Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024 > 62–72
Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (195–196) 2024, 62–72
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: 1ibuchynska@ukr.net; 2mmatrofaylo@gmail.com
Methane deposits in coal beds are related to unconventional deposits of natural gas. The purpose of the work is to generalize data on the gas presence in the gas-coal fields of the Lviv-Volyn Coal Basin; to ascertain alterations of methane presence of the coal-bearing series across the area of the Lviv-Volyn Coal Basin.
We have analyzed gas-coal deposits of the Lviv-Volyn Coal Basin. General view of the change in methane presence across the area of the basin is the following:
– of the Volyn field seams of the Bashkirian stage have the least methane presence. Thus, for the seam b3 it doesn’t exceed 0.1–1. cu m/t. dry ash-free mass (cu m/t. a.-f. m.), and for the seam b1, it is equal to 0.2–3.0 cu m/t. a.-f. m.). The methane presence the Serpukhovian stage is higher and is changed within on a large scale from 0.01 to 3.0 cu m/t. a.-f. m. In the northern part of the basin, at the Volyn field the commercial coal seams have insignificant methane presence from 0.01 to 1.4 cu m/t. a.-f. m. Only is the far north-west it is increased up to 4–8 cu m/t. a.-f. m.;
– in the northern and north-eastern parts of the Zabuzhzhia field, the methane presence of coalbeds of the Serpukhovian stage is from 0.01 to 1. cu m/t. a.-f. m. With the increase in the depth of occurrence up to 500–650 m in the south-western part of the field, the methane presence increases to 2–10 cu m/t. a.-f. m. and at some plots it reaches 12–17 cu m/t. a.-f. m.;
– іn the Mezhyrichchia field the methane presence of the seams n11, n12, as well as of the main working seams of north-eastern part and along their outcrops into Carboniferous hardly reaches 3–5 cu m/t. a.-f. m. Characteristic of the field is that with increase of the depth of occurrence of beds from 380 to 450 m in the east and to 500–570 m in the west, the methane presence increases from 3–8 to 5–17 cu m/t. a.-f. m.;
– in the Tyagliv field, the methane presence of coalbeds reaches of its maximum and in the depth of 800–870 m it is from 8 to 31 cu m/t. a.-f. m. Тhe Tyagliv field is the most gas-bearing in the Lviv-Volyn Coal Basin;
– in the Lyubelya field, in its southern part, coal-bearing bearing series up to coal seam n7 is degassed, and the methane content in the gas mixture is from 0 to 0.8 cu m/t. a.-f. m. In the northern direction of the field the methane presence increases to 5–15 cu m/t. a.-f. m., and in the seam v6 up to 20 cu m/t. a.-f. m. at the mine fields No. 4 and No. 5.
To ascertain prospects of the areas for commercial extraction of coalbed methane it is necessary to take all geological factors, influencing the spreading and distribution of coal gases, into consideration. Complex approach to coal production with studying gas bearingness in the gas-bearing series is very important for the perspectiveness of the areas. The usage of such methods is one of the perspective directions of a stable development of coal-producing regions with gradual transfer from the monocentrified production to the multiprofile purposefulness.
gas bearingness, coal seam, gas-coal fields, complex approach, Lviv-Volyn coal basin
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