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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024 > 32–49

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (193–194) 2024, 32–49


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


On the basis of the analysis of the occurrence of the main Paleocene lithological complexes of the Berehova and Oriv units of the Ukrainian Carpathians, four areas with different distribution of sandstones, siltstones and mudstones were distinguished. The selected areas are promising for the planning of oil and gas prospecting and for the increase of oil and gas reserves. Areas of distribution of lithologically sealed hydrocarbon traps are situated where sandstone formations occur. It is established that sandstones and siltstones of the Yamna suite are represented by both densely and poorly cemented varieties, which differ in cement composition, degree of cementation and porosity. The reservoir properties of the oil and gas bearing Paleocene sediments of the northwestern part of the study area were largely controlled by the factors that contributed to the preservation of high filtration and reservoir properties of the rocks at great depths – the thickness of the layers and the type of cementation of the clastic material. At the same time, the formation of the secondary pore space occurred due to the lithogenetic and tectonic fractures, as well as the decarbonization of sandstone and siltstone cement. The varying degrees of catagenetic changes in the rocks of the northwestern and southeastern parts of the study area indicate that tectonic processes had a significant impact on the lithogenesis of oil and gas bearing deposits and the formation of their reservoir properties.

It is revealed that the most prospective from the point of view of potential reservoir rocks occurrence in the sequence of the Yamna suite, which is represented mainly by sandstones, is the northwestern part of the study area, where the high reservoir properties of the oil- and gas-bearing Paleocene sediments are largely determined by the factors that facilitated their preservation in the rocks at great depths. These factors are the thickness of the layers and the type of cementation of the clastic material.

The complex of obtained results of investigations allowed allocation of the areas of potential reservoir rocks occurrence in the Paleocene sequence prospective for hydrocarbons accumulations.


Paleocene, Berehova and Oriv units, lithological complexes, petrographic composition of rocks, reservoir properties


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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (187–188) 2022 > 71–81

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (187–188) 2022, 71–81.

Kostyantyn HRYGORCHUK1, Volodymyr HNIDETS2, Lina BALANDYUK

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:;


According to the results of lithological studies of the Paleocene sediments of the southern side of the Karkinite Depression, the lateral lithological-lithmological and facial variability of the sediments is characterized, which is manifested both in the whole section of the Paleocene and its individual epochs. It is shown that the role of limestone formations clearly decreases from the beginning to the end of the period with their maximum development in Zealand time. Sediments of the Tanetian epoch are characterized by dominance in the section of marl-clay formations and the development of siltstone-sand bodies in the area of the Odesa structure. Sediments are represented by three types of section: terrigenous (well Odeska-2), carbonate (wells Hamburtseva-2, Selskogo-40), carbonate-clay (wells Crimean-1, Shtormova-5, Centralna-1, Arkhangelskogo-1). In different areas, each type of section is characterized by a certain specificity of the internal structure. Lithological heterogeneity of sediments is associated with spatial and age variability of biofacial zones: biogerms, inland biogerm lagoons, plumes of destruction of bioherms, the outer shelf. In the sediments of the Danian age, small limestone bodies are localized in the Shtormova and Odesa structures. Zealand strata in the area from well Hamburtseva-2 to well Centralna-1 are characterized by significant development of bioherms, which are replaced in the direction of the Odesa structure by plumes of destruction and sediments of basin plains. The development of bioherm formations in the axial part of the depression is predicted, which is associated with the sedimentary manifestation of the Central Mikhailovsky uplift. This significantly expands the prospects for oil and gas in this part of the study area. During the Tanetian period, rising sea levels caused an increase in the area of distribution of the outer shelf in the axial zone of depression. At the same time, in the area of the structures of Hamburtseva, Selskogo, Centralna inheritedly (despite the transgression) were developed biohermic massifs, which was caused by upward movements within the Black Sea-Kalamitsky uplift.


lithology, facies, sedimentation conditions, Paleocene, Karkinite Depression


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Home > Archive > No. 1–2 (187–188) 2022 > 36–47

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 1–2 (187–188) 2022, 36–47.


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The results of micropaleontological and sedimentological studies of the Paleocene sediments such as the Upper Member of the Stryi Formation and the Yamna Formation located in the Skyba Nappe in the Ukrainian Outer (Flysh) Carpathians are represented. Sedimentological features of the flysch successions (including the sedimentary succession along the Prut River in the city of Yaremche) proved that the Upper Member of the Stryi Formation is represented mainly by turbidites; the lower part of the Yamna Formation (variegated Yaremcha Horizon) is composed of red and green clay hemipelagites and turbidites, and the upper part of the Yamna Formation (Yamna sandstone) consists of deposits of high-density turbidite currents and grain flows.

The calcareous nannoplankton: NP1, NP2, NP3 and NP4 zones as well as the foraminifera: planktonic Globoconusa daubjergensis Zone (Danian Stage) and benthic Rzehakina epigona Subzone of Rzehakina fissistomata Zone, s. l. (the early Paleocene) are identified in the Upper Member of the Stryi Formation. The calcareous nannoplanktonic NP4, NP5, NP6 zones are distinguished in the Yaremcha Horizon and NP6, NP8, NP9 zones are identified in the Yamna sandstone. The agglutinated foraminifera including Rzehakina fissistomatа, Rz. epigona, Caudammina ovula, Hormosina velascoense, Glomospirella grzybowskii, Saccammina placenta, Paratrochamminoides irregularis are dominated in the Yamna Formation. The age of the Stryi Formation (Upper Member) is established as Danian–partly Zealandian, and the age of the Yamna Formation is Zealandian–Thanetian based on nannoplankton and foraminifera data.

Deep-water agglutinated foraminifera (DWAF) belonging to the genera Rhabdammina, Hyperammina, Dendrophrya, Ammodiscus, Glomospira, Hormosina, Reophax, Haplophragmoides, Recurvoides, Trochamminoides, Paratrochamminoides, Spiroplectammina, Karreriella are dominated in the background hemipelagic clay deposits and make up to 100% of the tests in the microfaunal associations, that suggests the lower bathyal-abyssal depths of the sedimentary paleobasin The channel deposits (Yamna sandstone) and interchannel sediments (Upper Member of the Stryi Formation) of the ancient deep-sea fan are identified in the Paleogene flysch.


Ukrainian Carpathians, Skyba Nappe, Paleocene, foraminifera, nannoplankton, sedimentation


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (185–186) 2021 > 56–64

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (185–186) 2021, 56–64.

Svitlana HNYLKO

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


Paleogene deposits are the main reservoir of hydrocarbon resources in the Carpathians and creation of the modern stratigraphic scheme of these deposits is the basis for improving the efficiency of geological search works. The reliable stratification is a necessary precondition for the preparation of geological maps. Stratification of the Paleocene–Eocene sediments is provided by foraminifera, nannoplankton, dinocysts, radiolarians, sponge spicules, palynoflora. Planktonic foraminifera is the main stratigraphic group of the Paleogene fauna.

In the predominantly non-calcareous flysch of the Paleocene–Eocene of the Carpathians, mainly agglutinated benthic foraminifera of siliceous composition are developed. Planktonic foraminifera are distributed locally – in calcareous facies. The most complete sequence of Paleocene–Eocene planktonic foraminifera is represented in the Metova Formation (the Vezhany nappe of the Inner Carpathians).

The results of own researches of natural sections of sediments distributed within the Magursky, Monastyretsky and Vezhany nappes of the Ukrainian Carpathians together with the analysis of literature sources are used.

The article presents a generalized biozonal division of the Paleocene–Eocene of the Ukrainian Carpathians by planktonic foraminifera. On the basis of certain correlation levels, a comparison with the Geological Time Scale was made.

The Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina Zone (lowermost Danian), Globoconusa daubjergensis Zone (middle Danian), Praemurica inconstans Zone (upper Danian); Morozovella angulata Zone (lower Selandian); Globanomalina pseudomenardii Zone fnd Acarinina acarinata Zone (upper Selandian–Thanetian); Morozovella subbotinae Zone (lower Ypresian), Morozovella aragonensis Zone (upper Ypresian); Acarinina bullbrooki Zone (lower Lutetian), Acarinina rotundimarginata Zone (upper Lutetian); Hantkenina alabamensis Zone (Bartonian); Globigerinatheka tropicalis Zone (lower Priabonian) and Subbotina corpulenta Zone (upper Priabonian) based on planktonic foraminifera are characterized in studied deposits.


Ukrainian Carpathians, planktonic foraminifera, biostratigraphy, Paleocene–Eocene


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (185–186) 2021 > 44–55

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (185–186) 2021, 44–55.


1, 2 Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:;


There three main types of facies of Paleocene-Eocene complexes: sandy, siltstone and argillite distinguished within the study area by the nature of the distribution of the strata of the forming components were highlighted. Тhey accumulated avalanche at the foot of the continental slope and formed various facial parts of the foehn (Upper, Middle and Lower foehn). In the upper part of the Foehn was accumulated coarse-grained sediments (clusters of deep boulders and other psephyto-psammitic material containing edaphogenic rocks). Under the action of geostrophic and bottom currents, silt streams of pelitic and psammitic material moved in the direction to the south and south-east of the Carpathian sedimentation basin, forming sandy-clay and clay facies (Middle and Lower foehn). During the turbidite movement of a large amount of sediment from the first (shelf) to the second (foot of the continental slope) level of avalanche sedimentation, sorting and distribution of sediments on the continental slope took place. Based on the analysis of the material composition of Paleocene-Eocene sediments of the study area by such criteria as the size of the fragment, sedimentary textures and the ratio of different rocks, 7 facies were identified, which were deposited as gravitational flows down on the continental slope. Reconstructions of Paleocene-Eocene age flysch deposits showed that terrigene material in the studied sedimentation basin came from two sources – one of which was northwest of the study area and was characterized by a predominance of coarse-grained sandy sediments, while the source wear, which was in the central part of the studied basin was characterized by a predominance of clay silt and fine-grained psammitic material. This nature of the distribution of terrigenous material had a decisive influence on the further formation of Paleocene end Eocene sedimentary strata in the process of sedimentogenesis and post-sedimentary transformations of sediments, and on the formation of reservoir rocks and rocks with potential reservoir properties for hydrocarbon exploration. It has been established that the composition of the Psamitolites of the flysch formation of the Paleocene and Eocene ages of the Carpathians was formed on the passive continental margin or in the inland and boundary seas, and their genesis mostly corresponds only to the platform source of material wear.


Paleocene, Eocene, facies, sandstone, flysch, continental slope, sedimentation


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