpathian oil- and gas-bearing province.

The time interval of their forming applies on the last cycle of the hydrogeological time. Geodynamic and secondary geostatic loadings, that manifested themselves during the dynamo-elision stage (Late Badenian – up to the present) the development of which was caused by thrust motions of the covers, turned out to be the factors of migration of aqueo-hydrocarbon mixtures deep underthrust structures of the Inner zone. Time calculations for reservation of deposits of gas fields have determined their age which does not exceed 6 million years.

The south-western trend of motion of paleo- and modern infiltration waters in combination with reversed dynamo-elision have caused here the existence hydrodynamically balanced system squeezed between them which differs by favourable conditions for the formation and reservation of hydrocarbon deposits.

We have ascertained the connection between piezomaxima and areas of tectonic dislocation, mainly transverse, that points out the ways of transsference of hydrocvarbon mixtures from deep-seated horisons. Discharge areas (perspective on a plane of searching for new deposits) are limited by local piezomaxima on the background of regional fields. Areas of paleopiezominima in the near-fault part of the Ugerske-Kosiv blocks at the boundary with the East European Platform are favourable for localization of hydrocarbon deposits.

Results of the baroosmotic analysis of hydrogeological conditions of gas and oil fields have revealed baroosmotic flows of waters molecules in the thickness of clay rocks, their intensity and directions of motion and connections with deposits.


Bilche-Volytsya oil- and gas-bearing zone, paleohydrodynamics, hydrogeochemistry, elision, infiltration, baroosmose.


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Home > Archive > No. 1 (178) 2019 > 74-82

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1 (178) 2019, 74-82.


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv,


The geochemical features of natural waters of the SE “Sanatorium-resort medical center “Shklo” are established by researches of their ecological-geochemical composition and anthropogenic influence.
The mineral water “Naftusya-Shklo” from the pump room in the territory of the sanatorium is selected and analyzed, which is recognized as an analogous to water “Naftusya” by the biological action. The composition of water is hydrocarbonate sodium, having mine-ralization of 0.76 g/dm3, the total hardness of 0.55 mg-eq/dm3, sulfate content of 0.64 g/dm3, and Eh – −79 mV.
The sample of water from baths, which is fed from a depth of 129.0 m, is investigated. Therapeutic hydrogen sulfide water is classified as sodium salt-calcium sulfate with mineralization of 2.97 g/dm3 and high sulfate content (1.76 g/dm3). The balneological active component of the therapeutic water is hydrogen sulfide, the content of which is set at 101.75 mg/dm3. The common feature of these waters is the negative values of the oxidation-reduction potential, which is due to the presence of relatively high content of H2S and HS−.
In addition to the mineral, a sample of water from the water pipe (drinking water from the Opillia suite of the Lower Neogene) was studied. According to the salt composition, it refers to sulfate-hydrocarbonate sodium-calcium with mineralization of 0.53 g/dm3. The content of the determined macro- and microcomponents do not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations for drinking water, which indicates the absence of influence of the lower horizons.
The water sample was also selected from the largest lake of the park, the sanatorium “Shklo”, which is not related to reservoirs with a special regime of protection, therefore access to it is free. The salinity of water refers to chloride-sulfate-hydro carbonate sodium-calcium with mineralization of 0.35 g/dm3.
Two samples of water from the Shklo River after its leak from Yavoriv lake showed that these waters are weakly mineralized, weakly alkaline, calcium hydro carbonate sulfate or sulfate calcium. Quantitatively, sulfate ions are 2–3 times more than hydrocarbons. The content of sulfates, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium is also high, indicating their contamination. Further down the salt content decreases as a result of mixing with the water of droplets. Several sources of supply of sulfate-ion can be named: karst waters formed on gypsum anhydrite; reservoir waters of the Upper Badenian limestones, hydrogen sulfur of the formation waters of the Badenian horizon; hydrogensulfur, formed as a result of reduction of sulfate at the bottom of Yavoriv lake. Ecological and geochemical parameters of water of surface water reservoirs and watercourses generally also correspond to state standards for their use as recreational.


drinking water, ecological-geochemical parameters, anthropogen influence.


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Home > Archive > No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018 > 85-104

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018, 85-104.


Institute of Geological Sciences of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, e-mail:

Dmytro GUNYA

SS “Volodarske” PJSC “Mine named after O. F. Zasiadko”, Kharkiv, e-mail:


Long-term results of research on mapping oil and gas bearing sites at traditional and non-traditional sites (mine fields, shelf zones, astroblems) have made it possible to create a database of systemic criteria for search technology of structural thermo-atmo-hydrological and geochemical research, where for the first time in the search practice hydrogen was used as the main component of the hydrocarbons. Analysis of the results of the data on the distribution of hydrogen concentrations made it possible to isolate abnormal values both in areas and in productive wells (in the absence of background) and conduct detailed large-scale area studies for the purpose of area mapping for prospecting.


cycle; hydro-geosynergetic biogenic-mantle theory, hydrocarbons, structural thermo-atmo-hydrological and geochemical research.


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Home > Archive > No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018 > 73-84

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3-4 (176-177) 2018, 73-84.


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, e-mail:


The paleohydrogeological conditions of accumulation and lithification of the Miocene strata of the north-western part of the Outer zone of the Precarpathian deep are studied and the intensity of the hydrodynamic processes taking place in this case is estimated.

Seven hydrogeological cycles have been identified in the paleohydrogeological development of the north-western part of the Outer zone. The total duration of infiltration stages in the north-west and central part of the Outer zone of the six hydrogeological cycles from Cambrian to Carpathian is 347.4 million years. The duration of the exfiltration stages of the same period is 184.2 million years. The ratio of the duration of the infiltration stages to the elimination is 1.89. Such signs indicate a significant “wash-off” of the geological structures of the region. The subject of our detailed study was the last, seventh hydrogeological cycle, which began with Carpathian and continues up to the present.

Using the method of paleohydrodynamic reconstructions, the calculation of water exchange intensity indices at the exfiltration and infiltration stages of the Baden-Sarmatian hydrogeological cycle was carried out. The predominance of the intensity of the exfiltration water exchange over the infiltration is established, which is considered favourable conditions for the preservation of hydrocarbon deposits.

The water balance of the Baden-Sarmatian hydrogeological cycle is calculated. Using the calculations carried out earlier for paleohydrodynamic reconstruction, the water exchange indices for the exfiltration phase of the Baden-Sarmatian hydrogeological cycle were calculated, and for the deposits of the Kosiv suite, the Lower and Upper Dashava undersuite.

On the basis of the analysis of the values of water exchange indices, it was concluded that with the immersion of sedimentary layers at a depth, the water pressure system of the Miocene deposits of the north-western part of the Outer zone of the Precarpathian deep passes from the zone of intensive water exchange to the zones of difficult and very difficult one. This indicates the difficulty of the hydrodynamic connection of surface and shallow circulating groundwater with the deep waters of water pressure oil and gas bearing systems and, as a consequence, the insignificant influence of the modern infiltration water pressure system on the processes of destruction of hydrocarbon deposits. The existence of the difficult and very difficult water exchange zones at the large depths of the water pressure system of the north-western part of the Outer zone of the Precarpathian deep with the presence of reservoir layers and structural and tectonic traps together creates the necessary conditions for the formation and conservation of hydrocarbon deposits.


paleohydrogeology, hydrogeological cycle, value of water exchange, water exchange intensity, sedimentary layers, groundwater.


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