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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023 > 122–134

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023, 122–134


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The influence of the chemical composition of marine and continental waters on the formation and transformation of clay minerals is considered on the example of evaporites of the Kalush-Holin’ potash deposit of the Carpathian Foredeep. Clay minerals under variable physical and chemical conditions become unstable and transformed, adapting to new conditions. The main factor that causes changes in their composition and structure is the concentration of brines.

The increased concentration of brines at the stage of deposition of potassium salts contributed to the aggradational transformation of clay minerals, the transformation of labile minerals into illite and chlorite that are stable in the hipersaline environment. These two minerals – illite and chlorite are characteristic of the Kalush-Holin’ potash deposit. Further arrangement of the structure leads to the transformation of part of the illite into mica. On the clay fraction diffractograms of some potash rocks, the basal reflex 001 is wide and bifurcated at the top on a line with interplanar distances of 0.99 and 1.0 nm, this indicates the presence of structurally similar minerals – mica and illite.

Under conditions of hypergenesis, when evaporite deposits are washed away by fresh surface waters, a reverse process (degradational transformation) takes place, which occurs in the leaching of potassium from the interlayer space of a part of illite and the formation of labile clay structures. The clay mineral association of the gypsum-clay caprock of evaporite deposits, in addition to illite and chlorite, also contains mixed-layer illite-smectite and kaolinite – the appearance of these clay minerals in hypergenic deposits is the result of degradational transformation (illite-smectite) and formation de novo (kaolinite) under conditions of decreased saline brine concentration.

Capture of potassium by the structure of the mixed-layer illite-smectite and its transition into illite (aggradational transformation) occurs more easily than the reverse process – potassium leaching and transformation of illite into a mixed-layer illite-smectite (degradational transformation).


clay minerals, aggradational and degradational transformation, evaporite deposits, hypergenesis zone, gypsum-clay caprock


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023 > 105–121

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023, 105–121


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


Geological- and biological-paleogeographical conditions of sedimentogenesis within the Carpathian segment of Tethys ocean during Tithonian were considered. The rock-forming organisms with calcic function (flora and fauna), which compose main lithological types of carbonate rocks were identified.

On the base of biological-paleoceanographical and lithological investigation of different genetic types of Upper Jurassic carbonate rocks of the Outer zone of the Carpathian Foredeep and analysis of literature data on modern carbonate sediments, the structural classification of Late Jurassis epipelagic sediments of the Carpathian segment of the Meso-Tethys was made. In that classification pelitic, aleuritic, psammitic and ruditic fractions of sediments were distingnished.

Geological-paleogeographical model of occurrence of the Tithonian sediments within the Carpathian segment of the Meso-Tethys (the Outer zone of the Carpathian Foredeep) was built by the author. That model presents areals of biogenic and abiogenic epipelagic sediments and depicts their facial variations.

Geological-paleogeographical study of Upper Jurassic sediment complexes of epipelagic part of the Meso-Tethys has shown that they were formed within widespread interior shelf, probably, with small inclination of the sea bottom. In Upper Jurassic there was abundant growth of the benthos with calcic function and avalanchecal sedimentation of their skeletal remains took place with forming of biogenic carbonate sediments. The coral-algae biocoenosis there were biological indicators of considered parts of Tethys region. In modern basins of the World ocean analogous processes take place at the depths of about 50 m, in temperature conditions about 23–25 °C and the salinity of the sea waters about 2.7–3.8 ‰.

The manifestations of diagenetic and katagenetic processes in the Upper Jurassic carbonate rocks of Outer zone of the Carpathian Foredeep have been investigated and their influence of the formation of the reservoir properties of rocks has been found out.

During the diagenesis, the rocks were recrystallized, micritizated and cemented. From the mineralogical point of view, the changes consisted in the transformation of primary aragonite and magnesium-calcite skeletal remains of organisms into calcite, as well as processes of dolomitization, ferruginization and silicification. At the stage of diagenesis, Fe-containing minerals ̶ glauconite and pyrite ̶ has been formed. The dolomitization of Jurassic organogenic limestones of Outer zone of the Carpathian Foredeep has been caused by the mixing of the fresh meteoric waters with buried marine pore waters in the underground phreatic zone adjacent to the ancient coastline. Silicification is a consequence of the metasomatic substitution of the carbonate substance by silicate, which has been caused by decrease of the pH occurred after dolomitization.

Katagenetic transformation of the rocks are manifested in the dissolution of the remains of organisms, grains of carbonate cement and the late cementation of pores and microfractures. Changes of carbonate rocks are associated with the bringing of certain substances in the sediment (sulphatization, celestinization) or their removal (dedolomitization, decementation). Neoplasm minerals of the katagenesis stages are represented by anhydrite and celestine.

The proceses of recrystallization of carbonate rocks at different stages of katagenesis contributed to the selective leaching of limestones and dolomites and led to formation of secondary cavities and caverns, different in shape and size. The predominance of cavities of certain types determines the type of reservoir, among which are distinguished pores, pore-caverns and joint caverns. The processes of diagenesis and katagenesis are associated with the dissolution of carbonate material, which differently affects the reservoir properties of sediments. Authigenous mineral formation, with the exception of dolomitization, impairs the reservoir properties of the Upper Jurassic carbonate rocks, and recrystallization improves.

Burial of carbonate rocks at depth contributes to the preservation and even improvement of their reservoir properties both due to dissolution and textural heterogeneity (jointing develops at the boundary of the elements of textural heterogeneity). Observations show that the most favourable in this respect are organogenic and detrital varieties of carbonate rocks. The presence of clay minerals in the composition of their cement increases the textural heterogeneity and, as a consequence, the ability to formation of joints.


carbonate rocks, sedimentogenesis, diagenesis, katagenesis, reservoir properties, Upper Jurassic, Carpathian Foredeep


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023 > 86–104

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023, 86–104


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, е-mail: itpopp


The aim of this work is to show the evolution of geological-paleoceanographic and geochemical conditions of sedimentation in the segment of Carpathians of the Tethys Ocean. And also, selection of the basic stages of sedimentogenesis, to which the formation of oil and gas parent and oil- and gas-bearing deposits is timed.

In the article, the authors showed the lithologic-genetic classification of the Cretaceous-Paleogene flysch of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Authors distinguished the lithologic-geochemical types of sedimentation son the basis of geochemical terms of sedimentation, and also lithologic-facies types of sedimentation on the basis of features of terrigenous sedimentation.

Four stages of sedimentogenesis in the history of geological and paleoceanographic development of the Carpathian sedimentary basinare described in the article: Early Cretaceous (stage I), Late Cretaceous (stage II), Paleocene-Eocene (stage III), Oligocene-Early Miocene (stage IV), each of which has specific geochemical conditions of sedimentogenesis and diagenesis.

It is shown that forming of Cretaceous-Paleogene flysch deposits of Ukrainian Carpathians took place under action of very changeable geological-paleoceanographic and geochemical factors the joint action of that stipulated oil and gas capacity of this sedimentary complex. The thick series of psamitolites were formed in periods of avalanche terrigenous sedimentation, that are the reservoirs of hydrocarbons. Formation of bituminous parent-rocks-of-oil siliceous-clayed sedimentation is related to deceleration of processes of terrigenous sedimentation and phases of ocean anoxic events of ОАЕ-1 (Barremian–Albian) and ОАЕ-4 (Oligocene).


Carpathian flysch basin, sedimentogenesis, flysch, geological-paleoceanographic and geochemical conditions, oil and gas potential


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023 > 74–85

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023, 74–85

Volodymyr HNIDETS1, Kostjantin HRIGORCHUK2, Lina BALANDIUK

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:;


The paper examines the features of the lithological-lithmological structure and the regime of catagenesis of the Silurian sediments of the Lishchynska and Rava-Ruska sections of Volyno-Podillya. It is shown that in the direction from the southwest to the northeast, the role of carbonate rocks in the composition of the stratum increases, which is connected with the established facies zonation. However, the structure of the section in these areas is different: in Rava-Ruska, it is more thinly layered. The sediments are also characterized by the spatial and age heterogeneity of the distribution of carbonate lithmites: in the first case, they tend to the boundary of the Upper and Lower and the middle of the Upper Silurian, and in the second case, they are developed in the tops of the Lower, in the lower, middle, and upper parts of the Upper Silurian. Attention is drawn to the significant role of clay and the absence of marl formations in the deposits of the Rava-Ruska-1 well, which testifies to the heterogeneity of sedimentation conditions in the mesopelagial of the Silurian basin. The cyclic nature of Silurian sedimentation is established. At the same time, four regressive episodes are recorded in the Lishchynska area, and five in Rava-Ruska, which may indicate a certain specificity of sedimentation conditions in different parts of the basin. The latter directly affects the peculiarity of the spatial-age distribution of reservoir rocks and aquifers. It is shown that the post-sedimentation transformations are mainly related to the development of authigenic silica and calcite, which is found in both clayey and carbonate rocks. A significant difference in the history of the formation of the oil and gas systems of the Lishchynska and Rava-Ruska areas has been established, which allows us to assess their prospects differently. Thus, in the first case, the generation potential of organic matter of Silurian sediments was largely exhausted by the end of the Mesozoic. In the second, large-scale processes of generation and migration of hydrocarbon fluids began only in Paleogene-Neogene time.


Volynо-Podillya, Silurian sediments, lithological structure, cyclicity, catagenesis


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023 > 61–73

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023, 61–73


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


In the work, the knowledge about the geological structure and evolution of the Marmarosh Massif (part of the Dacia terrane or the larger Tisza–Dacia terrane) of the Ukrainian Carpathians is supplemented and summarized. The geodynamic conditions of the formation of the Marmarosh massif are reconstructed in the context of the general evolution of the folded border of the East European craton on the basis of the author’s geological observations and with taking into account previous data. Detailed geological mapping was carried out to identify some areas, the results of which are partially published on the State Geological Map of Ukraine. The Marmarosh massif of the Central Eastern Carpathians is represented by a crystalline basement, which includes pre-Hercynian and Hercynian metamorphosed complexes, and a late Paleozoic – Cenozoic cover of unmetamorphosed or weakly metamorphosed sediments. The Precambrian basement Bilyi Potik and Dilove formations are metamorphosed up to amphibolite (possibly to granulite?) facies. Vendian – Early Paleozoic volcanogenic-terrigenous and carbonate weakly metamorphosed Berlebash and Megura formations are correlated with the Tulghes Formation (Romania), that compared with the remains of an ancient accretionary prism and volcanic arc. This prism/arc could belong to the Avalonia microcontinent, which collided with Baltica in the Early Paleozoic. The collision caused the formation of the pre-Alpine Caledonian thrust structure of the Marmarosh massif basement. Paleozoic volcanogenic-sedimentary, carbonate, and terrigenous complexes (Kuzya Formation in Ukraine, and Rusaia, Repedea and Cimpoiasa formations in Romania) were accumulated in a rift basin, the closure of which caused the Hercynian tectogenesis. Late Paleozoic coal-bearing Kvasnyi Formation and red-colored Krasnyi Pleso Formation are belonged to epi-Hercynian molasse and to the cover of the Marmarosh crystalline massif.

Jurassic rifting and spreading led to the separation of the Dacia microcontinent and the formation of a (sub)oceanic basin between Dacia microcontinent and Eurasia. This basin is now marked by the Fore-Marmarosh suture zone. The dipping of the Dacia into the subduction zone, which was inclined to the west, could have caused the formation of the Marmarosh basement nappes and their thrust eastward towards the Fore-Marmarosh basin (future Carpathian flysch basin). An accretionary flysch prism grew in front of the Marmarsh nappes, a significant part of the prism sank under the Marmarosh nappes (=crystalline massif) where it could generate hydrocarbons, which allows us to support the assumption about the prospects of the under Marmarosh nappes flysch autochthon.


Ukrainian Carpathians, Tisza–Dacia terrain, Marmarosh Massif, basement nappes


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023 > 45–60

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023, 45–60

Myroslava YAKOVENKO1, Yurii KHOKHA2

Institute of Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:;


This article discusses the features of peat analysis using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis in order to study its qualitative and quantitative elemental composition, including heavy metals. The distribution of chemical elements is an indicator of various processes in geochemical and biological systems, by using of which it is possible to reproduce the conditions of accumulation of mineral deposits. This analysis is an important component of a comprehensive study of peat formation features, the environmental friendliness of peat extraction, and also for determining the suitability of peat for industrial use.

We analyzed the content of chemical elements in peat samples taken at different depths using a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The article considers the main characteristics of the spectrum of individual elements, depending on the atomic number.

In order to establish the general regularity of the distribution of 20 chemical elements in peat samples, we performed a mathematical and statistical analysis of the obtained data: calculation of the main statistical characteristics of chemical elements distribution (average, minimum and maximum values, median, variance, coefficient of variation, etc.), calculation of correlation matrices, selection of typomorphic geochemical associations of chemical elements using cluster and factor analyses. We singled out two types of factors that are decisive and influence the accumulation of chemical elements in the investigated peat: “organogenic” and “natural” (lithological), which are decisive, and a secondary factor –anthropogenic.

We compared the obtained results with the average values obtained from the results of spectral semi-quantitative analysis of peat ash samples taken at depths of 0.1–7 m in the same region. We evaluated the possibility and efficiency of using a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for the analysis of the macro- and microelement composition of peats with different ash content.

It has been established that portable X-ray fluorescence analysis is a powerful tool for fast and high-quality elemental analysis of peat, and the range of its application depends on specific research goals and tasks.


peat, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, XRF, microelement composition, spectrum interpretation


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023 > 37–44

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023, 37–44

Ihor KUROVETS, Oleksandr ZUBKO, Ihor HRYTSYK, Oleksandr PRYKHODKO, Roman-Danyil KUCHER

IInstitute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


We have developed the apparatus-methodical complex of laboratory investigations of fractured reservoir rocks of hydrocarbons. Basing on the study of variability of acoustic properties in different-oriented directions for measuring of raw pieces of core, it was possible to develop the apparatus for the express-diagnostics of the inner structure of the rock. The results of analysis of anisotropy of acoustic properties of the core give us the possibility to choose the specimens with abnormal properties on which one can conduct further investigations for determination of the factors of heterogeneity of rocks. Measuring of the velocity of longitudinal and transverse oscillations with recording their wave pictures is conducting in the acoustic bath. The acoustic system is equipped with corresponding adapter for connection to the computer that enables us to keep up the recording of all parameters of measuring. To estimate the permeability of microfractures and the influence of composite taut state upon them we have developed the device for studying radial filtration the results of which allow us to estimate the rock permeability due to the change in the structure and microfractures size depending upon the value and the character of the taut state. To measure deformational-strength parameters the corresponding plant was developed and produced, which was additionally equipped with a meter for the measuring of deformation, that allows to measure the values of contact strength, elasticity module and the boundary of rock strength while one-axis charging. The parameters are determined at arbitrary points of the core cuts, and the velocity of charging is half-automatically regulated at a wide bounds. The device is equipped with the electron controller that allows us not only to measure the value of contact strength, but to conduct observations on a display as to the changes in deformation depending on the charging value in real time and to put down the parameters of investigations into corresponding data base. Obtained characteristic of rocks is not only parametric basis for interpretation of materials of charging, but for the estimation of the changes in volume, type of porous space and permeability, and also for modelling of formation conditions of fractured reservoir, and on the whole, for prediction of zones (plots) where a dense rock with corresponding mechanical parameters should acquire the properties of the collector. The usage of the complex for the studying of fracturing in oil geology allows us to widen the prognosis and discovery of new fields and to improve production and exploitation possibilities of already acting ones.


apparatus-methodical complex, fractured reservoir rocks, acoustic waves, deformational-strength parameters


Krupskyi, Yu. Z., Kurovets, I. M., Senkovskyi, Yu. M., Mykhailov, V. A., Chepil, P. M., Dryhant, D. M., Shlapinskyi, V. Ye., Koltun, Yu. V., Chepil, V. P., Kurovets, S. S., & Bodlak, V. P. (2014). Netradytsiini dzherela vuhlevodniv Ukrainy: Vol. 2. Zakhidnyi naftohazonosnyi rehion. Kyiv: Nika-Tsentr. [in Ukrainian]

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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023 > 31–36

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023, 31–36


1, 3, 4 Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
2 LLC “BURPROEKT”, Lviv, Ukraine


The purpose of the work is to assess the reliability of the results of geological and geophysical studies of complex-constructed Neogene deposits by electrical methods and to develop optimally reliable approaches to the selection of hydrocarbon-saturated rocks with an assessment of their reservoir parameters. In addition, to establish the factors that affect the ambiguity of geological and geophysical conclusions in the process of research of complex lithological and stratigraphic strata, which ultimately causes the omission of reservoir rocks saturated with hydrocarbons. The obtained experimental results of the research of the core material taken from the wells of the adjacent gas condensate fields made it possible to identify the main factors and parameters that determine the filtration-capacity parameters of Neogene deposits. Based on the above, there is a need to substantiate and develop methodological aspects of the use of electrical methods to determine the nature of reservoir rock saturation and to determine the dynamics of water-gas-condensate contacts. The subject of research is the electrical parameters of water- and gas-saturated reservoir rocks. In addition, the substantiation of the effect of pressure and temperature on the performance of electrical methods in the process of researching complex-constructed Neogene reservoir rocks and the peculiarities of the dynamics of changes in water-oil and gas-water contacts. The decrease in oil and gas production from complex geological sections is due to both economic and technological factors that arise in the process of researching the lithological and stratigraphic strata of the Bilche-Volytsa zone. The geological structure of the above-mentioned territories is extremely complex and represents, in particular in the Bilche-Volitsa zone, a classically expressed wing of the platform type, weakly dislocated by upper Miocene molasses.


geophysical studies of monomictic and polymictic reservoir rocks of complex structure, gamma spectrometry, litho-stratigraphic section, clay content, water saturation, porosity, resistivity


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023 > 20–30

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023, 20–30


Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The Middle Devonian deposits within the Lviv Depression of the Volyn-Podillya plate are largely underexplored and are of great interest for further exploration for hydrocarbons. The presence of two discovered gas fields and the occurrence of granular and fractured reservoir rocks within the entire Lviv Depression point that the deposits of this age range are prospective for further exploration works for hydrocarbons. The authors conducted mineralogical and petrographic studies of these strata in order to study different types of reservoir rocks.

Petrographic studies of terrigenous rocks showed that the reservoir rocks are composed of fine-grained and medium-grained sandstones, as well as fine-grained and coarse-grained siltstones. The matrix in these rocks is contact-porous and contact, composed of dolomitized calcite (4–19 %) and hydromica (3–13 %). Regardless of the type of matrix, the pore space in rocks is formed by intergranular spaces of 0.05 to 0.5 mm size. Siltstone-sandstone deposits represent the granular-type reservoir rocks, the filtration properties of which are formed by the intergranular space, while fractures are of subordinate importance. Terrigenous rocks form gas-bearing horizons in Middle Devonian (Eiffelian and Zhivetian) in the Lokachi field of the Lviv Depression. Carbonate rocks are represented by a wide range of lithological types from slightly dolomitized biodetrital limestones to secondary dolomites. Dolomitization and recrystallization form fracture-like microcaverns with a size of up to 0.5 mm and result in a high porosity of up to 9 %. In carbonate reservoir rocks fracturing is prevailing, while porosity has a subordinate value.

Studies of the molecular composition of natural gases from reservoir rocks of the Middle Devonian of the Lokachi field showed that their predominant component is methane. Its content is 92.7–95.4 vol %. The rest of the methane homologues account for 1.45–2.16 vol %. The total share of non-hydrocarbon gases – nitrogen, carbon dioxide, helium and hydrogen are 3.102–5.082 vol %.

In order to clarify the origin of the Middle Devonian gases of the Lviv Depression, further studies of the carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen isotopic composition of these gases and the study of the generation properties of the Lower and Middle Devonian rocks of the studied region are necessary.


Lviv Depression, Middle Devonian, reservoir rocks, mineralogical and petrographic composition of rocks, molecular composition of gases


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Home > Archive > No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023 > 7–19

Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals No. 3–4 (191–192) 2023, 7–19

Yaroslav LAZARUK, Myroslav PAVLYUK

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The southern part of the Dobrogea Foredeep is located in the southwestern regions of Ukraine within the Odesa region. Here, on the territory of the uplifted Bilolissya block, the East Sarata, Zhovtyjar, Saryjar, Zarichna oil accumulations are located in the chemogenic-carbonate layer of the Middle and Upper Devonian. The deposits are confined to limestones and dolomites with secondary fractured-cavernous-porous reservoirs. They lie at depths of 2500–3200 m. During the test of two dozen wells, the filtrate of the drilling fluid with a small amount of oil was received with the estimated flow rates of several tons per day. The rise of the oil level in the wells was quickly stopped, the hydrodynamic connection of the wells with the productive formations was lost. The use of today’s known methods of intensification of the flow of hydrocarbon fluids did not lead to positive results. According to the research of microphotographs of reservoir rocks, it is proved that the largest voids of reservoir rocks are filled with immobile bitumen, while the smaller cavities contain mobile oil. Immobile bitumen fills main channels and blocks communication between rock cavities. This is the main reason for the absence of industrial inflows of oil to the wells. Another important reason is the low filtering properties of the collectors. Most of them have a permeability of less than 0.01∙μD. Other reasons for the failure of the industrial development of oil deposits are the high dynamic viscosity of oil due to the high content of asphaltenes, silicagel resins, paraffins, the low energy potential of oil deposits due to their degassing during the long geological time, as well as the lack of hydrodynamic connection of oil deposits with natural water pressure systems. We assume that the Middle and Upper Devonian oil fields of the Western Fore-Black Sea area are most likely mainly bituminous. Given the significant depths of the deposits, their industrial development is technically impossible today. Therefore, it is impractical to plan further scientific research on the mentioned complex. Instead, research should be reoriented to the Silurian terrigenous-carbonate complex and the Lower Devonian terrigenous complex, which are hydrodynamically more closed and in which non-degassed hydrocarbon accumulations can be preserved.


oil, bitumen, deposit, oil traps, carbonate reservoir, terrigenous complex, hydrocarbon reserves, exploration and development of deposits


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